The Night Before DrupalCon
Twas the night before DrupalCon
When all through the hotel, Not a developer was coding, not even Crell
The Coffee Mugs were placed by the laptops with care, In hopes that our Dries, soon would be there
The speakers were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of Drupal 8 RC danced in their heads
and my boss in his t-shirt and I in mine too just sat down to the bar to throw back a brew
When out in the hall there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my stool to see what was the matter, out to the hall I stumbled and fell, tore up my new DrupalCon t-shirt and and exclaimed “oh hell”
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a bright yellow taxi driven by a man with a beard, with a spiky haired passenger wearing glasses and jeans I knew in a moment it must be Dries
More rapid than Varnish his contributors they came. and he commented, and messaged and called them by name: Now JJeff! now Quicksketch now Webchick and Nicxvan
On MerlinofChaos On Stella On KarenS and Eaton! To finish the beta blockers, YES, finish them all, Now Code away! Code away! Code away all!
As I held my last brew and was turning around, into the hotel Dries came with a bound.
He was dressed in the typical geek turn CEO garb, but wrinkled and untidy from his trip across the pond.
One-strapping the pack of tech on his back he looked like a man that could use a night cap.
His eyes how they twinkled! His smile how Merry! His glasses were awesome, kind of like Drew Carey.
His code and ideas are legend you know, from a dorm room in Antwerp to a board room so quick, if you think it was luck, you just missed the trick.
With 10 Years of DrupalCon and no signs of slowing, we’re expecting Drupal 8 to keep this show going.
I see in his face, years of spearheading his vision, from Drupal 1 to 7, it’s been a community mission.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, and filled all the coffee cups, then turned with a twerk
The ding of the elevator, up to his room he went. To rest his head before his keynote event
but I heard him exclaim as he walked out of sight Happy DrupalCon to all and to all a good night.