They say the best things come in small packages...well that couldn't be more true of Alpines. And this week - if you needed convincing - Luke Whiting of Alpine Specialists D'Arcy & Everest is along to prove how wonderful they are. From their hardiness, to the range of situations you can grow them in, and of course their stunning flowers and foliage, Luke shares just a smidgen of the treasures they grow and sell. Plus how a Spiderweb came to his rescue on a mission to get Habranthus seed and why a Baked Bean Alpine is a winner!
Alan Gray (East Ruston Old Vicarage) and Thordis are building up their wishlists. By the end of the episode, we're sure you'll have a few FLOMOs as well! Talking of which, check out that plant list...
Calceolaria fothergillii
Camassia quamash
Delosperma 'Beaufort West'
Clematis 'Pixie'
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Foxtail'
Delosperma nubigenum
Habranthus tubispathus
Habranthus gracilifolius
Habranthus caeruleus
Rhodohypoxis 'Kiwi Joy'
Rhodohypoxis baurii 'Mars'
Rhodohypoxis 'E.A. Bowles'
Rhodohypoxis 'Jupiter'
Cephalaria gigantea
Allium insubricum
Lewisia tweedyi
Calceolaria paralia 'Lemon Drops'
Calceolaria 'Sunset Orange'
Calceolaria arachnoidea 'Darcies Velvet'
Delphinium nudicaule 'Fox'
Delphinium 'Just Peachy'
Delosperma 'Darcies Smile'
Verbascum 'Golden Wings'
Erigeron scopulinus
Soldanella montana
Allium chrysanthum
Salvia candelabrum