The buzz: Your business in 2015. brbr What hot business trends should you focus on this year? We asked three visionaries to share their insights and predictions. Tune-in and learn from the experts. brbr Ask ten people what the Cloud is and you’ll likely get ten different answers. Why? There’s still a lot of confusion about what it actually is and what it can do for business. In the first half, Tim Minahan, Chief Marketing Officer of SAP Cloud, and Jeff Kaplan, founder and Managing Director of THINKStrategies, share their predictions for Cloud computing in 2015. brbr Today’s enterprise is in essence, virtual. Companies operate on more flexible models, owning less infrastructure and outsourcing everything from customer service to supply chain. In our second half, Tim Minahan and Paul Greenberg, Managing Principal of The 56 Group, discuss the Networked Economy in 2015. brbr Join us for Business Trends 2015: Strategic Disruption in the Cloud and the Networked Economy.