Talking Heads – a Gardening Podcast
Lucy and Saul are fully aware that the world has taken a monumental shift - the Coronavirus outbreak has left our little bit of the world in Horticulture reeling both personally and professionally. So we both decided that instead of our longer format episodes every 3 weeks or so - we going to record shorter podcasts, through the week, to bring you a slice of our lives at East Donyland Hall and Stonelands and beyond - trying to bring a little bit of spring and sunshine to your eardrums.
Bank holidays are always gardening weekends in Lucy and Saul's houses - an extra day tending to there own personal patches is always well needed a they spend most of there times tending the larger gardens at Stonelands and East Donyland, but what have they been up to. Well Saul always relishes extra time to learn more about his beloved tropical plants - this time joining an Online Class given live by Fairchild Botanical Garden on Gingers, and Lucy spends more time in her amazing Kitchen Garden at home where among many weird and wonderful veg she is growing Agretti - a halophyte that adds a little crunch to her salads.
(Edit: It was only Monday afternoon when Saul realised it wasn't a Bank Holiday and spent the rest of the day feeling quite stupid as he pottered away in his garden at home. Having said that he's not changing this podcast now!)
Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Lucy @HeadGardenerLC
Intro and Outro music from
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (