Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bible Study
The early Christians faced death. We face another kind of threat that's very different but just as damaging. Discover what it is as https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Keith) draws from https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+10%3A38-41&version=NIV (Luke 10.38-41) to continue our series on https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/podcast-series/how-to-follow-jesus/ (Learning to Follow Jesus). Interested in more content like this? Scroll down for related shows and resources like an episode answering the question https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/podcasts/how-do-jesus-and-gender-work-together/ (How Does Jesus Empower Women?) and a webpage on https://info.thecrossingchurch.com/faith-and-work (Faith and Work). To learn more, visit our https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/ (website) and follow us on https://www.facebook.com/TheCrossingCOMO (Facebook), https://www.instagram.com/thecrossingcomo/ (Instagram), and https://twitter.com/thecrossingcomo (Twitter) @TheCrossingCOMO.
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