The Buzz 1: “The future holds unparalleled visions of progress and intrigue for the curious…where we manifest our hopes, dreams and even worst fears…While we've had our fair share of inventive breakthroughs in the past that have changed the world, the dazzling and world-shaking inventions of the future will change the world in even stranger and greater ways.” The Buzz 2: In the 19th century, inventors were heroes…Stephenson, Morse and Goodyear were the shock troops of the Industrial Revolution. Their ideas helped drag humanity from agrarian poverty to manufactured plenty. These days, though, inventor-superstars, while not absent, are fewer and farther between.…Patent records reveal that the way inventions are made has changed over the years.” We’ll ask modern inventors Brian Fried, Alex Tholl, Samantha St. Raymond and Shawn Taylor for their take on Your Great Idea: The Future of Inventors, Inventing and Technology.