Technically PVP Show Notes
Episode 68 - Destro RLS
16:25 - Upcoming WoW PVP Events
- Resurgent King of the Hollow Monday nights
- The Gosu Cup 15 Dec 18
23:34 - Subject of Analysis
Today we will discuss, Destro lock variation of RLS.
1:46:39 - WOW PVP NEWS
- 8.1 dropped today
- You can now target specific kinds of Azerite armor by earning Titan Residuum, which can be used to purchase Azerite armor from everyone’s favorite purveyor of exquisite furnishings: Thaumaturge Vashreen.
- Time to level from 1 to 110 has been reduced by approximately 25%.
- Troll Berserking reduced to 10% Haste for 12 seconds (was 15% Haste for 10 seconds).
- Blood Elf Arcane Torrent cooldown increased to 2 minutes (was 1.5 minutes).
- The reward bonuses from War Mode can now scale above 10% when a faction was outnumbered over the course of the preceding week, up to a maximum of 30% additional quest rewards and experience.
- War Mode can now be disabled in any rested area. It can still only be enabled in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
- Rated Arenas and Rated Battlegrounds now grant an additional 50% conquest for all conquest reward weeks prior to week 9.
- But-Ton of class changes/talents/pvp talents/nerfs/buffs!!! (except for warlocks… they got a slight adjustment)
- Integrated new multi-threaded performance optimizations for clients using DirectX 12 and Metal.
- Hotfixes -
- PVP Season 2 start date announced! 22 Jan 19
- More info on the GCD changes for movement abilities
- Dev Q&A announced for this Friday
Warcraft PVP Scene
NA Bracket
EU PVP Brackets:
2:05:32 - Trivia question
Previous episode question was: What is the maximum number of players you can queue with into a random BG? A: 5. Congrats to Verlane for being the first to enter and get 2 ballots into the game time giveaway!
Send your answer to [email protected]. First correct answer will earn a shout out on the next show
NOTE: This is the last question for the contest. Our next show will be in the New Year and we will announce the winner!
2:06:47 - Shoutouts
- Drexia - Destro Lock Arena Partner
- Resurgent Esports Broadcasting
- Arena Forums
- Vindicatum Guild
Finding Us
Bolt -
Discord: Bolt#6807
Podcast Cohosts
Technically -
[email protected]
Andallyn -
Windstead -