The buzz: Let’s get together, yeah yeah yeah! What does it really mean for you to have a connected business? Analysts estimate that by 2020, social networks will connect 2.5 billion people, the number of connected devices will total 75 billion, and the volume of global business trade between connected businesses will reach $65 trillion. As we move to an era of true hyperconnectivity in our digital economy, how can your company turn these challenges and your business networks into sustainable profitable opportunities? The experts speak. Dennison DeGregor, HP: “The digital CX revolution is dead – long live Digital Humanism!� Frank Diana, TCS: “The networked organization of the future knows that the lion's share of value exists outside its walls; it looks to capture that value and bring it inside (Dion Hinchcliffe). Drew Hofler, SAP: “We build too many walls and not enough bridges� (Sir Isaac Newton). Join us for Business Networks and the Digital Economy: Ready for Digital Humanism?