Talking Heads – a Gardening Podcast
Long summer days, high temperatures and maximum sunlight are the hall marks of a good summer (lets hope for a little rain though!). The Summer of 2022 is eagerly awaited by all the keen gardens up and down the UK as herbaceous borders, roses, veg gardens and meadows are awash with new plantings, flower and a general sense of abundance that only Summer can bring. Whereas Spring is a steady ramping of growth the Summer is a time for 'peak plant' followed by the mellow and relaxed waning into Autumn - so slap on that sun scream, stick on your favourite summer hat and get out and enjoy all the hard work you've undertaken in your garden!
Lucy and Saul are out and about again. This time working at BBC Gardeners World Autumn Fair held at the beautiful Audley End House and Gardens. The pair have been given the run of the amazing 2.5 acre Walled Garden and along with the gardening team of Louise, Gemma, Kelly, Ursula and Angi they've been waxing lyrical on Fruit and Veg to many of the shows visitors. So sit back and enjoy a few of the sights, sounds and highlights from their weekend.
Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Lucy @HeadGardenerLC
Intro and Outro music from
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (