According to Jen McClure at Thomson Reuters, “In just a few short years, social media has evolved from being considered a fad, to a disruptive force, to a powerful new set of business tools that are being incorporated into every function of organizations as they strive to become ‘social businesses.’” Yes, social media has changed the voices of customers and the media – whenever they’re happy or not so happy with you – from a whisper to a shout. That means your brand value can soar or stumble at the click of a Tweet. Like it or not, you’d better be ready to seize the golden opportunities and manage the pitfalls, all in right-time. If you’re not taking this paradigm shift seriously, tune in for our experts’ priceless advice as they name-drop social business blunder examples from Sears, Netflix, Dominos, BP, Gap and other iconic brands. Pour a cup of Joe, Earl or OJ and join us for food for thought on Avoiding Social Media Blunders: Don’t Let This Happen to Your Company!