The Buzz 1: “Entrepreneurship is the last refuge of the troublemaking individual.” (Natalie Clifford Barney) The Buzz 2: “You’re not in competition with other women. You’re in competition with everyone.” (Tina Fey) The Buzz 3: “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.” (Roseanne Barr) The Buzz 4: “Being a successful female entrepreneur is hard work and comes with a unique set of challenges.” (Female Entrepreneur's Playbook: Secret Strategies from 20+ Women for Building a Business You Love and Getting Paid for It) We’ll ask Cindy Zuelsdorf at Kokoro Marketing, Patricia Wooster at WoosterMedia, Tamra Andress at F.I.T. in Faith Media and Patty Rogers at B2B Digital Assistance, for their take on The Future for Female Entrepreneurs: A New Playing Field? – Part 2.