44 avsnitt • Längd: 65 min • Månadsvis
Tantra Illuminated with Dr. Christopher Wallis is a journey through the depths of the human experience, as viewed through the lens of the tradition called nondual Shaiva Tantra. This multi-format podcast, hosted by professional Sanskritist and scholar-practitioner Dr. Christopher Wallis, delves into the fascinating world of Classical Tantra and its intersections with philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, healing arts, and the broader world of spirituality. Discover how the ancient wisdom of Classical Tantra offers profound insights for today’s world, and prepare to challenge conventional narratives about self, reality, and consciousness. The aim is to inspire, educate, and ignite transformative conversations. The podcast includes four types of episodes: conversations with prominent spiritual teachers and philosophers, readings of translations from luminous Sanskrit scriptures, guided meditations, and contemplative reflections. Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings and courses at tantrailluminated.org. Podcast Art by Jesse Molina camatkaracreative.com.
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The podcast Tantra Illuminated with Dr. Christopher Wallis is created by Christopher Hareesh Wallis. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
This week’s episode features an archival conversation from about four years ago during the pandemic with J. Brown, host of the Yoga Talks podcast. J. Brown has been practicing yoga for over 25 years and is widely known as a writer and industry-leading podcaster. His signature offering is a deeply breath-centered, therapeutic yoga practice inspired by the TKV Desikachar tradition, aimed at fostering well-being and reducing pain. J. Brown's journey into yoga began as a way to process his mother’s death, seeking freedom from the grief and disillusionment that accompanied it. Starting with Ashtanga and Iyengar styles, J. eventually found his way to a therapeutic approach through the teachings of Swami P. Saraswati and the Krishnamacharya tradition. He teaches that yoga is not a linear progression but a practice of learning how to care for oneself. In this conversation, we explore the evolving dynamics of yoga practice and the teacher-student relationship. The discussion covers themes such as balancing devotion and discernment, the challenges of navigating modern spirituality, and common misconceptions about awakening. It highlights the importance of aligning one’s practice, goals, and philosophical view to bring clarity to the spiritual path, offering valuable insights into the role of teachers and the transformative power of yoga.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This episode features a reading of Alexis Sanderson's second article, first published in 1986, entitled Mandala and Āgamic Identity in the Trika of Kashmir. Here Sanderson focuses on the esoteric and ritualistic dimensions of the Trika tradition in medieval Kashmir. In this article, we explore the themes of tantric initiation, the mandala as a tool for self-realization, and the concept of āgamic identity, which Sanderson describes as the aspirant's union with the deity self. These practices are shown to dissolve the boundaries of individual identity, replacing them with an all-encompassing awareness of the cosmos as Shiva consciousness.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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In this episode, we talk to Tina Rasmussen, Ph.D., meditation teacher, Buddhist practitioner, and author of Practising the Jhānas. Tina shares her remarkable path of awakening, which began at the age of 13 and unfolded through profound solo retreats, including a transformative year-long retreat in 2003. She discusses her experiences as the first Western woman to complete the detailed jhāna path in the Burmese lineage under the guidance of meditation master Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw, who later authorized her to teach. Tina also shares her journey of taking refuge with Tsoknyi Rinpoche, a Tibetan Dzogchen teacher, and her initiation into the Nyingma lineage. This conversation explores Tina’s work integrating spiritual awakening into everyday life, her transition from being drawn to monasticism to embracing the dynamism of modern life, and the challenges of weaving awakening into daily relationships. Topics include non-attachment, the transformative potential of practices like jhāna and somatic inquiry, and the embodiment of spiritual realizations.
There some audio quality imperfections in this episode, but we hope the insights shared more than make up for it.
Tina Rasmussen’s Luminous Mind Sangha fosters awakening and its embodiment in worldly life through the application of authentic, rigorous Buddhist and modern practices.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This episode offers a special reading of Alexis Sanderson's groundbreaking academic article, Purity and Power among the Brāhmans of Kashmir. Professor Emeritus of Eastern Religions and Ethics at the University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow of All Souls College, Sanderson is widely regarded as the greatest living scholar of Tantric studies in the Western world. His illustrious 40-year career began with this article, written after 14 years of meticulous research, and it remains one of the most impressive first publications by a scholar in the field. The reading explores the interplay of purity and power within Indian religious traditions, examining the dynamic relationships between the orthodoxy of Brahmanic purity, the transformative practices of Tantric traditions, and the visionary radicalism of heterodox movements in medieval Kashmir (8th–12th centuries). While the reading is substantial, the second half contains some truly remarkable passages that are well worth the journey.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week’s episode features an archival interview with Jacob Kyle, yoga and meditation teacher, writer, philosophy educator, and founder of Embodied Philosophy, an online educational platform for wisdom studies and contemplative practices, as well as host of the Chitheads podcast. The conversation explores the role of the scholar-practitioner in bridging the gap between rigorous academic scholarship and lived spiritual practice. The discussion delves into the distinction between awakening and liberation, emphasizing that while awakening involves recognizing one’s true nature, liberation requires the integration of that awakening into daily life. They also examine the challenges of bringing spiritual realizations into relationships and daily conduct, highlighting the importance of integration to avoid spiritual bypassing. Additionally, the conversation contrasts non-dual Shaiva Tantra with other traditions, offering insights into the philosophical and practical relevance of these teachings in everyday life.
Get 25% off Embodied Philosophy’s Wisdom School for life with the coupon code ILLUMINATED25.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week's episode is a guided meditation centered on a simple yet profound somatic inquiry: What might it feel like to listen with the whole body? We are invited to listen to the whole of experience, cultivating presence by tuning into the vibrancy of awareness. Through gentle attention, we explore what it means to listen, not just with the ears, but with the entirety of our body. The meditation concludes with a beautiful Sanskrit verse from the Upanishads, reminding us of the wholeness at the heart of all existence. Take this time to settle into stillness and embrace the experience of simply being.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This episode features a conversation with Kiran Trace, a renowned teacher, speaker, and author who has helped thousands of people worldwide on their path to awakening. Kiran has developed a powerful set of tools to support people in freeing themselves from suffering and integrating their spiritual awakening into daily life. Her own journey began with a radical, spontaneous awakening—with no prior spiritual training or context. In a transformative moment, she died and instantly became the vastness of pure presence and being, and then had to find her way back into form and normality. Through this experience, she gained insights that she shares in her book Tools for Sanity. In this conversation, Kiran shares her story of self-discovery and healing, providing insights into releasing trauma and reconnecting with the innate vibrancy of awareness. Topics include the challenges of integrating deep spiritual experiences, the journey from suffering to freedom, and the creation of tools that empower others to transform what Eckhart Tolle might call their "pain bodies." With her fresh and candid perspective, Kiran offers a unique view of how awakening can unfold and deepen in unexpected ways.
Take Kiran’s free course here.
Send an email to [email protected] with the subject ‘Ready for FYM!’ to receive 50% off the course Free Your Mind.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This episode concludes our reading of Chapter Five of Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra. Here, we learn about The Rite of the Phonemes, or varṇa-uccāra (also known as varṇa-vidhi) in Sanskrit, exploring teachings on two of the most significant bīja mantras of the Trika lineage, the seed syllables of dissolution and creation. These mantras are uniquely powerful by virtue of their inherent vibrational potency which doesn’t require their conceptual understanding. They are divinely revealed vibrations, the innate vibrancy of awareness itself, that transcend the need for conceptual representation by the mind.
You can read the text in the related blog post here.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week’s episode features an archival conversation with Ben Joffe and Katherine Bennett, exploring what it means to practice tantrik sādhanā in today’s world. We share personal stories about our journey as scholar-practitioners, discussing how to balance academic rigor with spiritual practice, and how to integrate philosophical study with lived experience. The conversation touches on the critical role of initiation in tantrik traditions, the importance of having a guru, and how these practices have evolved in contemporary contexts. We draw parallels between the historically guarded nature of tantric teachings and the more accessible forms available today, addressing the challenges faced by modern practitioners who want to engage with these spiritual systems in an authentic way.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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In this solo episode, we talk about one of the most fundamental aspects of tantric practice which is the alignment of view, practice, and goal in the non-dual Shaiva Tantra tradition. Our practice must be empowered by a view of reality that aligns with our ultimate goal, because without this alignment, even the most diligent practice may not lead to the desired outcome. Traditionally, the threefold goal of tantric practic is awakening (bodha), liberation (mokṣa or mukti), and enjoyment (bhōga). What we call awakening (bodha) is just really a form of clarified and intensified awareness of the nature of reality which begins with awakening to our true nature - to our own fundamental being. This process liberates ourselves from mental constructs, and egoic conditionings and limitations, and ultimately from suffering. The view of reality, as expressed and explained here, serves as a foundation that nurtures and sustains this transformative process. Only then, awakening can open the door to liberation, which means to freedom, and to the full enjoyment of life.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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In this week's episode, we welcome Dr. Shamil Chandaria, a philanthropist, entrepreneur, technologist, and academic with interdisciplinary research interests spanning computational neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and the philosophy and science of human wellbeing. His PhD from the London School of Economics focused on the mathematical modeling of economic systems, and he later earned an MA in philosophy from University College London. Here, he developed an interest in the philosophy of science and explored philosophical issues in biology, neuroscience, and ethics. In 2018, Shamil contributed to founding the Global Priorities Institute at Oxford University—an interdisciplinary research center addressing humanity's most pressing issues. The following year, he co-founded the Centre for Psychedelic Research in the Department of Brain Sciences at Imperial College London, which investigates psychedelic therapies for conditions like treatment-resistant depression. He has also supported research on the neuroscience of meditation at Harvard and the University of California, Berkeley. Shamil is not only a brilliant mind but also a person with a great, open heart, whose smile and enthusiasm are infectious. In our conversation, we discuss the intersections between spirituality, meditative practices, and neuroscience—how the latest brain science connects spiritual experiences with emerging understanding in the field. Shamil introduces the ‘free energy’ approach—a paradigm developed over the last 15 years in neuroscience, also known as predictive processing or active inference. We look into questions such as: Why does conscious experience exist at all? What is the brain's goal in experiencing? How do neurotransmitters function? What role does the self play? Why do we get to act as we do? How does this model interact with the tantric view of reality? And many more topics.
Read Ruben Laukkonen & Shamil Chandaria’s latest paper: A beautiful loop: An active inference theory of consciousness
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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In this episode, I was interviewed by Ralph Cree for his "Evolving Spiritual Practice” podcast. Ralph, a seasoned traveler with extensive studies in Central Asian and ancient Indian religions as well as the world’s shamanic traditions, also has a profound interest in psychedelics and entheogens. Our conversation explores the core themes of my latest book, "Near Enemies of the Truth," addressing spiritual misconceptions in contemporary culture and the nuanced truths they often obscure. This dialogue was recorded shortly after the book’s release last year.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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In this episode, we continue with the scriptural reading from Abhinavagupta's "Tantrasāra," specifically with the second part of Chapter Five, titled "Illumination of the Individual/Embodied Method (ānava-upāya)." Here the focus is on the practice of prāṇa-uccāra, the elevation of the life-force.
In this chapter, Abhinavagupta presents some esoteric teachings in the form of homologies, associations, between the five prāṇa-vāyus, the five cakras, the five (or six) stages of bliss, and the five mystical experiences that one can experience in these yogic processes. These associations are elucidated with clarity in this blogpost. The episode includes a guided meditation to illustrate how to engage with these teachings, offering a practical application.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week's episode features Dr. Ruben Laukkonen, an accomplished researcher in meditation and altered states of consciousness. With a PhD on insight experiences from the University of Queensland and postdoctoral work on the neuroscience of meditation at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Ruben now serves as an assistant professor at Southern Cross University. His research investigates some of the rarest states of consciousness available to human beings, utilizing methods like neuroimaging and phenomenology. A recipient of multiple awards, Ruben combines an eclectic contemplative background from traditions such as Zen, Advaita, and Theravada with a deep experiential understanding of altered states of consciousness, meditation, and awakening. In our discussion, Ruben shares insights from his personal journey and his experience of reality throughout it.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week's episode revisits a conversation with Adam Keen from the Keen on Yoga podcast. Originally recorded in mid-2023, this discussion offers a personal glimpse into my journey, complemented by rapid-fire questions about Classical Tantra, neo-tantra, and hatha yoga, among other topics. We delve into the nuances of the Yoga Sutras, reincarnation, the process of digesting experiences for resolution, and connecting to the subtle body during yoga asana practice. It’s a comprehensive chat that blends personal insights with spirituality.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week's episode features a conversation with Josh Schrei, a writer, teacher, and lifelong student of cosmologies and mythologies, particularly those from the Indian subcontinent. Throughout his life, Josh has explored the animate spaces of the imagination through teaching, meditation, yogic practice, wilderness immersion, art, music, and public speaking. He is the founder of The Emerald podcast, which hosts interviews with award-winning authors and luminaries, exploring human experiences through the lenses of myth, story, and imagination. The podcast challenges conventional narratives on topics ranging from politics to literature. In this double-barreled conversation, Josh first interviews me about the role of guardianship and protector deities in Tantra, and the complex dynamics of spiritual protection in a non-dual interconnected universe. Then, I interview Josh about his personal journey and the experiences that have significantly shaped him.
Support Josh on Patreon.
You can find a traditional daily space-clearing practice here (create a free account to access).
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week's episode is a meditation practice in which we focus on fully feeling all the subtle sensations in our body, from the pelvic floor to the crown of the head. Beginning from a place of grounded awareness in the body, we are invited to explore the physical and energetic realms of our being. The practice gradually moves through our energy centers emphasizing direct experience over visualization, with the aim to be fully present with emotions and their associated sensations.
This 40-minute meditation is divided into three stages. If you have 18 minutes, you can complete the first part (01:20 - 19:17). For 24 minutes, continue through the second part (01:20 - 25:20). With 40 minutes, you can experience the entire meditation.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week’s episode features an archival interview with Amisha Ghadiali, founder of a conscious jewelry brand, speaker, author, and facilitator. Her podcast, All That We Are (formerly known as The Future is Beautiful), explores the intersections of activism, the sacred, creativity, and regeneration—spaces where our inner and outer worlds dance. From healing trauma to connecting with nature, embracing new technologies, and rediscovering ancient wisdom, the aim is to move beyond silos into an integrated way of being. Here Amisha and Christopher delve into the true meaning of being a yogi, exploring the inner dimensions of yoga and tantra beyond common interpretations. They discuss how authentic yogic practices involve deep internal cultivation rather than merely physical postures, aiming for a state of unified awareness and self-mastery. The conversation also touches on how yoga and tantra intersect with everyday life, including politics and activism.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week’s episode is a scriptural reading from the Spanda-kārikā, or the Stanzas on Divine Pulsation, by the great 9th-century tantrik master Kallaṭa from Kashmir. The Spanda-kārikā is a foundational text of Kashmir Shaivism or nondual Shaiva Tantra, and it explores the dynamic nature of consciousness and how we can access it to live an awakened and liberated life. This episode presents a straightforward translation of the scripture, allowing the teachings to simmer in you on a deeper level beyond the mental or intellectual. For further insight, commentary on the text is available across three blog posts: 'First Flow,' 'Second Flow,' and 'Third Flow.'
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org. For those keen to delve even deeper into the Spanda-kārikā, subscribers to the portal also gain access to an online retreat and a scriptural study course, both dedicated to this foundational text.
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This week's episode features a conversation with Artur Appazov, a Stanford graduate international criminal lawyer who experienced a really profound shift during one of our immersion programs. The shift led to a year and a half of intensive integration practice to stabilize, ground, and fully integrate his realization. Artur shares his journey, detailing how the awakening process initially unfolded within him and his current perception of self and reality. He discusses how nondual inquiry, the continuous recognition of truth, and psychological work are interconnected, and explores the apparent paradoxes the mind must navigate to arrive at clarity. This episode provides a clear, vivid first-person account of a deep transformative awakening and how reality appears from this perspective.
Artur runs a transformative coaching practice and one that focuses specifically on nondual realization.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This episode features a scriptural reading from Chapter Five of Abhinavagupta's "Tantrasāra," The Essence of Tantra. In this chapter, titled “Illumination of the Individual/Embodied Method (ānava-upāya),” we receive specific practices that you can incorporate into your daily practice sessions. These practices engage the body-mind through imagination (buddhi) with powerful meditative visualization (dhyāna), movement of vital energy (prāṇa) in both subtle and less subtle forms, specific bodily poses (karaṇa), and ritual practices (pūjā). Each practice is designed to enable awakening to the true nature of reality. Notably, the first practice we share in this episode is a meditative visualization that, to our knowledge, is not publicly available elsewhere. We hope it enriches your practice.
You can read Chapter Five (Part One) here.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week’s episode features an archival interview by Ashton Szabo, dedicated yogi and co-founder of The Alchemy Yoga Center in Bali. The interview was recorded just before the release of The Recognition Sutras. It centers around this 11th-century tantric text, the Pratyabhijñāhṛdaya, which means “The Essence of the Recognition Philosophy”—recognition, that is, of oneself as a direct expression of the universal divine Consciousness. Recognition also that this Consciousness is, in truth, all that exists, and that its five fundamental powers of awareness, enjoyment, willing, knowing, and acting are the sacred endowments of every sentient being. Our conversation highlights how the text illuminates the non-dual nature of existence—where divine Consciousness is not merely transcendent but intimately woven into the fabric of everyday life and the practical applications of this recognition.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week's solo episode clearly and precisely explains the energy body, or subtle body (sūkṣma-śarīra), as understood in Classical Tantra—the tradition that originated these terms. I share precise definitions of terms such as nādī (energy channels), chakra (energy centers), and bindu (essence point), while addressing some of the most widely held myths and misunderstandings related to these concepts. We explore the notion that the energy body is synonymous with the psyche or mental-emotional body, highlighting how it interpenetrates the entire physical body rather than residing solely in the brain. This understanding profoundly impacts both our practice and our experience.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week's episode features a conversation with Chandra Easton, also known as Lopön Yeshe Dawa Zangmo, a Dharma teacher, author, and translator of Tibetan Buddhist texts. Since 2001, she has taught Buddhism and Hatha Yoga. In 2015, she was awarded the title of Vajra Teacher, Dorje Lopön (Vajrāchārya), signifying a tantric master in Vajrayana Buddhist traditions, by Lama Tsultrim Allione and H.E. Gochen Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche. She regularly leads retreats and teaches Dharma both nationally and internationally. Chandra's new book, Embodying Tara: Twenty-One Manifestations to Awaken Your Innate Wisdom, explores the 21 manifestations of Tārā in Tibetan Buddhism as she seeks to bring forth the voice of the empowered feminine in Buddhism. Our discussion touches on her personal journey through Buddhism, on the essence of the 21 Tārās as a gateway to look past our mental constructs of selfhood and discover our deeper nature, and the power of deity yoga.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This episode concludes our reading of Chapter Four of Abhinavagupta's "Tantrasāra," which we started reading in Episode 16. This part of the śākta-upāya or “Illumination of the Empowered Method” is particularly esoteric, presenting some of the most significant and traditionally secretive teachings of the non-dual Shaiva Tantra tradition. Abhinavagupta explores the various names and aspects of the ultimate principle of reality, described as both transcendent and immanent. He also introduces the three Goddesses of the Trika system, describing how all these aspects are unified under one encompassing Goddess. Listen to this episode as a direct transmission, engaging with the text on a deeper level beyond intellectual explanation.
You can read Chapter Fours (Part Two) in these two blogposts one, two.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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In this episode, recorded in March 2023 for the Deconstructing Yourself podcast hosted by Michael Taft, we look at the similarities and differences between Tantrik Shaivism, Tantrik Buddhism, and Vedanta. Alongside Michael - spiritual teacher, bestselling author of "The Mindful Geek" and co-founder of The Alembic in Berkeley - we debunk a few myths and misconceptions about these spiritual paths. The discussion then leads us to some of the most unique and key teachings of non-dual tantra, such as the concepts of 'fullness of emptiness' and beneficial possession, comparing them to other prevalent spiritual philosophies from India.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This episode offers another guided meditation foundational to the Tantrik path, inviting us to explore the sacred cave of the heart. In this traditional meditation, we guide the center of consciousness or selfhood—often felt in the head or between the eyes—to descend to the mysterious and quiet region at the heart's base. Here, we can immerse ourselves in the stillness and silence within, experiencing a subtle, radiant presence felt as a point of pure, sparkling light deep within, our ultimate reality.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This episode is a conversation with Hameed Ali, who publishes under the name of A.H. Almaas. Hameed is founder of The Diamond Approach to Self-Realization, a contemporary teaching that developed within the context of both ancient spiritual teachings and modern depth psychology theories. He has authored 18 books about spirituality and realization, including the Diamond Heart series, The Pearl Beyond Price, and his new book NonDual Love. Almaas discusses his journey from physics to psychology, his discovery of his unique approach to spirituality, and the evolution of his teachings. The conversation also explores his Theory of Holes, which posits that our feelings of emptiness, where we feel there’s something missing in our lives, can lead to profound spiritual revelations and become a portal to recognising essence nature.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This episode is a scriptural reading and continues our exploration of Abhinavagupta's "Tantrasāra," focusing on Chapter Four, entitled “Illumination of the Empowered Method (śākta-upāya)”. The text is a magnificent description of the śākta-upāyas, the contemplative process that can refine one’s understanding of reality, ultimately leading to the experiential realization of one's true nature. The ‘empowered’ methods through which ignorance is dissolved are discernment (sat-tarka), teachings from an authentic tradition (sad-āgama), and guidance from a teacher (sad-guru).
You can read Chapter Fours (Part One) in three distinct blogposts: blogpost one, two, and three.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Abhinavagupta’s argument here must be read in its wider context lest we misunderstand him. Clearly, he does believe that yogic practices can indeed support and foster the discerning insight that leads to liberation, for he teaches yogic practices in the very next chapter. But he suggests that those yogic practices must be conjoined with at least a provisional understanding of how they illustrate the nature of Reality.
Additionally, in the Tantrāloka, he allows that even when yogic practice does not foster sat-tarka (accurate discernment), it still might be helpful to remove impediments on the path, such as doubt and fear. In Tantrāloka verse 4.98, he writes: “On the other hand, in our view, since [Consciousness] clearly consists of everything, including prāṇa, mind, and body, even practice which remains on those levels can successfully remove impediments [to liberation], just as one who wishes to leap must first overcome fear of falling.”
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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In this episode, we speak with Dr Ben Williams, an intellectual historian specializing in Indian religions and Shaiva Tantra. His academic focus has primarily been on Abhinavagupta. He holds extensive training in Indian philosophy, literature, and aesthetics, and currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Hinduism at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, where he also leads the newly launched MA in Yoga Studies. His doctoral thesis is on revelation and the figure of the tantric guru in Abhinavagupta's writings. Ben discusses his journey into this field, the distinction between a scholar-practitioner and a traditional scholar, and shares incredible insights into Kashmir Shaivism and Abhinavagupta’s teachings and texts.
Ben Williams' Patreon Close Readings.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week's solo episode explores the teaching of the three stages of awakening, or three samāveśas, rooted in the 7th-century Mālinīvijayottaratantra and further elaborated by Abhinavagupta in Tantrasāra. This teaching, preserved both in the scriptures and through oral transmission, clarifies the multifaceted nature of spiritual awakening. Each of three samāveśas, which literally means 'immersion,' represents an immersion into a fundamental aspect of ultimate reality. This episode unpacks these stages to provide a clearer understanding of the spiritual awakening process, which, while not always linear, shares commonalities across different traditions and ways people experience it.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week's episode features a conversation with philosopher and scientist Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, a prominent figure in the renaissance of metaphysical idealism—the view that reality is fundamentally mental, meaning to say that everything that exists is consciousness or Mind. Bernardo Kastrup is also the Executive Director at the Essentia Foundation, a new foundation dedicated to exploring the nature of reality, and is renowned for his extensive publications, including his upcoming book 'Analytical Idealism in a Nutshell.'
Our conversation reveals the deep parallels between Tantrik Shaivism and metaphysical idealism, both of which conceptualize reality as fundamentally mental or conscious. We discuss how these perspectives, although expressed in different languages, converge on the same understanding. The episode includes an afterword (at the 2hr14min) and for those unfamiliar with Dr. Kastrup's work, we recommend starting there to better appreciate the insights shared in our dialogue.
Take Bernardo Kastrup’s free online introductory course Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week, we continue our journey through Abhinavagupta's "Tantrasāra," focusing on Chapter Three, entitled "Illumination of The Divine Method," or śāmbhava-upāya. This chapter wonderfully explains how spiritual realization—whether referred to as enlightenment, awakening, or liberation—can unfold through intuitive, non-conceptual insights, without reliance on conceptual understanding. Presented here is an abridged version of the scripture that excludes Abhinavagupta’s detailed exploration of the fundamental structure and nature of reality through the phonemes of Sanskrit alphabet.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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This week’s episode features a conversation with Andrew Holecek for his podcast ‘Edge of Mind’, recorded a few years ago. Andrew is an acclaimed author, spiritual teacher, and long-time practitioner of Buddhism. He's also an expert on lucid dreaming, and the author of Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep and Reverse Meditation: How to Use Your Pain and Most Difficult Emotions as the Doorway to Inner Freedom. In this interview, we explore themes from The Recognition Sutras, and discuss the simplicity and immediacy of the awakened state, how to access it and how to stabilize it, as well as what makes it so extraordinary. Together, we draw the similarities between Tantrik Shaivism and other traditions like Dzogchen. We explore the role of contraction and relaxation on the spiritual path and get into its nature looking into questions like: do we really need a path? How does striving along the path actually get in the way? Why do some people have awakenings that are blissful, while others experience fear upon opening? What is the importance of cultural translation, and how does language trap us? What is the nature of consciousness? This is a wide ranging conversation that I hope will stretch your mind and open your heart.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week's episode is a solo episode about the understanding and practices necessary to actualize the goal of spiritual path, specifically focusing on the path that we call Nondual Shaiva Tantra. Recorded live during a satsang, this candid, off-the-cuff talk draws upon Abhinavagupta's teachings. My aim is to present the most coherent understanding of how spiritual practices function and their limitations, both universally and within the tantric tradition. Despite its raw and unrefined recording, this episode contains valuable insights. It wants to clarify the essence of the spiritual journey and address common misconceptions about its process.
The original live satsang this excerpt is from is part of our library items available with a free membership. You can find it here.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
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In this episode, Hareesh welcomes Dr. Kavithā Chinnaiyan, a practicing cardiologist, Professor of Medicine, and an international educator in cardiac imaging, preventive cardiology, and women's heart disease. She is the acclaimed author of several books, including The Heart of Wellness, Shakti Rising, and Fractals of Reality: Living the Śrīcakra, a Tantric initiate and adept. As the founder of Svatantra Institute and The Renegade Method™, Kavithā integrates spirituality with science, offering guidance in self-development, wellness, and burnout by blending modern medicine with Yoga, Tantra, Ayurveda, and Vedanta. An accomplished retreat leader, artist, and musician, she invites others into the transformative journey toward holistic well-being.
Kavithā shares her journey from a question-filled childhood within a Shaivaite family to transformative encounters with Vedantic teachings and Advanced Yoga Practices, culminating in her profound engagement with non-dual Shaiva Tantra. The conversation explores her immersion into the teachings of Śrī Vidyā, guided by revered teachers, and how these experiences harmonize with her medical expertise and personal life. Kavithā’s story is a testament to the integration of spiritual practice with the rhythms of daily life, reflecting on the roles of mantra, ritual, and The Direct Path in the journey for self-realization. This episode brings light to the complementary nature of the progressive and Direct Paths in the revealing of one's true nature and the unique ways they can enrich a dedicated spiritual practice.
Some of the references mentioned:
Greg Goode ‘Standing as Awareness’
Michael M. Bowden, Sri Chaitanyananda, The Goddess and The Guru
Corinne G. Dempsey, The Goddess Lives in Upstate New York
More references and a complete glossary of the Sanskrit terms and definitions can be found on the episode at Tantra Illuminated Online. Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In this episode, we delve into Chapter Two of 'Tantrasāra' by Abhinavagupta, titled 'Illumination of Spontaneous Realization.' The chapter explores the concept of spontaneous modes of realization without methods or practices, a rare but profound occurrence. Such immediate insight into the nature of reality can lead to permanent immersion in divinity, independent of formal spiritual practices.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In this week’s episode, recorded in late 2023, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Ashtanga yoga teacher Adam Keen from the Keen on Yoga podcast. Adam and I delve into my latest book, 'Near Enemies of the Truth,' examining spiritual clichés such as 'You create your own reality,' 'Be your best self,' and 'Follow your bliss,' and unpack their deceptive nature. The conversation offers insights into navigating truths and spiritual narratives, emphasizing the role of critical thinking and effective communication in fostering genuine connections and making sense of our daily lives and relationships.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This episode features one of the foundational meditations of Tantrik yoga. 'Reposing in the Silent Ground' invites you to relax into a posture of wakeful serenity, encouraging deeper, slower breaths that ease you into comfort. In this practice we allow the perceived center of consciousness to descend from the head to the heart's base, fostering a sense of self anchored in the heart space. This technique aids in cultivating a more profound connection with our innermost being.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This episode is a conversation with Eshwar Segobind. Eshwar shares his unexpected and rapid spiritual awakening journey, which unfolded over less than a year without him being steeped in any religious or spiritual background. He relates pivotal moments during his stay at a recovery house that led to a shift in perspective and deep personal insights. Eshwar's story is one of the spontaneous emergence of profound spiritual understanding and an intuitive grasp of nondual awareness.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This episode features a scriptural reading from Abhinavagupta's "Tantrasāra" ("The Essence of the Tantras" or “The Essence of Tantra”), titled "Illumination of the Modes of Realization." It is considered one of the most impactful works of tantrik philosophy and practice. Abhinavagupta distills his insights into the nature of consciousness, the inherent divinity within all beings, and the journey toward recognizing one's fundamental nature as the light of consciousness. These passages, carefully and precisely chosen by the great master, can be listened to again and again. I offer my translation, honed over almost two decades, sharing these incredible pointers to the nature of reality that can be used for contemplation and meditation.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This episode is an interview recorded in late 2023 for the Deconstructing Yourself podcast, founded and hosted by Michael Taft. Michael, a seasoned meditator, meditation teacher, and author of the bestseller "The Mindful Geek," as well as co-founder of The Alembic in Berkeley, engages in an in-depth conversation about my latest book, "Near Enemies of the Truth," which addresses the complexities and misconceptions around spiritual clichés and platitudes. Together, we explore the nuances of the term 'enlightenment,' its meanings in both English and Sanskrit, the differences between awakening and liberation, and what embodied liberation truly entails, alongside the implications of karma and samskara.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In this short solo episode, we take a look at some of the common misconceptions related to the modern use of the word of ‘tantra' and explore how the teachings of Classical Tantra differ from the popularized neo-tantra or Western sexual tantra. I then offer a precise definition of nondual Shaiva Tantra, going on to discuss how classical Tantra contrasts with other forms of yoga, and how much it overlaps with Tibetan Buddhism.
Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at tantrailluminated.org.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Today’s episode is a conversation, and I’m speaking with the renowned teacher Rupert Spira. Rupert has been a spiritual practitioner since the age of 15. He began with Advaita Vedānta, as well as Sufi teachings, but the pivotal turning point in his spiritual life was meeting Francis Lucille, who introduced him to the Direct Path teachings of Ātmānanda Krishna Menon and the teachings of Tantric Shaivism, which Francis had received from his teacher, Jean Klein. Rupert is the author of You Are the Happiness You Seek and many other short books. He lives in Oxford, where I was fortunate to meet with him face to face, although the conversation you’ll hear today was recorded remotely. Rupert holds regular meetings in the UK, US and Italy, as well as online webinars and Retreats at Home. I personally find his long-form guided meditations to be amongst the most powerful and well-crafted guided meditations available anywhere, especially those in his audio download called Transparent Body, Luminous World, which is inspired (in part) by the Vijñāna-bhairava-tantra.
(During the recording of this episode we experienced some audio issues. Kindly bear with us as we learn the art of podcasting. We’ve already made significant improvements for subsequent episodes.)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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