Talking Heads – a Gardening Podcast
The mellow fruitfulness of Autumn has been heralded by the subtle change in temperature and darker mornings and evenings in the garden. For Lucy Chamberlain and Saul Walker this starts one of their favourite times of year as Lucy's vegetable patch is at maximum yield producing food for East Donyland Hall and Saul revels in the changing colours in the canopies of his precious treescape at Stonelands. So join us throughout the season as we bring tales of crispy leaves, hibernating plants and plenty of pumpkins!
Throughout Spring, Summer and Autumn we think of the Vegetable plots as a hive of growing energy and then a larder of beautiful fruit and veg for our kitchens - but are we guilty of switching of during the winter believing that there not much going on. Well lucy lets Saul know that actually the winter time can be just as busy when it comes to growing, harvesting and planning in the vegetable garden!
Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Lucy @HeadGardenerLC
Intro and Outro music from
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (