135 avsnitt • Längd: 20 min • Månadsvis
Terrence is an Australian born teacher and guide of Non-Duality. Like us all, Terrence had his own personal back ‘story’ (a ‘me’) which has included sexual abuse as a child, living in a dysfunctional and broken family followed by drug addiction, divorce, depression and anxiety with suicidal thoughts. During his journey, he consulted various psychologists and therapists and pursued a variety of spiritual paths and self-help groups. Nothing seemed to relieve the deep-seated experience of separation and isolation, until he met Sailor Bob Adamson. Here Terrence gained an intellectual understanding of Non-Duality and then his sense of self (me) finally collapsed. What resulted was no more searching, wanting or desires and a state of being carefree. It was in this state of collapse that his true nature was revealed; awakening from the dreamed fictitious personal character. Since then Terrence has been pointing the way; Profoundly direct and yet delivered with compassion, warmth and fun! Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens. For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for twice weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStep…. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrenceste…. Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.Intro song is Far Behind by Jam Morgan
The podcast Terrence Non-Duality is created by Terrence Stephens. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Dare to confront fear. The way out is through
Come celebrate the life and teachings of Sailor Bob Adamson. Time zone differences makes it 9th of Feb for the USA and 10th of Feb for Australia. Book on www.terrencestephens.com and use the code FREEENTRY hope to see you there.
4 hour intensive sunday 22nd December 2024, two 2 hour blocks with an hour break in the middle, come join us :)
Here is where the rubber meets the road!
The character can't feel...
Satsang group dialogue...
Things are dependent on thought...
Am I who you think I am? Part 2
Am I who you think I am? Part 3
Flip It...
Am I who you think i am? Part 1
Is there division in the absence of thought? Part 2
Is there division in the absence of thought? Part 1
Can a concept have experiences? Can a concept become enlightened? If we examine what "me" is we see it is a word, a symbol that represents an idea. In this podcast, we present excerpts from a discussion where Terry encourages us to consider the implications of "me" being a concept.
This episode presents extracts from Terry's conversations where he discusses how the true self is obscured by our false beliefs and assumptions. Please visit Terry's website at https://www.terrencestephens.com to book a meeting with him, read his blog, and find out more about non-duality.
There are an awful lot of assumptions and beliefs and concepts that we live with and by that seemingly creates this idea of a personal self, a personal me. Prior to word, what am I? Does the personal self remain without word? What remains? There is still being, life, experience. A word is a symbol and innately we know that we are not a word. The mind takes the label to be the thing. The arising of thoughts is purely happening all by itself with no you that is a thinker or a doer of thoughts. If you were you could stop it.
Thoughts operate dualistically. Right wrong good bad this that me you and all the increments in between. This seeming personal me that we take ourselves to be is just happening. And then there is the belief that I am the thinker. Just stop it and all your problems would be over. What happens when we discover we cant just stop them? Perhaps you are not the thinker, perhaps you are not the doer. We slowly start to witness what is actually happening as opposed to what we think is happening.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Most of us would say we are lost. But that, that we are looking for, we do already know. It’s akin to waking from a nightmare, when we awake, we know it wasnt true. We recover from nightmares very quickly, because we know it wasnt true. All that is happening, is some dreaming is still happening but you are awakening to the fact that it is a dream. Come to understand the mechanics of the dream, and what does duality actually mean.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Notice How the Me is Perpetuated. When something happens, presently, then immediately afterwards in thought there is a rerun of what happened with a confirmation of a me in the scenario. See the mechanics of the mind at work. Whatever this is, is what it is, without thoughts, without the need for a label.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Is There Free Will? If you look long enough and hard enough at free will, where you eventually land is, everything is just happening. When the sense of do-ership finally drops, what is experienced is relaxation and witnessing everything as just happening. What comes with that is this beautiful sense of loving to be. There is a sense of traveling lighter.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Once you realise that that you actually are, is whole, lacks nothing, is completely whole, now you are in love with being in love. Now you are in love, in it.
Thoughts that say we lack, we are not whole, we are separated, there is something wrong with me, I feel alone, isolated, not good enough. All absolute lies, all absolutely not true, but we listen to it. There is nothing wrong with us, not a single solitary thing is wrong. Zero.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Everything is just bursting Into existence right here, right now, constantly. That is what is happening, and there is no past and there is no future. As a seeming person, we take life to be on a horizontal plane where the past is to the left and the future is to the right and the present is here and I am sitting here somewhere in an apparent now. These nows are in increments, and the nows appear to go into the past and get stored as memory. Somehow memory is associated with a concept that we have called a past. An idea also arises as a possible future, its a concept in thoughts. Thoughts create the future and thoughts create the past.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
If the me is known as a description, is the description the described? Is the description the actual? Without the description, what happens to the me? Excerpt from interview with Leonard from Nothing Conversations.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
You need to explore right here, what is going on right here? Dont think about it, come to the source of being, where it feels like the me is present. It feels like the me is experiencing, where is that, go there. As soon as you go there, the mind goes quiet. This is the point of consciousness. That is where the aliveness is, the consciousness, the beingness, the awareness. If you can see the truth of that, the truth will set you free.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Are you aware of the subtle sense of me? Go to the feeling of the subtle me. There is experiencing of the feeling but is there awareness of that feeling? Dont get the awareness mixed up with the experiencing. The difference is the experiencing is direct, being aware of creates two. There is no language there, it doesnt speak. Why? Because direct experiencing is outside of mind. Go to the direct experience of the subtle sense of me-ness that is here.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
The mind splits reality up and creates me scenarios. Can you see that you are aware of this? The mind quickly claims that it is me that is here and aware. What is here is not a mental construct, it does not have an image that can capture it. It is only this that sees the truth, it's only this that sees all the me’s going on in the mind. Its just a belief that there is a me here and aware.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Are the two me’s that are arguing, are they conscious? If the me’s seem to have power, who or what do they have power over? They seem to have power over this conscious being trying to live this life. Which one of the two is being identified as the me? Are you aware of the two, one seeming to take the superior standing and the other ones seems to take the inferior standing. Are you aware of that? We need to see the truth of what is happening here.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
The mind seems to speak to a seeming person that the mind has created and then the experience feels like there is two. If there are two, which one are you? Are you both? Who is the speaker of the mind? Does it make sense that there are two? No. So what is going on there, what is happening? Who is the mind talking to and who is listening? Let's be really logical and practical when we look at this. Is there two of you? We need to spot what is going on. Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
This is basic, so obvious, and yet it gets missed. There is awareness of the game being played, not by the person, just by the absolute itself. The person is not conscious, not aware, not being, The person is purely conceptual. This is all a dream, this is a seeming waking dream. There is no where to go, there is nothing to get, you lack nothing, its just here, just this. All we need to do now is dismantle the dream. The more we shine the light of truth on that, it falls apart. Excerpt from interview with David Richards.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
THERE IS NOTHING GOOD NOR BAD, BUT THINKING SEEMS TO MAKES IT SO which is the duality. Outside of the seeming duality, there is a beautiful sense of ON. Mind goes into complete obeyance, that is why this experience is called peace because there is no mind creating duality. This now, the whole universe is constantly bursting forth, no past, no future, everything is brand new everfresh, evernew. Excerpt from interview with David Richards.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Every word is a concept, trying to describe something. The word apple is not the apple, could it be the word me is not the me. What I am pointing to is non conceptual awareness. As soon as one thought arises, that is conceptual. So we live in a conceptual, dreamed seeming reality. Excerpt from interview with David Richards.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
There is seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling, but there is just no see-er, hear-er, tast-er, smell-er, touch-er, that is all created by mind. If mind collapses, duality collapses and there is just this. Then mind tries to get a hold of that. Im trying to separate you out from the mind, to witness what the mind says about everything. It's not you doing any of that. Excerpt from interview with David Richards.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Everything we believe is happening, and is real, is just as much a dream as the sleeping dream. What is the realisation when waking from a sleeping dream, we realise none of it was real. It is only when we wake we realise that non of it was real. Lets assume that this too is a dream, we are convinced its real. We know the sleeping dream isn't real, but this is. Excerpt from interview with David Richards.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Is the beingness that you experienced as a 10 year old any different to the beingness that you experience now? Notice that it has not changed one little bit. It is the only constant. Now lets look at the me from the age of 10 to now, has that changed. It constantly changes. The only thing that has shifted is the inner dialogue, the pattern of thoughts. Is there awareness of thoughts, yes. Is there a me that is aware of thoughts, no. Excerpt from interview with David Richards.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
That thought just happens. Its not only about becoming aware that thoughts just happen, that is the first thing in we watch in meditation, watch thoughts coming and going. It never dawns on us to meditate on the meditator. Lets also talk about your actual experience of time. What can you compare now with, if its always now? Anything you have to say about time, is going to be conceptual. Excerpt from interview with David Richards.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
When thought stops, there is no duality here, mind makes it all up. Why, because it works dualistically. The mind interprets the world dualistically. That is how it creates a me and a you. Thoughts are just happening, and they dictate who I am.
Excerpt from interview with David Richards.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for two weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
We go looking for our true nature, but what does that say about current nature? It doesn't dawn on us to think that if there is a true self to be had, current self cant be true. This work unravels the idea of a personal self and we come to see that the back story never actually happened. This is a radical fact finding mission.
Excerpt from interview with David Richards.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
There is one electricity and it animates every electrical gadget on the planet and in the same way, there is one life, animating everything. The evidence is everywhere and we are blind to it. This process is about becoming more conscious, more awake, more aware and that is just happening. Relax, this gets you, you don't get it.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
What is essence, what is beingness, the presence that is being actually pointed to, which cannot be experienced dualistically is prior to senses, prior to seeing hearing tasking touching smelling. That is one of many things that cannot be understood dualistically, it is something that you come to know. It is prior to. It cannot be understood with mind.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com/group-events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Where are you in relation to speaking, hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, sensations of the body, where are you? George investigates the sense of I am the body.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
What you are is not dependent on thoughts. We spend most of our time in this group talking about what we are not, what an absurd thing to be talking about. So why? Because we believe we are something, and that needs to be unravelled. Why talk about what you are not? Because its not possible to talk about what you are! As soon as words are employed, you move away from what you are.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
This that is here, that is aware of the story, gives the story no meaning. If there is seeming meaning being given, understand its just thoughts giving meaning. Just stay here and the story drops. Try and find a word that stands alone. One word by itself means nothing. There is nothing to do, nothing to know, nothing to learn, nothing to become, nowhere to go, nothing needs modifying, zero, zip, nada. The mind is a brilliant instrument, but its limited.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
This has opened up. The quieter it gets, the further the thoughts seem when they come, its as if they are not even there. The being is quiet, a Me only seems to step in when the mind is active. In the absence of thoughts there is no me, there is just this, and its still and beautiful. The Me has never been here so its not like there is one there to be removed, There ends up being no identification. When it finally dawns, it is realised there are just stories going on everywhere and they don't mean anything, zero. The stories collapse, how, with investigation.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
The mind, because it is dualistic, divides everything up. I have a life, you have a life, the dog has a life, the bird has a life, the tree has a life. Animals don’t know they are animals. They are just expressions of life. There is only ONE life. There is just ONE, and the gateway to the realisation of that, is the silence of awareness, the silence of consciousness. We are being lived, get out of the way, stop resisting. Resistance to what is, causes suffering. Everything is what it is and when that is fully seen, the suffering stops.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Can you find the thinker, the creator of thinking? If so, where is the me residing if its the thought creator? We are convinced I am the thinker, I am the hearer. Can you choose not to think, not to hear? The personal me is fictitious, its a phantom character that gets seemingly experienced as words, thoughts, language. If that completely stopped, its not like you are going to die , there would just be dead silence. No dualistic processes happening anymore.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Events, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
It dawns on you that you are sitting in the cinema, just witnessing, no idea what is coming next zero. At some point there becomes an absolute disinterest in mind, that you will get up and walk out of the cinema into light. What we have been taking to be our life is only what has been projected onto the screen. What gets onto the screen is your internal world that is just happening. You are not the producer, you are an actor, you are not the director, just passively observing thoughts happen, a cloud floats by, trees bend in the wind, a dog barks.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
This is about coming to see the False. The self enquiry is about Who Am I, What Am I, Where Am I. We assume there is a personal person here. Its an assumption because when we challenge it, it falls to pieces. If you are the thinker, you should be able to stop thinking! All we need to see is the process of this seeming duality. In the seeing of it, it collapses. Its profound, just the way it is.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
The Idea of a me being here, being a thinker, having free will, being a lonely separated self, collapses. When it fully dawns on you that there is no personal me here, then there is no one else out there either. The lights are definitely on but there is no one home. There is aliveness, there is being here. Just stop taking that to be mine, because its not. What is it that is dividing everything? Why be interested in that world that gets created by thoughts when you have got this now, and its always now. What is the big attractions to living in the head, why the big interest? Its a dream you dont even have any control over. Stand up and get out of the cinema, its a bad movie.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
“I feel anxious, depressed, agitated.”. Not True. The narrator or mind can’t actually experience anything so whatever it is saying is false, it's just a story, it's made up. It literally can't experience anything. With the absence of all the ME thoughts, it's peaceful. Everything is brand new and fresh, all the time. Life no longer goes through the filter of the mind. It is no longer making up a story about stuff. The more conscious you become of what you are not, the more conscious you become.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
It’s just a story playing out. You are not the author, you are not the producer. Have you had Enough of the enquiring mind, have you had enough of the questions, have you had enough of trying to understand, trying to get this. Eventually the mind or thinking becomes redundant and there is an absolute knowing of that fact. The story is not personal, it might as well be about someone else because it’s got nothing to do with you, zero.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
It all arises as thoughts. That that you are, can absolutely know what you are not, but that that you are not doesnt have a chance to know what you are. Why, its not alive, its not conscious, its not being. It all arises as thoughts. A thought will say, I am the thinker, if that is so, then stop it! There is a whole inner world, and everyone is seemingly living in their own personal little world that is all being produced by thoughts. You can be lost in this inner world, scared, alone, nobody loves me. Do you want to live there, or do you want to live here.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
If it is not conscious, what is it basing your whole back story on. For experiencing to occur, you have to be conscious. Is a story, an actual experience? The only way the dualistic process can work is for the mind to take the story about the experience, to be the experience. The me is a story too. The true self is here or the beingness, the consciousness, the awareness, it can’t be anywhere else. We are not interested in a story, what has a story got to do with this here. We need to come to see the mechanism of how the me seems to come into being.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
In the complete absence of mind, duality ceases. Without mind, would the seeing stop, the tasting, the touching, the smelling? Would consciousness disappear, would awareness disappear, would beingness stop, if mind stopped? It helps if you can come to see that you are not the seeker. You can be aware of the seeking and how that is manifesting, because it is just a thought that arises and says I am confused or I want to find this thing called non duality.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
The Me Arises as Thoughts. On an intellectual level, we can see the me arises as thoughts. What we are looking for is this sense of being, but in the absence of the me-ing. The me can’t experience being, it cant experience seeing, hearing, tasting, touching smelling. Its not conscious, its not aware. Then mind steps in and claims to be aware, conscious, seeing, hearing etc. We miss what is actually happening, until we dont. The mind is the most amazing, the most incredible instrument
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Only mind says there has to be something here that is experiencing. Only mind says I am this beingness, I am this awareness. Dive into the beingness until duality disappears and the mind will shut down, and you will be resting in your true nature. As soon as the attention shifts to “what’s this?” the mind just goes. That that fuels mind is attention. In the absence of attention its like it doesn't exist. It shifts from only being aware of the content of the mind to ”what’s this” It becomes direct. Now the enquiry is starting.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Its natural inclination is peace, quiet, stillness, non separation, non dualistic and at its core a love to be, or happy to be. That becomes self evident. There is no person there that is having the thoughts or being affected by those thoughts. The thoughts are just happening. Zero. What is it that believes the me story is the story itself. The story is believing itself. The story is made up of nothing but concepts. A thought cant experience another thought, yet a thought might arise saying, can I experience another thought? You are the pure witnessing of it. That is why we need to go looking for the me, what is it? Prior to looking, we just assume there is a me here.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Can you observe a personal me? You can't describe or see what you actually are, your true nature, because you are it. To see it you would have to be able to separate yourself out from your true nature to be able to look at your true nature. That, that we are looking for, is already looking. It has just been taken to be a personal separate isolated lonely little self rowing through the universe in its own little boat all by itself, experiencing lack. It's a story of the mind only. That, that is aware of the mind, and its seeming agitation, is it agitated? No. It's still, its at peace
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
As a seeming person we believe we are conscious. But we call this point of consciousness me, and its not. We are conscious of everything except this seeming point of consciousness, what’s that? When we get onto the non dual path, the idea of a me has got to be unraveled, so we come to see its not a me being conscious of, however there is consciousness. What is this, our whole life we believe its me that's conscious. Me is just an idea, thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, all thoughts.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
All there is, ultimately, is just this, and this is just happening. No cause, no effect, no reasons why, just is! Seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling, they do not comment on anything. They are not dual. What makes anything dualistic, is the moment the mind steps in. Duality is a mind construct or concept only. There is no one doing anything, there is nothing to work out, there is nothing to gain. In the immediacy of right here, all is well.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Event, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
They fall under the illusion of time, me and other. There’s no such thing as a relationship. This also falls under the category of time. Let go of the story in your mind. The beingness here and the beingness there, it’s the same Beingness. It’s the mind that sets up a person here and a person over there, so the relationship that is going on, is all in the personal mind.
Excerpt from Virtual Event with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
The reason as human beings that we hang on to the concept or idea of a God is only because we believe we are separate. If God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscience where do you exist? Outside of that? As young children, we develop a seeming sense of a separate self which too is a concept. The I am is always there, even when overlaid with thoughts, language that are all symbolic.
Excerpt from Webinar with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
The mind is not conscious, its not possible. The experiencing never comments, ever. Its the mind that steps in and makes a big story about it. There is not a me, and mind. The me is the mind! There is not an ego, a me and a mind. Its all mind, all of it. There is not me the seeker, and the mind, and consciousness and awareness. The seeker is only the mind. The mind that you can witness and you cant stop because you are not doing any of it. If the mind is not conscious, it also means the mind cant see, hear, taste, touch or smell. Yet there is hearing, seeing, tasting and smelling that we cant deny,
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Its always now, and that is the reality. Everyone experiences that, we just miss it. When is it not now, when could it possibly be not now? How much do we understand about duality? We are all trying to find non-duality but what can we tell about duality? Understand that speech is just verbalised thought.
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
You are always and only here. Where do we usually go, other than just here… into the story. We become slightly unconscious, which then creates the dream, the same thing happens when you put your head on the pillow at night. First thing that happens is you become unconscious of your immediate surroundings. The dream kicks in when you are completely unconscious of the immediate surroundings.
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
For any kind of experiencing to be happening one must be conscious, but the feeling of a me that is arising presently, is not the me. We expect this feeling to go because we have attributed it to a me all our life. Lets call it an energy, what is it trying to tell you. It’s a calling home, we have rejected the feeling all our life, believing it was the me centre. Dive into it, embrace it, rest there with that.
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
In the sleeping dream the character seems real, but what is going on in the dream is just happening. Do you think it is in charge of the dream, or itself and what is going on there? It is not in charge, but it will tell you it is. It all just happens. In the dream, the awake character disappears, its gone, and another one arises in the sleeping dream. Come to see what is actually going on.
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry
Its already here, where else would it be? There is only here, there is only now, all the time. From that premise, we start to identify what we are not, instead of I am a person and now I am going to discover who I really am. The only place duality arises, is in the mind of a human being, Outside of this, there is no such thing as duality. It is only the mind that says, “I am a person” Me is just a notion that arises in mind.
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
What’s not just happening? The aim of that particular pointer is to eliminate the seeming doer. There is not a me that is trying to make stuff happen, or not make stuff happen, or trying to see that everything is just happening. All that too, is just happening.
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
What Can A Mind Actually Experience?
A thought can’t be conscious of this, it cant experience this here now. Mind can only see now as an increment, why, because mind works dualistically.
Now cant be recognised or experienced by a me. Me is nothing but word, a concept. A word is just a label, all words, are just labels. Then what mind does, because of the way mind works, dualistically, it takes the label to be the thing, and its just a label.
The word Me, is that not a label?
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Tags: non-dualityawarenessspirituality
All there ever is, is now. There is no such thing as the past, no such thing as a future.
This now is recreating itself now, constantly. Everything is bursting into existence right now.
Everything we think we know, is based on an assumption, not a fact, an assumption, or a belief. If there is only now, what can you compare now with. Direct experience is always just now. Anything mind says is a story, not related to direct experience. Can the mind experience this present moment?
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
It feels like awareness is in the body, the truth is, its literally everywhere. This seeming personal me that you take yourself to be, must be seen to be an imposter. When you are stuck in your me, that seems like a tall order because me absolutely feels like it here. Its right there, that awareness and consciousness becomes finite. Do we really have any idea how profound conscious and awareness is?
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for three weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
The whole personal self only arises in mind as concept. It's only thoughts. The spiritual seeker is the mind trying to arrive at Consciousness and Awareness, but it can't because it can't experience anything. If all of a sudden you had amnesia, if your complete back story was gone, what remains? - Terrence
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for twice weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
How can a thought be conscious? It's so easy to overlook the fact that thoughts aren't aware. So what is thought basing its story on? It's pure fabrication, like a dream at night. The personal 'me' will never get this. Don't go to the mind (thought) for answers.
Just don't go there. Full Stop! - Terrence
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for twice weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
Trust your Direct Experience, not mind. You don't need mind to know your Direct Experience. As you observe Direct Experience you'll eventually lose interest in the mind and you'll become interested in 'This' - Awareness. You are 'This' - Terrence
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for twice weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
The me becomes a seeker, trying to find your actual self.
This awareness that we are all experiencing right here, right now, is not the me experiencing that.
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for twice weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
What can you tell me about the immediacy of now?
What can you possibly compare now to?
Mind makes up a past and future, show me something from the past, or the future.
In the absolute now, the mind is in abeyance. Become aware of the mind that overlays a big story about now.
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for twice weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
In this recording we look at the question “Who am I” “What am I”
There is an assumption that there is a me, a person here and we have never even investigated, we’ve never really looked. What goes with the idea that I am a person, is that I have free will. We look at thoughts and investigate how all seeming problems arise in the mind.
Excerpt from Virtual Satsang with Terrence Stephens.
For more information www.terrencestephens.com.au or to join Terrence for twice weekly Virtual Satsang, book at: https://www.terrencestephens.com.au/start-your-journey/.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerrenceStephensNonDuality.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrencestephensnonduality/.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/non_terry.
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