The buzz: Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board member Michael Anissimov says, “Transhumanists advocate the improvement of human capacities through advanced technology. Not just…in gadgets you get from Best Buy, but technology in the grander sense of strategies for eliminating disease, providing cheap but high-quality products to the world’s poorest, improving quality of life and social interconnectedness…Technology we don’t notice because it’s blended in with the fabric of the world, but would immediately take note of its absence if it became unavailable.…looking…twenty years, thirty years, and beyond.” Anissimov’s top ten transhumanist technologies: Cryonics, Virtual Reality, Gene Therapy/RNA Interference, Space Colonization, Cybernetics, Autonomous Self-Replicating Robotics, Molecular Manufacturing, Megascale Engineering, Mind Uploading, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). We’ll ask Prof. Agnis Stibe, Chris Kalaboukis, Jacob Perkins and Lynda Roth for their predictions.