Talking Fast: A Gilmore Girls Podcast
This week, Alexis and Suzanne are joined by Élaina, one half of the Women of Questionable Morals Podcast. They get into the reasons they all critique a show that they love, and then dive into some critiques. Élaina brings some history to the topic of race in Stars Hollow and notes how the show attempts to create distance between the town and any characters of color. Alexis finally finds somebody who knows Edith Wharton enough to have an in-depth conversation about class relations and conspicuous consumption. And Élaina turns the tables and asks some truly stumping questions leading to Suzanne and Alexis having differing conclusions for once. Sariah was missed for this episode, but the WOQMPod duo will definitely be back for another episode.
Find the Women of Questionable Morals Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts, including this link.
Follow them on Instagram @WOQMPod
Find Élaina's book podcast @bookshelfremix and
her philosophy podcast @philoccpod.
Find Sariah's book podcast @bookedsolidpodcast.
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