Talking Heads – a Gardening Podcast
Summer days are here again - sipping G&T on the terrace, lounging in our pools and holidays in the Algarve!? You must be kidding, for Head Gardeners Lucy and Saul it's full-on gardening, as our plots and patches reach the zenith of there horticultural output. This is the season when we really see the results of all those labours over the previous 6 months - colour, texture, scent and flavour all reach their crescendo as the garden provides us with the visual and edible treats that we work so hard for. Enjoy theses long days and wallow in the best gardening has to offer.
With only day's until the start of build-up, we're catching up with Lucy, who along with Audley End Gardeners Gemma Sturges and Kelly Fowler, are designing and building a Grow Your Own Show Garden at BBC Gardeners World Autumn Fair at Audley End. The trio are very experienced gardeners, especially with Fruit and Veg, but have stepped outside their comfort Zone with this Show Garden Project. Plans are best laid, plants have been grown to the peak of perfection and jelly babies are at the ready, as the Trio take the step beyond the familiarity of their usual patches of garden into a world of both excitement and pressure. So how's it been going, are they ready and what is there to look forward to if you are coming to the show, Saul finds out.
Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Gemma @gemma_sturges
Instagram Links:
Lucy headgardenerlc
Gemma madamtuberist
Kelly fedbyplants
Intro and Outro music from
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (