A trio of FIST agents are called in for a new assignment. A Red Army officer has called in, begging for help rescuing his child from an experimental device...
ATARAXIA is a pamphlet adventure for FIST from their Rations series, currently available at itch.io.
The Kojima Name Generator is available at Polygon's website.
Ben - GM
Dan - Vinegar Ungar - A definitely not robot with electrical powers, who only knows working for FIST and working to protect people...
Ethan - The Black Badge - A former cop who did his best to clean up the corrupt streets and systems, he continues to fight for justice in a Dirty World...
Greg - Big Great Dane - Formerly Lima Seven, one of the precious few survivors from Hazard Function. She has come to discover that she was a hacker for the government who went missing following a mission gone awry. In the process she's seemed to pick up a centipede-like parasite that lives in her throat and can attack others...