In the personality structure, there are always some child components, not only as the roots of personality but as active elements at any time. This panel shows some vicissitudes in working with the inner child in the analytical session. Three analysts from different regions and traditions will offer clinical vignettes and theoretical reflections on the subject.
Abel Fainstein, Argentina
Melinda Gellman, United States
Sérgio Lewkowicz, Brazil
Antonio Pérez-Sánchez, Spain
Please visit to explore the extensive program and to register. The 52nd IPA Congress will be held online from July 21st to August 1st, and by visiting our program you can set your schedule to suit your personal time zone.
Abel Fainstein MD. Psychiatrist. Mag. in Psychoanalysis. Full Member, Training Analyst and former President of the Argentine Psychoanalytical Association. Former President of FEPAL. Former member of the IPA Board and Ex Com. Member of the Institutional Issue Committee and Advisor of the IRED. Konex Award in Psychoanalysis 2016. Private Practice. Supervisor. Professor at the Angel Garma Institute of APA and at the Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires.
Melinda Gellman is a graduate and faculty at New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy; faculty at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy in New York City; and adjunct faculty at Austin Riggs Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
Sergio Lewkowicz is training and supervising psychoanalyst of the Porto Alegre Psychoanalytic Society (SPPA). He was the Scientific Director of the Latin American Psychoanalytic Federation (FEPAL). He is professor and supervisor for psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the Psychiatry Department of the Medical School of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He was president and chair of the Institute of the Porto Alegre Psychoanalycal Society where he teaches regularly in a weekly basis. He was member of the Programme Committee of the 43rd Congress in New Orleans (2004) where he was the plenary session discussant of the Keynote Papers. He is a former member of the Publications Committee of the IPA (2001-2009), former member of the website task force of IPA (2012-2014). He is former Latin American Deputy Editor of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis and former Editor of the Psychiatry Journal of Rio Grande do Sul. He has edited and published several books and articles.
Antonio Pérez-Sánchez is a psychiatrist, training and supervising analyst at the Spanish Psychoanalytical Society (SEP). Past president of SEP (2008–2011). He is the author of five books. His last two books are The Psychotic Organization of the Personality (2018) and Interview and Indicators in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (2019, 2ª Edition in Spanish, and in English in 2014). He is chair of the Sponsoring Committee of the IPA for the Portuguese Study Group, Nucleo Portuguese de Psicoanalisi, and member of the European team of the IPA-Interregional Encyclopedic Dictionary.
The Children of Nathan Starr (1835) Ambrose Andrews. Courtesy Met Museum, New York.