Wilton “Zews” Prado is a living legend in the competitive Counter-Strike community. However, the Brazilian esports coach should be recorded as a legend within the esports industry as a whole. His story is the one they write movies about: how a band of brothers left Brazil to try to take on the best in the world… before becoming one of the greatest CSGO teams the world has ever seen. A multiple major winning coach with a resume longer than your arm, Zews has a plethora of insight around coaching esports teams, the industry as a whole and the world of Counter-Strike. He shares his personal journey in this episode with golden nuggets of knowledge littered throughout.
To find out more about Zews, you can follow him on Twitter, his handle is @Zews. Alternatively find him on Instagram at @WiltonZews. His YouTube channel is: https://www.youtube.com/@WiltonZews and he is on TikTok at: https://www.tiktok.com/@wiltonzewsprado