Talking Heads – a Gardening Podcast
As the Coronovirus pandemic has changed many aspects of life over the past many months, the gardens and green spaces all across the UK have continued in full glory over the spring - but Summer has arrived and for many the outdoors is the sanctuary from the continued uncertainty of what lies ahead. Head Gardeners Saul and Lucy have still been full at work at Stonelands and Easy Donyland (as well as their own gardens) and continue to share their lives as professional horticulturists, there tips and tricks and their observations of their gardening lives.
For most people June is the time in the garden when all that hard work over the months comes to fruition, and the beauty of the garden is the reward. BUt the amount of growth and jobs to do at this time of year menas even professional gardeners are 'fighting fires' all over the garden. Parts of borders, allotments and woodlands can suddenly becoming a forest of weedy growth, not all the staking has been done and climbing plants all over need constant attention to keep them attached to their supports. In this episode Lucy and Saul admit to how they deal with those jobs they just haven't got round to doing and how just an hour here and there can help enormously.
Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Lucy @HeadGardenerLC
Intro and Outro music from
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (