The buzz: Counterfeits, “Quality has its price” is especially true for drugs and medical devices, where counterfeiting is a $Billion market. How to protect consumer safety and stem revenue losses facing honest manufacturers? The food, fashion, high tech products and automotive industries face similar challenges. Will Life Sciences solve it first? The experts speak. Eric Newmark, IDC: “The life science industry has dragged its feet for the last two decades with item-level serialization, keeping it in the dark ages, and positioning itself as an easy target for counterfeiters.” Manish Tandon, InfoSys: “True glory takes root and spreads; all false pretenses, like flowers, fall to the ground – nor can any counterfeit last long” (Marcus Tullius Cicero). Joe Miles, SAP: “When the World Health Organization says 10 percent of the drugs in the world market are fake, I’d say it’s a reasonable and educated guess...” (Roger Bate). Join us for Counterfeit Medical Products: Stop the Madness.