Talking Heads – a Gardening Podcast
Summer is upon us at last! The warmer weather seems much overdue this year, so Lucy and Saul are relieved to at last see the abundance of growth that this season can bring. This explosion requires selective intervention and management, so get ready for lively conversations about how these two experienced Head Gardeners keep calm - and cool - during the garden's peak period.
Before we finally get to Episode 100 - Saul takes his microphone on a small field trip to the Orchard Meadow at Stonelands. His proudest achievement at Stonelands the slow and patient creation of the meadow at Stonelands is a annual highlight to his garden management, so he takes some time to discuss his thoughts on how he is creating and managing the space to focus on local and native wild flowers and allowing the space to evolve under its own design.
Twitter links:
Saul @GardeningSaul
Lucy @HeadGardenerLC
Intro and Outro music from
"Fireflies and Stardust" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (