Talking Heads – a Gardening Podcast
Winter in the UK is either mild and damp, or cold and windy - and who would want to be outside as a gardener at this time of year - well Saul and Lucy for one, as this time of year is some of the busiest in all the 12 months. While the garden may be slumbering, Head Gardeners and their teams are beavering away on major jobs, garden renovations, cleaning and tidying the years clutter and making plans for 2024. So join us every week to see what we're up to in the cold months in our work and home gardens.
Happy New Year to all our listeners - another turn around the sun is in order, and the Talking Heads Podcast continues into its fifth year (madness I tell you!). So to celebrate what better than sending the Veg and Fruit queen down under. Lucy (with family in tow) have headed to the land of Vegemite and Roos to enjoy some winter time sun (or is that summer!?) and lets us into what she has been admiring in the gardens she has seen, her visits to the local garden centre and her battles with some of the local bird population.
Instagram Links:
Lucy headgardenerlc
Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Intro and Outro music from
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (