Facebook’s data sharing is now under criminal investigation, and the company had a bad night with its services intermittently down across the globe, Dropbox is cracking down on freeloaders, Silicon Valley wants to build a monument to itself, and Google makes a π Day statement.
Facebook’s Data Deals Are Under Criminal Investigation (NYTimes)
Google launches Android Q Beta 1 (Venture Beat)
Telegram gained three million new users during Facebook outage (The Verge)
Tumblr traffic dropped by nearly 100M views the month after it banned porn (TNW)
Dropbox device linking limits just got added for Basic accounts (SlashGear)
Microsoft announces Xbox Live for any iOS or Android game (The Verge)
In Silicon Valley, Plans for a Monument to Silicon Valley (NYTimes)
Silicon Valley Wants a Monument to Itself. Will It Scale? (NYMag)
Pi in the sky: Calculating a record-breaking 31.4 trillion digits of Archimedes’ constant on Google Cloud (Google Cloud Blog)
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