After an inspiring first instalment, packed not only with plants but Christmas gift ideas, Dan Cooper returns with some inspiring plants to light the garden up at this time of year.
There are even species Alan Gray (East Ruston Old Vicarage) hasn't heard of! And some fabulous FLOMO*
*FLOMO = FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out
Entelea arborescens
Ochroma pyramidale
Sparrmannia africana 'Flore Pleno'
Anisodontea 'El Rayo'
Pilea 'Tasmanian Silver'
Tagetes lemmonii
Tagetes minuta
Plectranthus ciliatus 'Nico'
Plectranthus argentatus
Pteris cretica var. albolineata
Correa 'Dusky Bells Variegated'
Correa 'Marian's Marvel'
Begonia koelzii
Begonia grandis
Nerine 'Mr John'
Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette'
Amarine belladiva 'Anastasia'
Amarine belladiva 'Aphrodite'
Amarine belladiva 'Emmannuelle'