Talking Heads – a Gardening Podcast
Summer days are here again - sipping G&T on the terrace, lounging in our pools and holidays in the Algarve!? You must be kidding, for Head Gardeners Lucy and Saul it's full-on gardening, as our plots and patches reach the zenith of there horticultural output. This is the season when we really see the results of all those labours over the previous 6 months - colour, texture, scent and flavour all reach their crescendo as the garden provides us with the visual and edible treats that we work so hard for. Enjoy theses long days and wallow in the best gardening has to offer.
After nine years working as Head Gardener for East Donyland Hall, Lucy's time at the garden's helm is coming to an end. As she, Ian, Nick and Boo prepare to say goodbye to the almighty walls that have kept them company over the years, she reminisces over the many happy memories that sit within them. Expect tales of badger invasions, wildflower meadow virals, smuggler catacombs, moat fatalities, notebook tete-a-tetes and, of course, kitchen garden feasts. This is the 85-acre garden where Lucy cut her 'head gardener' teeth - it's been a joyful journey for her and privilege to hold that role.
Instagram Links:
Lucy headgardenerlc
Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Intro and Outro music from
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (