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The Gospel Coalition Podcast features keynote and breakout sessions from our national, regional, and women’s conferences. We exist to equip the next generation of believers, pastors, and church leaders to shape life and ministry around the gospel.
The podcast TGC Podcast is created by The Gospel Coalition. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
All Christians are called to bless, but do we know what that call means and how it informs the way we relate to our family and neighbors? In this breakout session at TGCW24, Tina Boesch considers the relational, future-oriented, and outward-focused nature of blessing, tracing it from Genesis to Numbers 6 and Jesus‘s teachings. From blessings in the home and church to extending them to our communities—and even our enemies—Boesch encourages listeners with practical steps to embrace and share God’s blessing in everyday life.
Amy Gannett joins Joanna Kimbrel to discuss the doctrine of union with Christ and its profound impact on the Christian life. They explore how salvation is not just a legal status but a deep, spiritual connection to Christ through the Holy Spirit. Amy explains how this union transforms prayer, evangelism, identity, and the believer’s daily struggle against sin. The conversation also highlights how union with Christ provides strength in suffering and assurance of God’s presence.
In this breakout session at TGCW24, Sarah Zylstra hosts a roundtable discussion with Sarah Kuswadi, Gail Curry, Carol de Rossi, and Shamsia Borhani Rafee, highlighting the spiritual landscapes of Australia, Ireland, Latin America, and Afghanistan. Each panelist shares the challenges present in her context while reflecting on ministry highlights and the encouraging ways she sees God at work in the world.
They discuss the following:
In this breakout session from TGCW24, Jen Oshman explores the deep-rooted human desire for security, whether through material wealth, productivity, or influence. She unpacks Jesus’s parable of the rich fool in Luke 12, emphasizing the dangers of self-centered accumulation and misplaced trust in earthly possessions. She encourages listeners to seek true security in God by living generously, trusting Christ, and prioritizing eternal riches over temporary gain.
She teaches the following:
In this episode, Soojin Park, Anna Meade Harris, and Lydia Brownback share their personal experiences, from widowhood to lifelong singleness, addressing the challenges and misconceptions that single individuals often face in the church.
The conversation explores how the church can better support and integrate singles. And they offer encouragement and practical insights on embracing singleness with faith and purpose, reminding listeners that singleness is not a secondary calling but a meaningful and valuable part of God's plan.
A recent Barna study showed that the ages of 18 to 25 are when many professing Christians will leave the church, especially as they transition to college life.
In this breakout session from TGCW24, Michael Kruger shares insights from his book Surviving Religion 101, exploring how parents can equip their children intellectually and spiritually to go through college and beyond with their faith intact. Kruger shares three key principles for parents—wise exposure, purposeful dialogue, and embracing doubts—along with four ideas for teens, including viewing challenges as growth opportunities and valuing community.
Many today claim Christianity is toxic, bigoted, patriarchal, Western, imperialist, and repressive. However, the biblical teaching that every human being is made in God's image is the foundation for our regard for human dignity and freedom.
In this breakout session from TGCW24, Sharon James explores the profound ways Christians have influenced the world for the better in areas such as justice, philanthropy, health care, education, and the dignity of women.
She discusses the following:
In this episode, Kendra Dahl, Rebecca McLaughlin, Jen Oshman, and Wendy Alsup consider the Bible’s teaching about women through a Jesus-centered understanding of Scripture. They observe Christianity's historical and cultural influences and encourage women to stay engaged with the Scriptures, seek truth in community, and persevere in the good work God has called them to.
They discuss the following:
Recommended resources:
Jesus told his disciples it’d be to their advantage that he was going away because, if he didn’t, the Helper wouldn’t come to them. Then in Acts, we read about the Holy Spirit's descent on believers. So what advantage does the Holy Spirit bring?
In this breakout session from TGCW24, Nancy Guthrie considers how our experience of the Holy Spirit today differs from that of Old Testament saints. She also unpacks the advantages of the Spirit's indwelling and what the Spirit-empowered life looks like.
She discusses the following:
In this special episode, Ligon Duncan sits down with Mark Vroegop, the new president of The Gospel Coalition, to discuss his journey of faith, pastoral ministry, and vision for TGC's future. Hear Mark's testimony, the personal trials that shaped him, and the passion driving his commitment to serve pastors, churches, and believers around the world.
Mark shares his thoughts on:
Learn more about Mark at https://tgc.org/president
We’re currently living through the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history, with 40 million people having left houses of worship, mainly in the last 25 years.
In this breakout session from TGCW24, Jim Davis and Michael Graham, authors of The Great Dechurching, unpack four types of people who’ve left evangelical churches, why they left, and why more than half of them are willing to return.
They discuss the following:
Joanna Kimbrel, Amy Gannett, Gretchen Saffles, and Trillia Newbell reflect on their practice of spiritual disciplines, offering encouragement and practical suggestions for various seasons of life. They discuss the value of community in cultivating accountability, the need to start small and build consistency, and the abundant grace for those who find themselves in seasons of struggle. They also address common misconceptions about spiritual disciplines, stressing the joy of receiving these practices as a means of grace.
They discuss:
Recommended Resources
Join Collin Hansen and Melissa Kruger for their annual discussion as they look back on the top theology stories of 2024. They also share their favorite books from 2024, updates on personal projects, and what they're each looking forward to in life and ministry in 2025.
They discuss:
Mentioned on this episode:
"My Top 10 Theology Stories of 2024" by Collin Hansen (article)
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
John Piper delves into the Gospel of Luke, showing how the first chapters highlight God's central role in the birth of Jesus. He explores the significance of faith, humility, and obedience, drawing insights from biblical characters like Mary, Zechariah, and Elizabeth.
He teaches:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
In this episode of TGC Podcast, Kendra Dahl, Andrew Wilson, and Glen Scrivener explore the incarnation's richness and the unique opportunities for evangelism during Christmas.
They discuss the following:
Recommended resources:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
Isn't it fascinating how melody, harmony, and even chord progressions in music can stir our hearts to worship God and remind us of the beauty of his character? In this episode of TGC Podcast, Brett McCracken talks with musicians Caroline Cobb, Cody Curtis, and Eric Owyoung about the unique power of Advent and Christmas music.
They explore how music captures the longing, joy, and tension of the season—reflecting the celebration of Christ’s first coming and the anticipation of his return. The artists share insights on creating music for these themes, highlighting how Advent and Christmas music can deepen our worship and reflection.
Mentioned on this episode:
Unto Us: 25 Advent Devotions About the Messiah, Advent devotional by TGC
“The Weary World Rejoices: A TGC Advent Concert”
“Advent Longing / Christmas Joy” by Brett McCracken: article and Spotify playlist
Caroline Cobb:
Cody Curtis: Advent Songs and Christmas Songs albums by Psallos
Future of Forestry:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
In his TGCW24 message, David Platt teaches Jesus’s final “I am” statement from John 15:1–11, which Jesus spoke to his disciples on the night he was betrayed.
Jesus calls all believers to abide in him like a branch remains in its vine, drawing everything we need from him. We don’t rely on our obedience to save or sanctify us; we rely on the finished work of Jesus, depending fully on him. Because apart from him, we can do nothing. He is the true vine.
Platt teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
In her TGCW24 message, Ruth Chou Simons unpacks Jesus’s statement “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” from John 14:1–14.
When we believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, we find comfort and hope, knowing that nothing in the world can shake this truth. Jesus’s claim is exclusive, and many will find it offensive. But the truth that no one can come to the Father except through Jesus is the greatest comfort for troubled hearts. Christ, the perfect offering, is the only One who could make a way to God for us.
Simons teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
At TGC24, Nancy Guthrie helps us understand what Jesus means when he says, “I AM the resurrection and the life” in John 11.
In John 11:17-44, Jesus offers eternal hope as he boldly confronts death. Jesus gives us the hope of life in the future and access to resurrection life right now. We can rejoice knowing that if we trust in Jesus, we are no longer spiritually dead but are now united with him in the newness of life.
Guthrie teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
The Advent season offers unique opportunities for family and personal discipleship. So how can we prepare well? In this episode, The Gospel Coalition staff Kendra Dahl, Melissa Kruger, Jared Kennedy, and Bill Kynes share their experiences navigating the Christmas season as individuals, as families, and within church communities. They suggest resources, reflect on memorable traditions, and consider opportunities for outreach, connection, and celebration.
Recommended Resources:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
At TGCW24, Courtney Doctor teaches on Jesus’s statement, “I AM the Good Shepherd” from John 10:11-18. A good shepherd cares for, protects, and provides for his sheep.
Throughout scripture, we're compared to the sheep who go astray or get lost. We need continual care and vigilant protection, and Christ offers us that and so much more. He's a shepherd who seeks out the one lost sheep and rejoices at its discovery! He leads us, guides us, and restores our souls.
Doctor teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
At TGCW24, Vanessa Hawkins invites us to consider Jesus’s third I AM statement, "I AM the door" from John 10:1-10.
There are times when we rely more on what Jesus gives us access to rather than resting in the truth that he himself is our access. Jesus is not merely our passage to eternal life with God—he is always more and better than we can imagine. As we turn to Jesus and learn from him, we will more clearly recognize his voice. As we read, study, and obey the Word of God, his voice will become easier and easier to follow.
Hawkins teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
At TGCW24, Jen Wilkin shares Jesus’s second I AM statement, “I AM the Light of the World" from John 8:12-30.
We all have first-hand experience of the darkness and brokenness that exists in our world. Jesus, the light that shines in the darkness, offers the “light of life” to anyone who follows him. Jesus’ message confronts the darkness in our hearts and in our world and offers us great hope in all of it.
Wilkin teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
At TGCW24, Melissa Kruger teaches on Jesus’s declaration in John 6, “I AM the Bread of Life.”
The day before the events in this passage, Jesus fed a large crowd by miraculously multiplying bread and fish. But Jesus has something greater than their physical needs in mind—he wants to meet their spiritual needs. He extends an invitation to be satisfied and sustained in him, telling his listeners then and now that he is “the living bread that came down from heaven.” Jesus is the Bread of Life who offers good news for spiritually hungry people.
Kruger teaches the following:
Help The Gospel Coalition build up a renewed church for tomorrow. Let's Build Together: Donate Today at tgc.org/together
In this special episode of TGC Podcast, Collin Hansen, Jen Wilkin, Kori Porter, and Michael Kruger discuss the vital partnership between men and women in ministry, and the historical and biblical importance of women's contributions to the church. They advocate for visible female leadership, the value of gender-specific spaces for discipleship, and creative ways to foster healthy male-female collaboration in church life and ministry.
They discuss:
The study of the grand narrative of Scripture isn't just an intellectual exercise; it's a transformative one. In this roundtable discussion, Kendra Dahl sits down with biblical theology experts Ben Gladd, Courtney Doctor, and Elizabeth Woodson to discuss how a Christ-centered understanding of Scripture illuminates our study of theology and our lives as Christians.
They discuss:
Mentioned on the Show:
In this breakout session from TGC's 2023 National Conference, a panel featuring Vincent Bacote, Steve DeWitt, John Dickson, and Phil Ryken considers how race, sex, politics, and social media are tearing evangelical communities apart. They reflect on what pastors, teachers, and other Christian leaders can do to restore true Christian fellowship and empower effective gospel witness that is faithful to Scripture and relevant to culture.
They discuss:
We live in a world increasingly marked by accusation and anger, and our churches are called to be places where the love of Christ is not just a theological tenet but a felt reality.
In this session from TGC's 2023 National Conference, Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry discuss how, with God’s help, our churches can be marked by honesty, safety, and renewal.
They discuss:
Listen to the You're Not Crazy podcast from The Gospel Coalition.
The allure of worldly comforts can lead us away from our true security. In this breakout session from TGC23, Dr. G. K. Beale expounds on Revelation 18, illustrating the importance of obeying God's command to leave behind earthly comfort and security.
Pointing out how Babylon in Revelation represents the world's sin and self-reliance, Beale urges believers to detach from the fleeting materialism of "Babylon" and place their trust solely in Christ. By identifying with Christ’s death and resurrection, believers can escape judgment and anticipate the final resurrection into the new creation with hope, to the glory of God.
In this breakout session from TGC's 2023 conference, Scott Swain demonstrates how understanding the Trinity equips us to grasp the biblical themes of salvation, particularly in the context of Exodus. He argues that the Trinity is central to God's self-revelation and covenant relationship with Israel, tracing promises from Abraham through to the Exodus. Swain also highlights the presence and role of the Holy Spirit in both the Old and New Testaments, linking the first Exodus to the hope of a second, the fulfillment of salvation in Christ. Swain connects the concept of the Trinity to themes of covenant, redemption, and the mystery of marriage, illustrating how these aspects unite creation, salvation, and consummation through Christ.
In this breakout session from TGC's 2023 conference, Vance Pitman shares about his call to church planting, reflecting on the New Testament church as a model for kingdom-oriented mission today.
After Pitman's talk, he and a panel—Félix Cabrera, Matt Carter, Doug Logan Jr., and Tony Merida—discuss the challenges and strategies of planting churches in diverse urban contexts, with a focus on multiplying disciples and reaching 1 percent of North America with the gospel. They highlight the need for churches to reflect their communities, prioritize prayer, and equip believers for ministry.
Trevin Wax explores the challenges of spreading the gospel in a culture of expressive individualism.
His talk is followed by a discussion with Dean Inserra and Christine Hoover. The panel discusses the effects of expressive individualism on North American culture, emphasizing the transformative power of the gospel to address feelings of inadequacy and shame. They highlight the rise of personalized pseudo-religions and stress the importance of local church engagement and deep relationships in ministry. Regardless of the prevailing culture, the gospel has the power to fulfill people's deepest longings.
Clark Fobes highlights the importance of understanding diversity and cultural context when reaching Gen Z with the gospel, noting how social media has influenced a shift from guilt-innocence to honor-shame paradigms. He encourages churches to equip parents and youth pastors to navigate these changes and to provide a sense of belonging rooted in the gospel.
After Fobes's message, a panel discusses prioritizing family ministry, integrating intergenerational discipleship, supporting a variety of family structures and leveraging existing church resources.
Episode Resources:
Family discipleship is essential for lifelong faith. In this breakout session from TGC23, Cameron Cole teaches from Ephesians 3:11–16, challenging parents to embrace their central role in their children's spiritual formation.
Formative Christian practices like prayer, Bible reading, and spiritual conversations are crucial, and parents should prioritize their own spiritual growth as they actively participate in church life and discuss the gospel with their children regularly. The local church has a role to play as they equip parents through resources like video courses and Bible studies, promoting family discipleship as essential for lifelong faith.
Cole ends by encouraging parents that our confidence and rest are ultimately found in the Spirit's work.
Discipleship is essential for the spiritual growth of the next generation. In this breakout session from TGC's 2023 conference, Terrence Shay emphasizes the distinct roles of home and church in disciple making, with parents as primary disciple makers and the church providing a supportive community.
As we seek to effectively nurture children's spiritual development, especially in a post-pandemic culture, may the church equip and support parents with resources and a community to aid their children's spiritual growth and love for Christ.
While Scripture calls Christian leaders to be gentle, kind shepherds, there continue to be cases of pastors who dominate their flocks with a heavy hand. How should we understand this issue of “spiritual abuse”? How big of a problem is it? In this breakout session at TGC23, Mike Kruger explores the definition of spiritual abuse, how it’s often misunderstood, and what steps churches can take to address it.
Unity matters. Christ prayed his church would be marked by it. Yet disunity among Christians abounds, and it’s not always civil in tone. With the Bible’s clear admonitions about foolish controversies and quarreling, how can we know when a fight is worth having? Jen Wilkin offers a framework for diagnosing how to pick your battles and how to conduct yourself when a battle is worth the fight.
A strong theological foundation plays a vital role in encouraging and sustaining hope. In this breakout session from TGC's 2023 conference, Ligon Duncan, Nancy Guthrie, Leigh Swanson, and Melissa Kruger provide practical advice and encouragement for pastors, elders, women’s ministry leaders, and others who desire to start and sustain biblically faithful and theologically rich women’s ministries in their congregations.
The year 1776 remade the world. In one extraordinary year, a combination of books, ships, machines, inventions, paintings, and declarations created a new cultural landscape that we could characterize as WEIRDER: Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic, Ex-Christian, and Romantic.
In this breakout session from TGC23, Andrew Wilson teaches how these different transformations came together to shape our world—how the church of 1776 responded and what we can learn from them.
Read Andrew Wilson's book, Remaking the World: How 1776 Created the Post-Christian West.
Rebecca McLaughlin expands on five key points for how to give a memorable address, including using metaphors and sharing stories to engage your audience. She joins Melissa Kruger, Jen Wilkin, Courtney Doctor, and Elizabeth Woodson to discuss their journeys into Bible teaching. The women highlight the importance of preparation and how to use gifts in the church. They encourage humility and integrating apologetics in women's ministry to address contemporary issues.
Jen Wilkin explores God's gifts in women to lead, teach the Bible, and create spaces for others to thrive.
After her talk, Wilkin joins Melissa Kruger, Rebecca McLaughlin, Courtney Doctor, and Elizabeth Woodson to discuss women's contributions to the church, the importance of sibling relationships within God's family, and overcoming opposition in ministry. The panelists encourage and equip women with tools to prepare for these callings and persevere through challenges.
Even those who live by faith experience doubt, but it doesn't have to end your faith. Drawing from years of guiding Christians through doubt and disillusionment, Joshua Chatraw combines pastoral care and intellectual rigor to address the emotional journey of doubt, offering a new perspective on living a life of faith alongside it. In this breakout session from TGC23, Chatraw and Jack Carson discuss these themes based on their book, Surprised by Doubt.
James Anderson opens this two-part breakout session by sharing how to cultivate a biblically formed understanding of our present cultural realities and maintain confidence and hope when we might otherwise be tempted to despair. Ligon Duncan and Nancy Guthrie follow with a discussion of theological foundations and pastoral approaches for helping one another walk through suffering.
The session covers
As we cling to biblical truth for our circumstances and rest in the hope of the resurrection, God can work in our suffering to deepen our faith and teach us to depend on him.
In this breakout session from TGC23, Dan Doriani addresses the real concern of churches devastated by bullying, immorality, and narcissism at the hands of pastors. But he also addresses the challenges facing pastors as they endure disapproval, opposition, foot-dragging, sabotage, and whisper campaigns.
He challenges pastors to cultivate humility, seek God's wisdom and mercy, and embrace servanthood while fostering appropriate confidence and resilience in their calling to pastoral ministry.
Tim Keller examines Nicodemus's encounter with Jesus, unpacking the concept of being "born again." He challenges common stereotypes of born-again Christians and emphasizes that this spiritual rebirth is essential for everyone, regardless of their moral or religious status.
Keller reminds us that true repentance is turning towards Jesus for salvation and, in doing so, he highlights the beautiful transformation that happens when we receive a new identity in Christ and an entirely reordered life through the inner work of the Holy Spirit.
In his breakout at TGC23, Michael Kruger argues doubt is a natural part of growing faith and can lead to stronger beliefs if handled with biblical and wise guidance.
He offers suggestions for how Christians can confront and process doubts about their faith, especially in our skeptical age. And he calls the church to be a supportive environment that neither shames nor celebrates doubt but rather encourages constructive dialogue. This session provides hope and guidance for believers grappling with their uncertainties and for those who come alongside them.
In this panel discussion from TGC23, Courtney Doctor, Vanessa Hawkins, and Melissa Kruger delve into strategies for shepherding women within the local church.
The panel encourages pastors to invest in women's theological training and for men and women to be in the same room as they serve in ministry together. For women in leadership to thrive within the local church, pastors need to pray for them, include them, and proactively seek their input on how to effectively care for and shepherd the women in their congregations.
In this microevent from TGC23, Megan Hill, Gavin Ortlund, and Winfree Brisley reflect on the challenges and blessings of growing up in ministry. They emphasize the importance of parents living by grace, finding their identity in Christ, and supporting their kids, as well as modeling fr their children wise decision-making and differentiating between reasonable and unreasonable expectations for pastors' kids. They share the value of parents nurturing faith in children through family devotions and involving them in ministry while prioritizing their emotional and spiritual well-being. The panel also gives practical advice on handling criticism and prioritizing family in ministry.
In her breakout session at TGC23, Ruth Chou Simons teaches how to navigate life's challenges by focusing on God's unchanging character, which guides and sustains believers through life's wilderness.
As we look for God's attributes in everyday life and align with his purpose for our lives, we find fulfillment and resilience amid our struggles. Through personal anecdotes and theological insights, Simons emphasizes the transformative power of understanding and trusting in God's nature.
In their panel discussion at TGC's 2023 conference, J. T. English, Kyle Worley, and Jen Wilkin delve into the crucial role of discipleship in the local church, focusing on the importance of theological education and spiritual growth.
There are challenges in cultivating effective discipleship programs and there’s need for a deeper biblical understanding among those being discipled. Through sharing personal experiences within the broader evangelical context, the panel encourages church leaders to take a comprehensive approach to discipleship that integrates learning with spiritual disciplines.
In this breakout session at TGC23, Jen Wilkin discusses how the ideals of individualism, personal fulfillment, and self-directed paths to happiness can negatively affect family relationships. Wilkin teaches parents how to regain a deep focus on the shared space we call home and foster a family environment of biblical values, love, safety, and true identity in Christ.
In their conversation at TGC23, Collin Hansen, Michael Graham, and Christopher Watkin discuss Tim Keller’s vision for cultural engagement and its future application. Reflecting on Hansen's book, Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation, the panel talks about the people and the events that formed Keller’s spiritual life and ministry priorities.
In this breakout session at TGC23, Rebecca McLaughlin explores what we can learn about Jesus if we pay attention to both the male and female witnesses the Gospels offer us within their narratives—from the beginning of Jesus’s life on earth to the end, and beyond.
Pastors and TGC Council members Afshin Ziafat, Miguel Núñez, and George Robertson discuss the critical role of in-person church gatherings, particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic, emphasizing the need for Christians to reengage their local congregations. They explore the dual nature of live-streaming services, recognizing their utility in maintaining connections yet cautioning against their limitations in fostering deep relationships. Ziafat, Nunez, and Robertson also consider the responsibility of church members to their congregations and the blessing and benefit of belonging to a local community of believers.
Watch this discussion on YouTube.
Michael Kruger and Dan Doriani discuss the signs and dangers of pastoral burnout, the importance of accountability in church structures to protect God's people, and ways to support and heal communities affected by spiritual abuse.
They emphasize our need to acknowledge our leaders' flaws and to create safe and honest environments where elders and staff can share their concerns without fear of retaliation. Their conversation ends on the crucial role of a positive church culture in supporting healthy ministry—cultivating joy among team members and encouraging them to use their unique gifts and talents to serve others.
Watch this discussion on YouTube.
On this episode of TGC Podcast, Ligon Duncan, Bob Thune, Andy Davis, and Philip Ryken examine Christian nationalism, differentiating it from mere patriotism and exploring its influence on Christian identity and societal engagement.
They delve into the historical and biblical perspectives on Christians' roles in society, emphasizing the need to prioritize Christ above all loyalties. They also discuss strategies for Christians to responsibly advocate for their beliefs in a pluralistic society.
Watch this discussion on YouTube.
"Let's give ourselves to extraordinary prayer, knowing that no matter what the wilderness of this world may bring our way, our God is with us." – David Platt
In his keynote message at TGC's 2023 conference, David Platt teaches on Exodus 40 and emphasizes the importance of extraordinary prayer in our lives and families, churches, and ministries. Platt reminds us that the Book of Exodus is filled with evidence of God's desire to dwell among his people, so may we pray for the fullness of God's presence among us, acknowledging that God's glory will fill the earth as all nations sing of his grace.
Today’s episode features a keynote message from TGC’s 2023 conference. To access more TGC23 conference media and microevent sessions, visit tgc23.org/watch.
In his keynote message at TGC's 2023 conference, Andrew Wilson teaches on Exodus 32. He delves into the story of the golden calf, drawing parallels to the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden. He explores how idolatry shapes individuals, leading them to become like what they worship, and contrasts the destructive consequences of worshiping false idols with the transformative power of worshiping the true God. Wilson highlights Moses as an example of someone who, through time spent with God, embodies mercy and justice. Wilson ultimately reminds us of the security of salvation through Jesus' perfect mediation.
Today’s episode features a keynote message from TGC’s 2023 conference. To access more TGC23 conference media and microevent sessions, visit tgc23.org/watch.
"The goal of the Covenant, fulfilled in Christ, is eternal communion with God, foreshadowed in the elders, eating with the Lord on the mountain and foreshadowed every time you gather with the people of God around the Lord's table . . . because of what Christ has done for you." — Ligon Duncan
In his message at TGC's 2023 conference, Ligon Duncan teaches from Exodus 24 and emphasizes the key themes of representation, substitution, and communion in the context of worship. Duncan highlights the importance of Moses as a mediator between God and the people, the significance of Scripture in worship, and the foreshadowing of Christ's sacrifice as the ultimate substitutionary atonement for sins. Duncan's message reminds us of the central role of God's Covenant, grace, and the communion with him that believers can experience through Christ.
Today’s episode features a keynote message from TGC’s 2023 conference. To access more TGC23 conference media and microevent sessions, visit tgc23.org/watch.
"The preaching of the Law is the schoolmaster that brings us to Christ again and again." – J. D. Greear
In his keynote message at TGC's 2023 conference, J. D. Greear teaches from Exodus 19-20 and derives four observations about the Ten Commandments, emphasizing their authority from God, their role in restoring order and true freedom, their connection to idolatry, and their foundation in God's grace. Greear's message highlights how these commandments challenge contemporary cultural ideals and serve as a guide to living within God's beautiful design.
Today’s episode features a keynote message from TGC’s 2023 conference. To access more TGC23 conference media and microevent sessions, visit tgc23.org/watch.
In his keynote message at TGC's 2023 conference, Miguel Núñez teaches from Exodus 16 and emphasizes that the wilderness is a place where God often works profoundly in people's lives, teaching them trust and obedience. The purpose of these wilderness experiences is to reveal God's identity to his people, emphasizing that Jesus is the true bread of life—offering eternal life and satisfaction to those who believe in him.
Today’s episode features a keynote message from TGC’s 2023 conference. To access more TGC23 conference media and microevent sessions, visit tgc23.org/watch.
In his keynote message at TGC's 2023 conference, Ken Mbugua teaches from Exodus 14 on the importance of seeing God as a warrior king who fights for his people. Mbugua uses the example of the Israelites' fear when facing the Egyptian army and highlights the need to focus on God's power and victory over being consumed by fear and worldly concerns.
Today’s episode features a keynote message from TGC’s 2023 conference. To access more TGC23 conference media and microevent sessions, visit tgc23.org/watch.
In his keynote message at TGC's 2023 conference, H. B. Charles teaches on Exodus 12 and emphasizes four key lessons:
He explains that the Passover serves as a reminder of God's absolute authority and holiness, the need for salvation because of sin, the substitutionary atonement of Christ, and the call to live sanctified lives.
Today’s episode features a keynote message from TGC’s 2023 conference. To access more TGC23 conference media and microevent sessions, visit tgc23.org/watch.
In his keynote address at TGC's 2023 conference, John Piper delves into the profound significance of God's name, "I am who I am," as revealed in Exodus 3:13-15. Piper explains that this name signifies God's eternal existence, independence, and absolute reality. He emphasizes the central role of Jesus Christ as the embodiment of the "I am" in human form and encourages listeners to prioritize knowing and worshiping Christ more fully.
Today’s episode features a keynote message from TGC’s 2023 conference. To access more TGC23 conference media and microevent sessions, visit tgc23.org/watch.
In his message at TGC Netherlands 2023, Michael Keller explores the concept of "othering," using the Pharisee from a Gospel of Luke parable as an example of self-centeredness and superiority. Keller contends that othering is a universal issue and affects relationships when people overly focus on themselves. Keller urges the importance of introspection and a shift towards a more compassionate and understanding mindset to overcome the destructive nature of othering.
Keller's message concludes by urging the audience to embrace their identity as beloved by God, transcending other labels, and highlighting the transformative power of God's love to end the practice of "othering."
The original conference media is courtesy of geloofstoerusting.nl.
Join Collin Hansen and Melissa Kruger for their annual recap discussion on the biggest stories affecting the church around the world in the last year. This conversation was originally featured on TGC's Gospelbound podcast.
In his message at TGC Netherlands 2023, Michael Keller addresses the rise of secularism and the increasing indifference toward religion, contending that societies become secular not by completely rejecting religion but by becoming apathetic to it. He emphasizes the need for cultural narrative fluency to address the perceived irrelevance of Christianity in today's culture. Keller identifies four prominent secular cultural narratives—identity, freedom, happiness, and power—and advocates for Christians to present a compelling alternative, rooted in the gospel.
Secular narratives urge pursuing happiness through material means and power, but the gospel shows us that we can find true joy in Christ, using power sacrificially. Keller says that by retelling the story of Jesus in a beautiful and compelling way, Christians can offer a transformative narrative that brings joy and completeness to others.
The original conference media is courtesy of geloofstoerusting.nl.
Join Don Carson and Sandy Willson as they reflect on their relationship with Tim Keller, including their in-depth discussions about theology, evangelism, and cultural apologetics. They discuss the work of The Gospel Coalition and the challenges and growth it has faced in recent years.
Finally, they end by discussing the current state and future trends of various social and cultural issues in the United States, expressing optimism about the future of the church, and emphasizing the importance of focusing on God's greatness and his leading for the benefit of the whole church.
In his message at TGC Netherlands 2023, Collin Hansen discusses Tim Keller's insights into cultural apologetics and mission in a post-Christian era, focusing on the background of Keller's book Making Sense of God.
Keller, influenced by thinkers like James Davison Hunter, Charles Taylor, Alistair McIntyre, Philip Rieff, and Robert Bellah, critiques the Enlightenment and its inability to provide meaning and justice in the absence of Christian resources.
Hansen outlines seven steps inspired by Keller's approach, including challenging prevailing social assumptions, integrating multidimensional faith, and demonstrating Christian community. Hansen's messages emphasizes the urgent need for apologetics in a cross-pressured, secular age.
Original conference media courtesy of: https://www.geloofstoerusting.nl/
In his message at TGC Netherlands 2023, James Eglinton delves into Tim Keller's evolving relationship with Neo-Calvinism. He recommends Central Church by Tim Keller as the primary source for understanding Keller's mature theological voice and biblical basis for his ministry.
Eglinton's sermon discusses the evolution of Keller's thinking, showcasing a shift from a distant association with Neo-Calvinism to Keller explicitly identifying as a Neo-Calvinist in later years. Eglinton suggests that a careful examination of both explicit and implicit engagements with Neo-Calvinist thought in Center Church is essential to understanding Keller's theological journey.
Original conference media courtesy of: https://www.geloofstoerusting.nl/
In his message at TGC Netherlands 2023, Michael Keller talks about the influence of Jonathan Edwards and the Puritans on his father, Tim Keller, and how these influences shaped the way Tim Keller presented the gospel—particularly in the context of New York City in the 1980s—and beyond.
Michael Keller identifies two key piety-based innovations that Tim Keller drew from Jonathan Edwards:
The gospel's good news remains unchanged and doesn't need reinvention. And yet, it's essential to present it in a way that resonates with the specific culture and audience. Throughout his pastoral ministry, Tim Keller did this so gracefully.
The original conference video and audio content is courtesy of geloofstoerusting.nl.
At TGC Netherlands 2023, Collin Hansen examines Tim Keller's life and ministry through the concept of "rings on a tree," revealing the different influences that shaped Keller as a believer and pastor. Hansen describes how Keller held an inspiring commitment to lifelong learning and spiritual formation, even in the face of illness, and how Keller's final years were marked by a deep focus on eternity, as he searched for a deeper communion with God and prepared for his own death. Hansen also highlights how a strong sense of community, diverse mentors, and a deep love for the gospel all shaped the influential legacy of Tim Keller.
In her message at TGC's 2022 Women's Conference, Blair Linne teaches on the importance of understanding the role of God as our Heavenly Father, especially in the context of healing from fatherlessness or difficult relationships with earthly fathers.
Linne highlights these key points:
Our relationship with God as our Heavenly Father can heal and restore the wounds caused by the absence or difficulties with earthly fathers. Knowing who we are in Christ and God's adoption of us demonstrates his deep love and commitment.
Read more on this topic from Blair Linne in her book, Finding My Father: How the Gospel Heals the Pain of Fatherlessness.
In his message at TGC's 2018 West Coast Conference, Bobby Scott teaches on 2 Timothy 3:10-17 and emphasizes the importance of being a bearer of the gospel and living a life centered on the Word of God. He challenges believers to consider whether our actions and words reflect the beautiful message of grace found in the gospel of Jesus.
Scott focuses on how the Word of God leads to salvation, and that perseverance in the Word is crucial, especially in the face of fear and persecution. As we draw wisdom and strength from the Bible—God-breathed and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness—we can keep ministering and stay grounded in the Word of God, as it equips us for the work of God and empowers us to face the spiritual battles in the world.
In his message at TGC's 2018 West Coast Conference, Juan Sánchez teaches the importance of discerning false teachers and ungodly influences within the church. He discusses the challenge of discerning between those who are open to repentance and those who are hard-hearted, unrepentant, and opposing the truth. Sánchez encourages pastors to pursue righteousness and patience, cleansing themselves from dishonorable ways through faith in Christ, rather than relying on personal efforts or good works.
“I want to be content in the presence of God with me, no matter what the circumstances are around me.” – David Platt
David Platt preaches a message at TGC21 based in Hebrews 13:1-21. He begins by reminding us that we have an adversary who wants to destroy our intimacy with Jesus and divert his people from his mission in the world, which is why we have the book of Hebrews.
Platt gives 25 ways that God directs his people through instructions, expectations, declarations, and a benediction in the final chapter of Hebrews. Platt exhorts us to fix our eyes on the Son of God, our reward, our Savior, our Sympathizer, our Intercessor, our Great High Priest who covers over all our sins, and the Great Shepherd who oversees our soul.
In this panel discussion from TGC's 2018 West Coast Conference, Collin Hansen, Ray Ortlund, Kevin DeYoung, and Juan Sánchez discuss the prevalence of suffering in the lives of faithful Christians, citing examples from history and encouraging listeners to embrace their own suffering as a means of deeper spiritual growth.
They advise younger pastors and ministry leaders to trust in the Lord as their defender, wait for him to straighten out tough situations, and give honest answers in formal settings, while keeping quiet in informal humiliation. The panel also focuses their discussion on the importance of gentleness and self-control in ministry, particularly in response to criticism and opposition.
Ultimately, to endure suffering in ministry and live faithfully to Jesus is to live in the fellowship of his sufferings. Ortlund says, “This has taken me to a deeper place with Jesus than I've ever dreamed of going.”
In his message at TGC's 2018 West Coast Conference, Kevin DeYoung teaches from 2 Timothy 2:1–13 on what it means for Christians to be strong, not according to their own strength, but by that which has been given to them by God through Christ.
When Paul writes to Timothy, he compares spiritual strength to a soldier's readiness for battle. DeYoung emphasizes the importance of understanding that suffering is a part of life as a soldier, and not to be surprised or emotionless about it. He also encourages his audience of pastors and ministry leaders to prioritize their relationship with God as a soldier would—with a single-minded devotion.
DeYoung says that we need both halves of 2 Timothy 2:1 in our walk as Christians, and concludes, “We need grace and we need strength. We need grace not simply because we're all failures. And we need strength not because we're all so strong and mighty. But rather, we can be strong because of grace and by grace, we must be strong.”
In his message at TGC's 2018 West Coast Conference, Michael Horton teaches on 2 Timothy: 9–18, encouraging believers to live unashamed of the gospel, even amid suffering.
Focusing on the centrality of the gospel in suffering witness according to God's power within us, Horton says the ministry of Paul and Timothy isn't merely about their personalities or abilities but about Christ's testimony. Just as Paul wasn't ashamed of the gospel because he knew he was entrusted with it and that God completes what he starts, so too can we live and minister with confidence.
Horton ends his message with an encouragement: “Brothers and sisters, you are chosen, you are saved, and you are kept by this gospel. Therefore, do not be ashamed of it. Embrace it for yourself and guard it by giving it away.”
In his message at TGC's 2018 West Coast Regional Conference, Ray Ortlund emphasizes the importance of enduring faithfulness and making sacred commitments to the Lord. He draws inspiration from the book of 2 Timothy and highlights the theme of God's enduring faithfulness. Ortlund reads verses from 2 Timothy where Paul expresses gratitude to God and encourages Timothy to not be ashamed of the gospel.
Ortlund urges ministry leaders to recognize their rich spiritual ancestry and find courage in their connection to God and the faith of previous generations. Ortlund also emphasizes the need for personal connection and genuine care for others, reminding listeners of the lasting legacy of faithfulness and the importance of imparting it to future generations.
Are you ready to tell someone about Jesus? How can you be prepared? Matt Smethurst, author of Before You Open Your Bible and companion book Before You Share Your Faith, outlines seven tips for becoming “evangelism ready.”
“The greatest obstacle to evangelism is not unbelievers,” Smethurst says. “The greatest obstacle to evangelism is Christians who don’t share the gospel.”
Today’s generation of young people is more anxious, more depressed, and less Christian than ever before. What is causing this? Chris Colquitt, campus minister for Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at Northwestern University, explores how safetyism and fragility are hazards to Generation Z's mental health and spiritual health.
Colquitt says the Christian gospel provides realism that challenges our fragility (“In this world you will have trouble,” John 16:33), but also hope to sustain us ("But take heart! I have overcome the world.”).
Trevin Wax, general editor of The Gospel Project and author of the book, Rethink Your Self, observes that today's common wisdom says you’re free to create yourself, design yourself, and define yourself. Yet the way of Jesus, Wax argues, would have us realize we’re already created, designed, and defined. Jesus confronts a “me first” way of life with a “God first” world. The world says we should look inward; Jesus says to look upward.
To learn more, check out Trevin Wax's book, Rethink Your Self: The Power of Looking Up Before Looking In.
Gavin Ortlund—writer and pastor at First Baptist Church of Ojai (California)—ponders the question, why do we feel a sense of transcendence when we listen to beautiful music? Where does that feeling come from? What's the best explanation for it? Ortlund compares the naturalistic and theistic answers to these questions, ultimately concluding that music is not a distraction from reality but a window into reality—and that the theistic framework gives a much more satisfying explanation for why it moves us emotionally.
For more videos like this, subscribe to Gavin Ortlund’s YouTube Channel.
Jeremy Treat, pastor at Reality LA in Los Angeles, observes how our longing for God does not disappear in a secular society. It just reappears in different forms: sports, politics, sexuality, and more. Treat describes how secular people today seek power, purity, and peace—traditionally sought in religion—in things like witchcraft, wellness, and mindfulness apps. Yet our deepest longings, Treat says, will not be found in any spiritual system or clean diet, but in a person: Jesus Christ.
Michael Horton explains why there is no such thing, in the new covenant, as a “Christian nation” apart from the worldwide body of Christ. “The problem with Christian nationalism is not that some Christians are taking a biblical idea too seriously,” says Horton, professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Westminster Seminary California, “but that they are confusing America with Israel under the old covenant. From a biblical perspective, it’s actually heretical. It confuses the law with the gospel.”
Irwyn Ince—pastor and author of The Beautiful Community: Unity, Diversity, and the Church at Its Best—explains why beauty compels us to pursue justice. The harmony and goodness of beauty reflect God’s creation as it was meant to be. Redeemed by Christ’s death and resurrection, his followers should pursue justice because it foreshadows the coming perfection of beauty in the new creation.
Check out Irwyn Ince’s book, The Beautiful Community (InterVarsity Press, 2020).
Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra—co-author (with Collin Hansen) of the new book Gospelbound: Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious Age—discusses some of the reasons anxiety is on the rise. She explains how Christians can find peace in two seemingly contradictory ways: by thinking big, and by thinking small.
Pastor and apologist, Sam Allberry, addresses the reasons Christian pastors have become less trustworthy in society, and how they might become trusted again. Pastors need to appreciate why trust has been lost, Allberry says, and they should prioritize compassion, honesty, pointing people to Jesus, and striving to become more like Jesus themselves. The more like Jesus pastors are, the more trustworthy they'll become.
Justin Giboney—co-founder and president of the AND Campaign—addresses the self-serving lies conservative and progressives tell themselves about issues like justice, identity politics, and critical race theory.
Many of us would prefer to be lied to rather than confronted with a truth that complicates our preferred narrative. Yet if we are going to address the race issue faithfully, Giboney argues, “We must not only confront the lies that offend us, but also the lies that serve us.”
At TGC Chicago's 2022 Regional Conference, Colin Smith moderates a panel discussion with Kevin DeYoung, H. B. Charles, and Juan Sánchez on on ways to enhance your prayer life.
Kevin DeYoung defines prayer as, “a lifting of conversation in our hearts Godward.” They consider different practical ways to deepen personal prayer—like prayer cards, walking while praying, praying as a family, using devotionals, and the use of Scripture in prayer.
H. B. Charles emphasizes the importance of motivation for prayer over technique and outlines three reasons why we should pray: 1) obedience, 2) effectiveness, and 3) dependence on God.
The group also addresses the need to increase corporate prayer in church services, suggesting various resources like books, websites, and articles for further reading on enriching prayer and devotion. Ultimately, prayer offers us an opportunity to encounter God intimately and transform our own hearts as we commune with him.
In his message at TGCW22, Michael Kruger addresses the issue of doubt in Christianity, both in individual spiritual lives and within the larger culture.
Kruger critiques two ineffective approaches to doubt: doubting shaming and intellectual superficiality. He argues that doubt should be approached with the compassion of God, and not seen as a virtue or as something to be shamed. Kruger also highlights various causes of doubt, including unanswered questions, suffering, church corruption, and unrepentant sin. He offers advice on how to battle doubts in one's faith by seeking help from fellow believers, studying theology and biblical truths, and recognizing the importance of creating a safe space for doubt within the church community. Ultimately, Kruger calls on the Christian community to provide more compassion towards individuals facing doubts while providing them with a secure space to navigate their faith questions.
In his message from TGC Chicago's 2022 Regional Conference, Colin Smith teaches us how to pray the Lord’s prayer through five specific categories, drawing from Luke 11 when Jesus’s disciples actually requested that Jesus teach them topray, not how to pray.
Smith highlights five things on which to focus while praying:
As we more fully know the love of the Father, we will desire to earnestly seek him in prayer.
During a panel discussion led by Collin Hansen at TGCW22, Jackie Hill Perry, Preston Perry, Melissa Kruger, and Michael Kruger discuss what it looks like to have healthy, godly marriages. Both couples emphasize the need for respect, listening, authenticity, and confession. The panel also talks about the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of your spouse and being for your spouse in every situation, never trying simply to win an argument.
Hansen asks questions like “How do you protect your marriage?” and “What does it mean to honor your spouse’s family?” The couples talk about the importance of pursuing healthy friendships, having fun together, and praying for one another daily. They say marriage is a reflection of the individual's relationship with God and that as you both look to Christ together, more unity in marriage inevitably follows.
“God is so faithful. He says, ‘If you bring me your sin, if you uncover it before me, I will cover it. I will do the very thing that you're trying to do in your own strength and power. I will cover it in the blood of my Son.’” — Juan Sánchez
In his message at TGC Chicago's 2022 regional conference, Juan Sánchez uses Nehemiah’s example of prayer to illustrate how we should earnestly seek the Lord. He emphasizes that believers must be people of action and that a crucial first step always involves prayer.
Sánchez highlights how Nehemiah rooted his prayers in God’s character, acknowledged his own sins, recalled God’s promises, and then presented his requests before the throne of grace. Regularly confessing our sins is essential to remaining in good communion with God. May we run to God in prayer, allowing him to cleanse and cover us.
In her message at TGCW22, Lydia Brownback addresses the topic of contentment and points to where we can find true fulfillment for the things in our life that just don't feel quite right.
When there is discontentment in our lives, there are usually two avenues we typically take to deal with it: take it to the Lord or avoid it with busyness or another handy escape. Brownback uses Psalm 73 to teach about Asaph's journey from discontentment to contentment through his response to disappointment. In Psalm 73:25, Asaph declares, “Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.”
When it comes to responding to discontentment and disappointing circumstances, Brownback says, “Our responses to disappointment are a window into our heart.” Those responses often show us whether we are following Christ for who he is or merely for what he can give us.
The antidote to wrong thinking about God, which is the root of discontentment, is to develop a right perspective on God and trust him with the guidance of our lives. Ultimately, true contentment is God's will for us no matter our circumstances, and in Christ, contentment is always possible. Like Asaph in Psalm 73, may we draw near to the Lord with trust and declare that there is nothing on earth that we desire besides him.
In his message at TGC Chicago's 2022 Regional Conference, Kevin DeYoung expounds on John 17, teaching us how to pray like Christ through his high priestly prayer.
DeYoung summarizes Jesus’s prayer in three sections: Jesus prays for himself to be glorified, his disciples to be sanctified, and his church to be unified. Jesus also prays for the safekeeping of his disciples, knowing they'll sin and fail. In this way, we must also pray for protection and safekeeping from the temptation to sin and drift from God.
Jesus’s prayer illustrates the story of a God who gives good gifts. DeYoung says, “This is a prayer, start to finish, replete with God, the Trinitarian Giver of gifts. The Father gifts the Son, to give the disciples and the church eternal life and the words of life, that they might participate as a gift in this life of glory.”
At TGCW22, Irwyn Ince explores the characteristics of love described in 1 Corinthians 13 and explains how to abide in that kind of love.
Ince discusses the importance of love in relationships, specifically within the body of Christ, emphasizing the transformative power of God's love, which changes self-centered individuals into self-sacrificial lovers of God and neighbor. He proposes that love is not based on likeness or attraction, but instead, true love overcomes divisions and reconciles those who may have nothing in common, except for Christ.
The hope for Christians is the full expression and experience of the love of God in and through Christ, which endures forever. There is a day coming, Ince urges, when all doubts will be gone, and we will see love, face-to-face, in the person of Christ. Until then, focusing on Jesus and abiding in his love is how we endure life on this side of eternity.
In his message at TGC Chicago's 2022 Regional Conference, H. B. Charles explains what happens in David’s heart during his prayer of confession in Psalm 51. Through this psalm, we learn that confession and repentance can lead us to joy as we follow David’s example.
First, David prays, “Forgive me,” which is essential to moving forward in our relationship with God once we’ve sinned against him. He prays based on God’s character—knowing God is full of abundant mercy. This confession allows David to take full responsibility for his sin and frees us to do the same when we've sinned.
Second, David prays for a “clean heart,” asking God to change him. This is a divine miracle of spiritual transformation, which is impossible without prayer and trust in the Holy Spirit's power.
Last, David asks to be used for God's glory. Grace and the power of forgiveness should be what motivates us to evangelism and care for others.
“The prayer of confession is intricately tied to the prayer of intercession,” says Charles. Closing with this challenge, he says, “Godliness is characterized by joy, but joy and sin cannot coexist.” If we've lost our joy, let us confess our sins and run to God in repentance and belief in the gospel of Jesus that saves us.
In this TGCW22 session, Rebecca McLaughlin teaches on how the apostle Peter offers hope to those feeling hopeless in today's world, by reminding us of our living hope—Jesus Christ.
McLaughlin explains that hope in Christ always runs to Jesus, breeds holiness, requires ransom, and springs eternal. She emphasizes the importance of setting our hope fully on the grace that will come at the revelation of Jesus, not on earthly things like careers, marriage, or children.
By fixing our eyes on Jesus and hoping in him alone, we can live an increasingly obedient life. McLaughlin reminds us that without Jesus, all life is meaningless. In Christ, we have hope and a purpose.
In his message at TGC19, Trip Lee teaches on the importance of having faith in God during difficult times of suffering. Lee uses two stories from Matthew 8 that display the healing power of Jesus—the healing of the man with leprosy and the healing of the centurion’s servant—to show what true faith looks like.
Lee says that by studying the Word and remembering God's faithfulness, we nourish and strengthen our faith. He says that real faith isn’t demanding that God heals but instead trusting him to act according to his goodness and sovereignty. Lee emphasizes that healing isn't always a one-to-one comparison and that we should approach God with humility and trust, acknowledging his power is never in question, no matter the outcome.
Ultimately, Lee encourages us to bring our brokenness to the One who is both able and willing to heal, and to trust and rest in Jesus's kindness, power, goodness, and saving work until the end, when all things are made perfect.
“Setting our eyes on the object of our faith is the only way we will endure.” — Trillia Newbell
At TGCW22, Trillia Newbell emphasizes the importance of abiding faith in the life of a Christian. Faith is the foundation of the Christian life, and it is through faith that we can walk with Christ and obey him. Newbell distinguishes between saving faith (saved by grace through faith) and enduring faith (remaining in Christ), and encourages us to abide in Jesus by trusting, praying, obeying, and resting in him.
Newbell also discusses the definition of faith and the importance of studying the lives of those in the Hall of Fame of Faith, as detailed in Hebrews 11. Ultimately, faith is required to believe in the truth and reliability of the Bible, trust in God's salvation through faith, and maintain a relationship with Jesus.
In this TGC17 breakout session, Kevin DeYoung discusses the significance of accurate Bible interpretation, addressing the issue of pervasive interpretive pluralism within Christianity. DeYoung emphasizes the sufficiency and clarity of Scripture as well as the importance of interpreting Scripture alongside the creeds, confessions, and traditions of the church.
DeYoung also highlights the need for understanding church history to combat pervasive interpretive pluralism. He encourages Christians to study and become convinced in their own minds of Scripture. Ultimately, DeYoung wants to equip people with confidence in God's Word as a result of accurate Bible interpretation.
As Christians consider how to heal racial wounds and pursue racial justice, one debated question is how reconciliation and justice are related. Must justice be served first, before talk of reconciliation can even be taken seriously? Or is reconciliation the groundwork that makes the collective pursuit of justice possible? Should evangelicals stop talking about the need for “racial reconciliation” unless they're actively addressing racial injustice? Or is the theological value of reconciliation—and forming meaningful relationships across racial lines—what will ultimately empower diverse communities to address injustice together?
These and other related questions are addressed in this debate between Darryl Williamson and George Yancey. Williamson and Yancey share their arguments and engage in a discussion moderated by Jim Davis, teaching pastor at Orlando Grace Church.
– Watch the full-length video debate here.
– Access discussion guides for your church or small group.
The pace of change in the digital age is staggering. Every year sees the emergence of new platforms, apps, and technologies that each bring possibilities, problems, and power to reshape culture. What should the church’s posture be toward new technologies?
Should churches be early adopters, seeking to leverage new technologies missionally and ecclesially, rather than being a few steps behind? Or should the church take a more cautious approach—not necessarily antitechnology but at least hesitant about adopting technologies before we’ve been able to properly consider their potential downsides? Whether we’re talking about online church, internet evangelism, apologetics on TikTok, or some future hypothetical (virtual church gatherings in the metaverse?), should churches err on the side of front-footed entrepreneurial embrace or “wait and see” skepticism?
These and other related questions are addressed in this debate between Patrick Miller and Jay Kim. Miller and Kim share their arguments and engage in a discussion moderated by Jim Davis, teaching pastor at Orlando Grace Church.
– Watch the full-length video debate here.
– Access discussion guides for your church or small group.
Few Christians would deny that “creation care” is a good thing or that stewardship of God's creation is a biblical mandate. But many Christians differ on the public policy implications of environmental stewardship. Is creation care something Christians should only practice in their private sphere of activities (e.g., recycling, not littering, and so on), or is it an issue requiring larger political action (e.g., regulations to curb emissions, government incentives for clean energy development, and so on)? Should addressing climate change be a public policy priority for Christians? Why or why not?
These and related questions are addressed in this debate between Brian Mattson and Jake Meador. Mattson and Meador share their arguments and engage in a discussion moderated by Jim Davis, teaching pastor at Orlando Grace Church.
– Watch the full-length video debate here.
– Access discussion guides for your church or small group.
The issue of immigration is perennially divisive in American politics and also among American Christians (whose opinions about immigration are often more informed by politics than by the Bible).
What are the best biblical arguments for strong borders and enforcement of immigration law on one side, or for more open borders on the other? For Christians, how does our faith inform the relationship between respecting the law and showing compassion to undocumented immigrants?
These and related questions are addressed in this debate between Matthew Soerens and Darren Guerra. Soerens and Guerra share their respective arguments and engage in a discussion moderated by Jim Davis, teaching pastor at Orlando Grace Church.
– Watch the full-length video debate here.
– Access discussion guides for your church or small group.
Christian parents are right to give significant thought to where and how they educate their children.
For many, the decision involves not only faith convictions but also financial realities and other factors. Why, or why not, should Christian parents have their children attend public schools? And if not, what are the best arguments for investing in a nonpublic education option (Christian private, homeschool, private classical school, and so on)? Whatever parents decide, how might they compensate for the downsides of their choice?
These and other related questions are addressed in this debate between Jen Wilkin and Jonathan Pennington. Wilkin and Pennington share their arguments and engage in a discussion moderated by Jim Davis, teaching pastor at Orlando Grace Church.
– Watch the full-length video debate here.
– Access discussion guides for your church or small group.
In 2005, Al Mohler wrote an article about the call to Christian maturity through triaging theological issues. As with prioritizing particular injuries and illnesses in a hospital, there's great need for ranking theological issues in order of importance within the church.
At TGC21, Matt Smethurst moderates a panel with Al Mohler, Gavin Ortlund, and Afshin Ziafat as they discuss how to separate primary, secondary, and tertiary theological beliefs. Smethurst defines the three categories as follows:
Gavin Ortlund shares that love should always be the driving motivation in finding where one’s church stands on theological beliefs. He says, “When we notice we are being too sectarian and fighting too much, it is helpful to ask if this is becoming a form of self-justification.” Ortlund reminds us we're saved by grace alone, through faith in Christ alone.
Recommended resource: Finding the Right Hills to Die On: The Case for Theological Triage by Gavin Ortlund
“There’s no greater source of inspiration than an abiding friendship with Jesus.” –– Davy Flowers
At TGCW21, Sarah Walton, Caroline Cobb, Hunter Beless, Davy Flowers, Ruth Chou Simons, and Jen Wilkin discuss what it looks like to be a creative in this age of technology.
The panel discusses questions like, “How do we not seek our own glory on social media? How do we balance home life with ministry work? And, how do we serve both our local church and the global church at the same time?” Simons encourages us to think of our social media platform as the living room of our home, allowing for a more genuine engagement with our followers, as we treat them as if they were sitting on the couch in front of us.
The key to success is not growing our number of followers, but instead, connecting with the ones we have and stewarding our creative platform well, while pointing the world to Jesus. Everything we need in order to create beautiful art, music, and content, stems from a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. We create for an audience of one—for his glory, alone.
At TGCW22, Julius Kim delivered a powerful message on how King David’s sacrificial love toward Mephibosheth points us to the sacrificial love of God through Christ.
As Kim teaches on 2 Samuel 9, he explains that King David’s love for Mephibosheth mimics Christ’s love for us. Kim draws out four key acts in this passage:
Just as David calls Mephibosheth by name, promises not to kill him, and restores his land, we see that Christ has also done the same for us. Although our plight left us stuck in sin with no hope, Jesus calls us by name and welcomes us into his royal family. Life is received, land is restored, and a table is reserved for us always.
Kim considers this passage an invitation to dine with the true King at his table for all eternity.
“When current fear comes and it is looming large in your life, then what we need to do is . . . remember what God has done, remember his past faithfulness. . . . Let his past faithfulness cultivate current faith in us in the present.” –– Courtney Doctor
In her keynote message at TGCW22, Courtney Doctor teaches from 1 Samuel 17 about the true champion in the story of David and Goliath.
Doctor says the battle between David and Goliath is actually about the King who has won the battle for us—King Jesus, in whom is our salvation and victory over sin and death. She teaches on three things about David that helped him win the battle and, if applied to our own lives, will help us in our own battle against sin:
1. Realize God’s greatness. David realized that coming in the name of the living God was more powerful than all the armor or weapons Goliath had.
2. Remember God’s faithfulness. Recalling all the times God saved him from danger in the past gave David faith in the present.
3. Represent God’s people. Those who were in David’s army won because he won. The same is true if we're in Christ—because he has won, we also receive the victory even though we didn't earn it.
Doctor closes with this reminder: “We are running after our Champion [Jesus] into a battle that has already been decided, so fix your eyes on the King of Glory, realize his greatness, remember his faithfulness, and keep running after him.”
“[God’s Word] did a much deeper work in Rahab than merely making her afraid. . . . While the hearts of all of the rest of the people in Jericho melted into fear, Rahab's heart melted into faith.” –– Nancy Guthrie
In her keynote message at TGCW22, Nancy Guthrie teaches on the faith of Rahab and the encouragement it provides for us to risk everything for God.
There's a thread of protection from God’s judgment throughout the Old Testament for those who believe his promises are true. In the book of Joshua, Rahab—a prostitute and outsider—understands the most foolish thing a person can do is set themselves against the living God, ignoring what he's promised. Instead of remaining faithful to the people in her context, Rahab risks everything to join the people of God. Rahab is welcomed because of her faith and is ultimately saved from destruction. This teaches us salvation comes to those who risk everything on the Word of God being true, and salvation comes to those who rest completely in the mercy of God.
Guthrie concludes with an exhortation and says, “Do not presume upon the mercy of God; take hold of it. Risk everything on the promises of God being true and that they are for you, no matter who you are or what you’ve done.”
“Christ was conformed to the image of the serpent that we might be conformed to the image of Christ.” — Jen Wilkin
In her talk at TGCW22, Jen Wilkin teaches about the significance of the serpent on the pole as referenced in Numbers 21. In this Old Testament passage, Wilkin explains, the serpents point back to Egypt and the severity of the punishment from God in the 10 plagues. It's a reminder to the people of Israel at the time not to harden their hearts in disobedience. The Israelites repent, and God provides a way of healing. Moses then holds up a bronze serpent on a pole (foreshadowing and representing Christ on the cross) and God’s people have a chance to look and live.
“It is the same for us today,” says Wilkin. “All that is required of us for salvation is to look on Christ and believe.”
“Everything you need has been purchased by the blood of Jesus . . . for your enjoyment now, in the midst of the wilderness, and your enjoyment, forever.” – John Piper
In his keynote message at TGCW22, John Piper describes four scenes in the wilderness of Exodus 17 that are brimming with implications for our own lives:
Piper closes by referencing how God passed over the sins of the people in the Old Testament by punishing those sins through the cross of Christ 1,400 years later. Piper says, “Every undeserved blessing you will ever taste now and forever is owing to the death of Jesus.”
Though may not understand all the reasons why God chooses to bring us into a waterless encampment, we can trust his character, his saving power, and his good purposes. When we find ourselves in the wilderness, may we thirst for more than water—finding all we need in Jesus, himself.
“We need to remember the reality of God and that there is nothing too hard for him. All of us have something in our life where this truth needs to be applied.” — Jackie Hill Perry
In Genesis 22, when Abraham is asked to sacrifice his only son, he obeys immediately. In her message at TGC's 2022 Women's Conference, Jackie Hill Perry explained how Abraham's obedience was directly tied to his unwavering faith in God—for whom nothing is too hard.
When Abraham thought about the sacrifice he had to make in the future, he remembered the resurrection (of his body and Sarah's) in the past. If God could do a miracle then, he could do a miracle now. Abraham’s faith is proved by his willingness to sacrifice his son and is affirmed by God, who then provides a ram as a substitutionary sacrifice. This provision saves Isaac from death, separation, and destruction.
The ram foreshadows Christ, who is not only our substitution for sin but also the Son of God who returned from the dead to glorify the Father. Perry calls us to remember who God is and what he has done when we're tested and tried. And just like Abraham, may we come to the other side of our trials refined with a faith that's affirmed by God.
“We deserved the flood . . . we are given the ark, and his name is Jesus.” –– Melissa Kruger
In her keynote message at TGCW22, Melissa Kruger uses the story of Noah and the flood to illustrate God's unchanging character and grace. She points out three key takeaways:
Kruger says that the main point of the flood was that God, in his mercy, remembered Noah, pointing to our very real salvation in Christ—the true Ark. She challenges us to be sure we are “in the Ark” and to warn others of the coming storm of judgment, beckoning them to the Ark with urgency. With joy, we tell those in a discontent and disgruntled world that God is just, gracious, and powerful. Kruger ends with the encouragement that when we doubt, we can remember, “It’s not about you. It’s about the soundness of your Ark.”
“Accomplishing the Great Commission will not be easy, but we’ve been commanded by God to take the gospel to all people groups.” — David Platt
In his message at TGC's 2021 National Conference, David Platt urges local church leaders and pastors to prioritize the 3 billion unreached people across the globe. He reminds these leaders that God has commanded their obedience in the Great Commission for the sake of his global glory.
Platt gives 10 ways church leaders and pastors can shepherd their people to obey this command:
1. Preach the unfading Word of God in view of the unreached world.
2. Call people to a supreme love of Jesus and radical identification with him, for missions is the overflow of that.
3. Reorient local discipleship around the global purpose of God.
4. Train and empower people to make biblical disciples and multiply biblical churches without dependence on performances, programs, and professionals.
5. Lead the church to pray and fast for that which can only be accomplished by the Spirit.
6. Send missionaries to the unreached from your local church.
7. Promote multiple avenues for people to go to the unreached (on short-, mid-, and long-term trips).
8. Give wisely, generously, and sacrificially from the local church to missions.
9. Prioritize urgent spiritual needs in the world, while providing for physical needs.
10. Prepare people to suffer and die and shepherd them amid suffering and death as they make disciples among all the nations.
Platt ends with an exhortation that we're not living for this world—we have an enduring city to come. Platt says when our eyes are fixed on eternity and on Christ, whatever the Lord calls us to do for the sake of his name makes sense.
During a panel discussion at TGC21, Hannah Nation, Ryan Zhang, and S. E. Wang from China Partnership discuss the experience of the Chinese church and how the American church can learn from its suffering and kingdom mindset.
Since the 1970s, the church in China has grown 60-fold, which is a clear sign of revival. Nation and her team challenge and encourage the American church to pray for revival and learn from the Chinese church by adopting these four beliefs and practices:
1. Believe that prayer is real and powerful.
2. Know that the church really is the best gift you can give to your city.
3. Don’t slow down in evangelism as you encounter pressure or persecution.
4. Keep repentance central in the life of the church.
Stories of persecuted pastors from China show that the more focus is put on kingdom advancement, the more Christ is seen and glorified. One Chinese pastor said it best: “Survival is not our calling. Rather, the goal of the church is uncompromisable evangelism and discipleship.”
“When we say that we should sing the Word, we mean that our singing ought to be biblical.” – Ligon Duncan
In the book of Hebrews, we are exhorted to offer acceptable worship to God, but what does that practically look like? Ligon Duncan not only answers the “what” of acceptable worship, but also the “how.”
Worship is defined as “glorifying and enjoying God forever,” which is done in two ways:
These two elements of worship work together, ensuring that we are not hypocrites with our hearts far from God as we enter the assembly of worship, and encouraging us, while in the assembly, to also worship in private.
Most importantly, Duncan reminds us that acceptable worship is worship according to the Scriptures—it is filled by the Word and framed by the Word. Not only do we read God’s Word, but we pray it, preach it, and sing it. And we do it all with a heart of gratitude. This is what acceptable worship means.
At TGC's 2021 National Conference, Trevin Wax taught on the importance of being a multi-directional leader and how to have a heightened awareness of problems your flock may encounter.
Wax defines multi-directional leadership as “a manner of leadership grounded in the unshakable conviction that all the truth revealed in Scripture must be deployed for the good of God’s people.”
The pursuit of this type of leadership can be difficult as it requires dexterity and vision to protect the flock from all sides. Wax warns against being a one-directional leader who fights alone and allows the culture to set the agenda for what's addressed to the flock, and he says healthy leadership is about “speaking the right word in the right moment to the right people.”
Wax gives four ways pastors and church leaders can apply a sensitivity to being multi-directional:
1. Delight in Scripture.
2. Listen carefully to people who sound various alarms, and discern if they're valid.
3. Know yourself and the dangers to which you're susceptible.
4. Know your people and their tendencies and leanings.
In his message at TGC's 2021 National Conference, John Yates teaches on the successes of The Great Awakening of the 1700s to1800s and what this historical revival can show us.
Yates explains five things that made the ministry and revival of the early awakeners so effective:
1. Their message always started with man’s lostness and inability to live up to the standard of God. It always ended with the atonement of Christ and a call to new birth and true faith that brings assurance of salvation.
2. Their delivery was filled with a great sense of duty and responsibility to bring others to Christ.
3. Their community was set up from the beginning to have small groups with high commitment where honesty and accountability for Christian living were the focus.
4. Their emotions, flowing from their devotion to Christ, had a place, and the awakeners used them in their music and writings.
5. Their leaders were well trained and educated.
Yates closes with encouragement and urges us to pray for revival now as we rely on the Holy Spirit to move.
A few years ago, Jen Wilkin coined the term “celebratory failurism” to describe an acceptance of the thought that Christians will never be able to fully obey because of total depravity. Wilkin pushes back on that idea, and she and Mike Kruger discuss why there seems to be a misunderstanding on total depravity, legalism, and obedience to the law.
They discuss the struggle between antinomianism (lawlessness) and pharisaical tendencies (lawfulness) and find that the relationship between law and grace is: obedience that pleases God has right motive combined with right action.
“We can’t love Christ and love his word and ignore the gospel imperative to love each other.” — Courtney Doctor
In our polarized world, Christians should be constantly demonstrating a better way toward unity. In this panel discussion at TGC21 (moderated by Vanessa Hawkins), Courtney Doctor, Suzanne Bates, Ruth Chou Simons, and Dennae Pierre discuss the barriers to gospel-centered racial unity and practical ways we can move forward.
Some of these barriers to racial unity can include: fear of people who are different from us, lack of awareness of others’ experiences, and the cost of investing time into these hard conversations. In foolishness and pride, we might see these as simple problems that need to be fixed. In humility and grace, we can listen to and learn from each other’s complex experiences.
If we are going to build a diverse church, we must be intentional. The panel discusses that reading books on ethnic and racial diversity, attending an ethnic church different from your own, and creating local spaces to have hard conversations, are some practical ways forward with Christ at the center.
“Go online for a purpose, go for a reason. Stay online only as long as you need to, and then go offline.” — Brett McCracken
In his message at TGC21, Brett McCracken addresses an issue of today's generation of quick information—how to develop wisdom in the midst of all that is being thrown at us, online. He shares three things that are making us sick:
As an antidote to these problems, McCracken forms a “wisdom pyramid” which is similar to the food pyramid. In each level of the pyramid, he describes how much time we should be spending in relation to the other levels. For example, most of our time should be spent in the Bible, which is the foundation of the pyramid, and the least amount of time should be spent on social media and the internet, which is the top of the pyramid. Like a healthy diet, The Wisdom Pyramid is a guide to lead us into better spiritual and physical health.
Along with his other brothers and sisters, James started out as an unbeliever—though he was a half-sibling of Jesus—until Christ's resurrection. Nancy Guthrie takes us through verses from the Gospels, the Book of Acts, and historical writings to show us James's journey as the leader of the church in Jerusalem, a pastor, peacemaker, doer of the Word, and a man who remained steadfast under trial. In all this, we learn the significance of why James refers to himself as “a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
“God’s eternal plan for your life includes your physicality.” — Sam Allberry
At TGC21, Sam Allberry gives five reasons why our bodies are good and how we should treat them as we wait for bodily redemption.
As believers, we can honor our physical bodies by seeing ourselves through a gospel lens, remembering that one day, God will—like all things—make our us new.
At TGC21, Michael Horton explains how we, as sinners, can take our sin to a holy God without fear because of our sympathetic high priest, Jesus.
Horton takes Friedrich Nietzsche’s writing on “the ugliest man,” who claimed to kill God because he couldn’t bear to have someone know his dirtiest corners, and parallels it with how we can bring our dirtiest sins to the Father through Jesus, without shame. Using Hebrews 4, Horton shows how Jesus is a glorious High Priest, a sympathetic High Priest, and a gracious High Priest.
In the person of Christ, we have advocate who can actually sympathize with us because he became like us, yet without sin. This is the greatest news of all—that we can take our dirtiness to the Father, knowing we will be met with grace because the Son fully understands what it is to be human.
If we want our kids to love Jesus, we must also want them to love the church. In her message at TGCW21, Megan Hill gives five ways to practically teach our kids to love the local church.
Hill closes with an encouragement to parents who are feeling overwhelmed. “Sunday by Sunday, seek to show your kids how good it is to love God’s people and to worship alongside them—you have an advocate in the heavenly places.”
“At the core of our identity as Christians is this thing that says, ‘Jesus is more important to us than anything else,’ and it causes us to lean toward one another, not away from each other.” — Mark Vroegop
At TGC's 2021 National Conference, Mark Vroegop, Kori Porter, and Irwyn Ince discuss why lament is a key component of racial reconciliation. The panel answers tough questions: What is racial reconciliation? Why is it so important? Why is it so difficult?
Lament is a tool Christians must use in order to enter into each others’ pain. We must not be tempted toward denial or despair, but instead, we embrace brokenness together as the gospel heals racial wounds.
“We don’t persevere in order to be saved. We persevere because we have been saved. God has made it possible for us to maintain faithfulness to Jesus, and God is invested in our faithfulness to him.” –– Glenna Marshall
At TGCW21, Glenna Marshall delivers a practical message on how to be faithful in the small things, noting that it takes time to see spiritual growth. This perseverance and faithfulness are only possible in the Christian life with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Teaching through Hebrews 10, Marshall outlines three calls to action in pursuing and maintaining faithfulness:
Being faithful in these ways allows us to remain connected to the vine and continue growing in Christ as we wait for his return.
“Whatever [sin] it is, God is still gracious to redeem you and to keep you. He will never leave nor forsake you.” — Kori Porter
Kori Porter outlines the steps of sin through King David’s adultery and murder: sin always starts with desire, sin leads to more sin, and sin produces death. Through this progression, Porter teaches that we have many points of escape when we’re in sin—God will give us a way out and give us the power to fight sin through prayer and the reading of his Word. Just as David was restored through repentance and grace, so will we be restored as we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit and die to sin in order to have true life
In their breakout session at TGC21, Kevin DeYoung, Ligon Duncan, Melissa Kruger, and Nancy Guthrie discuss what it means to have a healthy, biblical view of complementarianism.
Melissa Kruger defines complementarianism as understanding men and women to be “equal in worth and dignity, and different in how we live that out in the world.” The panel answers questions like “What does healthy and unhealthy complementarianism look like?” and “How do we graciously argue for it when others disagree?”
As the panel discusses the differences in the roles of men and women, they also encourage us to keep the gospel central and to follow the example of Jesus in how he treated both men and women.
Megan Hill, Lauren Hansen, and Lindsey Carlson discuss what the wives of pastors and elders need in order to thrive as they support their husbands and churches. The panel answers questions like: How do you handle being seen as a spiritual giant in the church? How do you encourage your husband during a difficult time of pastoring? How do you transition out of relationships into new ones when you move for ministry?
Lindsey Carlson closes by encouraging women, “Model to your congregations that you are a work-in-progress, and give yourself grace and compassion to be the creation that the Lord made you to be in the marriage that he placed you in.”
“I believe we need to read, interpret, and preach Christ and his gospel from all the Scriptures.” – Julius Kim
At TGC21, Julius Kim explains how to deliver a sermon with wisdom and grace for the growth of God’s kingdom.
Kim says that it is critical to preach Christ through every passage, and he gives four specific ways to prepare a sermon, with key tips on how to preach it once prepared:
Kim gives further tips like how to ask the right questions, how to pay attention to body language, and how to use patterns for retention of the message being proclaimed. The preacher must preach Christ, but ultimately, it is up to the Spirit to transform.
“If we were to delight in the Ten Commandments, we would begin to live on earth as a citizen of heaven, anticipating that future sweetness when we, like Christ, fully obey the law.” –– Jen Wilkin
Jen Wilkin delivers a message at TGCW21 on expanding our understanding of and obedience to the Ten Commandments. Wilkin emphasizes the importance of delighting in God’s law and explains the good that comes from it: “Personal obedience always results in collateral benefit. When one of us obeys God's law, it is good for all of us.”
As Wilkin walks through each commandment, she explains how to look for expansive obedience instead of just rote instruction. Obedience was always intended to be worshipful, and if we meditate on the law rightly, it can become that once again.
“At the end of the book of Revelation, we see that Jesus, the second Adam, will not fail to lead us into a garden that will be even better than Eden—where we will enjoy fellowship with him for all eternity. So, don't be afraid of Revelation.”
Nancy Guthrie gives four common fears we may have when approaching the book of Revelation:
1. We fear that we’re not going to understand it and, if we’re teaching it, that we’ll get it wrong.
2. We fear the controversy that surrounds the book.
3. We fear the suffering and persecution Revelation tells us to expect.
4. We fear the judgment, blood, and wrath described in the book.
As Guthrie explains each fear, she also offers encouragement and wise, biblical help for reading the book of Revelation with joy. The central message of Revelation, according to Guthrie, is that we are called to patient endurance in suffering for our allegiance to Christ, and that we are called to refuse to compromise with the world as we wait for the return of our King.
“The end of the ages has indeed broken into history. Christ is the perfect Adam . . . who has come to achieve what all those before him have failed to achieve.” – Benjamin Gladd
In their message at TGC's 2021 national conference, Greg Beale and Benjamin Gladd explain the importance of eschatology in the Christian's understanding of all of Scripture.
The storyline of Jesus—his death, resurrection, and ascension—is crucial to equipping the Christian for all of life. As we understand the Old Testament more fully, the person of Christ is magnified. As we understand that we have the same resurrection power of Christ in us, we’re enabled to obey his commands and conquer sin.
In her message at TGC's 2022 women's conference, Nancy Guthrie delivers a strategy on how to teach the Bible with both passion and personality.
She encourages us to teach with passion—in a way that our love for the Scriptures is evident. And with personality—where the aim is to develop a relationship with our audience.
Guthrie then provides 12 practical tools to help us overcome the fear of inserting ourselves into Bible teaching:
1. Use humor as a way to break down barriers and unite the audience.
2. Use story to serve the main thing, not be the main thing.
3. Use drama in your reading and teaching of the passage.
4. Use song or lyrics to drive home the point of the passage.
5. Use emotion genuinely to prick the ears of your listeners.
6. Use confession of your own sin and inability to follow the message perfectly.
7. Use voice variation to keep your listeners' attention.
8. Use body language to get their visual attention.
9. Use unmentionable applications, like unmentioned but common sins among your audience.
10. Use eye contact and get out of your notes in order to deliver the message effectively.
11. Use prayer to infuse passion and an active dependence on God in the teaching.
12. Make it your aim to get to the gospel and Christ’s passion.
“We don't live in a moralistic age where we need to prove people to be sinners, we live in an anxious age, where we need to prove to people they're worth something.” – Sam Allberry
Brett McCracken, Sam Allberry, and Trevin Wax discuss how Christians should gracefully and biblically engage our current sexual culture, specifically with the rapid progression of LGBTQ and transgender identity.
A. Craig Troxel expounds on what Scripture says about the heart, and teaches how to re-orient the heart towards Christ. Troxel explains that the word “heart” in Scripture actually refers to three different parts of our inner selves: the mind, the desires, and the will. The mind’s heart is what you know, the desire’s heart is what you want, and the will’s heart is what you choose.
The goal of the Christian life is not duty, but joy, and in order to get there, we need the Holy Spirit to teach us how to love what God loves. To love God whole-heartedly, we must look to Christ who has perfectly loved the Father.
In his message at TGC21, Lloyd Kim defines social justice as giving equity, fairness, and inalienable rights to all people, and he explains why the gospel is included as a right. Kim gives five objections and solutions for why Christians might not be answering the call to global missions. In addressing all these roadblocks to missions, Kim provides encouragement to answer the call to the Great Commission and bring Jesus to the unreached.
At TGCW21, Ligon Duncan taught from the book of Romans on the Holy Spirit’s ongoing work in the Christian life to conform us into the image of Jesus.
Duncan encourages Christians to endure the work of sanctification through God’s Spirit, even when it’s discouraging. He gives five truths about sanctification that help anchor the soul:
1. Justification and sanctification both ground our sense of freedom in the Christian life, providing a way to obey.
2. God’s grace always produces heart change in the believer, which leads to seeing God’s delight in us.
3. Worldliness doesn’t subject itself to the law of God, and when we pursue worldliness, the Spirit’s work in us can feel like death.
4. Worldliness is unable to subject itself to God’s law. We are actually in bondage when we follow our own way, but when we submit, we are free.
5. It is impossible to please God in worldliness. But the Christian walking in the Spirit is at peace, subject to the law, and able to obey because of the Spirit’s work within.
Duncan closes with the reminder that God’s purpose from the beginning has always been and will always be to conform us into the image of his Son, through the work of the Holy Spirit.
A lot of the advice we hear about how to use social media—don’t be mean, don’t humblebrag, share Bible verses—is good. But it also doesn’t feel like enough. Social media is a huge beast, and we need more than “set a timer” (as helpful as that can be) to help us navigate the world of social media in a gospel-centered way.
Pulling in part from TGC's book, Social Sanity in an Insta World, panelists Amy Gannett, Blair Linne, and Laura Wifler explore ways of using social media to the glory of God. They cover a wide range of ideas, from the big picture (figure out why you're logging on) to the daily details (to re-ground yourself after scrolling, try concentrating on your five senses), all while offering encouragement to those who might be burned out by social media.
Teaching from Romans chapters 11 and 12, Jen Wilkin expounds on Paul’s call to know and worship God in order to be transformed. We must ask “Who is God?” before we can know our own identity.
Wilkin outlines three truths about God that help us understand how to become living sacrifices for him:
Because God owns all things, we cannot extort or blackmail him. Because God holds all information (knowledge) perfectly and effortlessly, he can judge us perfectly (wisdom). If we want to feel deeply about God, we need to think deeply about him. Meditating on God's riches, wisdom, and knowledge will ultimately transform us into Christ’s image.
Juan Sánchez helps pastors identify leaders who imitate Christ based on four necessary traits: character, conviction, competency, and credibility.
In her message at TGCW21, Nancy Guthrie defines biblical theology and how it can transform Bible study as we gain a greater understanding of the Bible through it.
Guthrie says biblical theology is a way of seeing the Bible as one cohesive story about what God is doing in the world through Christ. Approaching the Scriptures with biblical theology as a framework, Christians should experience a deeper awe of what Christ has done, not an overwhelming feeling of what we have to do. The smaller stories of the Bible are all woven together into the greater story of Christ—allowing us to see the beauty, sufficiency, and necessity of our union with him.
Teaching on Romans 5 at TGCW21, Kathleen Nielson highlights the truth that God’s grace is always abounding. She explains grace in relation to the past, present, and future—that we have been reconciled with God through Christ (past), that we have access to God right now (present), and that we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God awaiting us (future).
Nielson says we cannot discover this grace on our own. Instead, we experience it together as the body of Christ, encouraging and strengthening each other regularly. The power of grace to give life is much greater than the power of sin to bring death. Through Christ, God’s grace is always greater than our sin. Nielson closes with the bold question: “Does this grace hold your life together?”
In spring 2022, TGC released a five-part video debate series featuring prominent Christian thinkers discussing some of the most divisive issues facing the church today. On this episode, we’re featuring the fifth and final debate in our series, where Ryan Burge and Andrew Walker engage in a discussion whether evangelicals should be defined by sociology or theology. Pastor Jim Davis from Orlando Grace Church moderates this debate.
To watch videos from the debates and download free resources for further discussion with your staff or small group, visit goodfaithdebates.com
In spring 2022, TGC released a five-part video debate series featuring prominent Christian thinkers discussing some of the most divisive issues facing the church today. On today’s episode, we’re featuring the fourth debate, where Brian Davis and Justin Giboney discuss how the church should address racial injustice. Pastor Jim Davis from Orlando Grace Church moderates this debate.
To watch videos from the debates and download free resources for further discussion with your staff or small group, visit goodfaithdebates.com
In spring 2022, TGC released a five-part video debate series featuring prominent Christian thinkers discussing some of the most divisive issues facing the church today. On today’s episode, we’re featuring the third debate, where Scott Klusendorf and Karen Swallow Prior discuss the pro-life cause and what it should, and should not, encompass. Pastor Jim Davis from Orlando Grace Church moderates this debate.
To watch videos from the debates and download free resources for further discussion with your staff or small group, visit goodfaithdebates.com
In spring 2022, TGC released a five-part video debate series featuring prominent Christian thinkers discussing some of the most divisive issues facing the church today. On today’s episode, we’re featuring the second debate, where Sean DeMars and Rebecca McLaughlin discuss whether “woke church” is a step toward theological compromise. Pastor Jim Davis from Orlando Grace Church moderates this debate.
To watch videos from the debates and download free resources for further discussion with your staff or small group, visit goodfaithdebates.com
In spring 2022, TGC released a five-part video debate series featuring prominent Christian thinkers discussing some of the most divisive issues facing the church today. On today’s episode, we’re featuring the first debate, where Bob Thune and Andrew Wilson discuss the topic of gun control. Pastor Jim Davis from Orlando Grace Church moderates this debate.
To watch videos from the debates and download free resources for further discussion with your staff or small group, visit goodfaithdebates.com
John Yates leads a pastoral panel with Matt Carter, Vermon Pierre, and Afshin Ziafat in a discussion on how hard ministry can be and what it takes to not lose heart. They discuss their personal experience of carrying the weight of the church and encountering criticism and fatigue. Together, they suggest how to prevent burnout by having: great mentors, friends inside the church, and a safe place to confess sin. They close with an emphasis on the importance of being surrounded by other believers and letting them speak into your life.
On today’s bonus episode of TGC Podcast, we’re featuring a selection from TGC’s narrative podcast, Recorded.
In "Escape from Kabul", TGC senior writer Sarah Zylstra tells the story of God's dramatic work through the underground church in Afghanistan.
To hear the full episode, subscribe to Recorded on Apple Podcasts.
At TGC21, Darryl Williamson explains how Hebrews 12 uncovers the purpose of opposition in the Christian life. Spiritual conflict has been our defining reality since the fall of man, and God has used the church—people—to show himself to the world.
Williamson says as we consider Christ, we cannot miss the cross and the way of suffering. Jesus doesn’t tell us to avoid suffering. Instead, he says to not be afraid about what we are about to suffer. The purpose of this suffering, Williamson explains, is to endure and remain faithful through it. We’re to share in Christ’s afflictions and therefore share in his glory and rejoice in his faithfulness.
Sam Allberry leads a breakout session at TGCW21 on receiving the gift of singleness. Allberry encourages Christians, both married and single, with three reasons why singleness is a gift and not a curse.
He explains that the culture, and even sometimes the church, has taught us that we can only find happiness and intimacy through marriage. But the true, Biblical view of singleness shows us that:
With this in view, singleness can become an opportunity to taste the goodness of God. When singleness is seen as a gift, the single Christian can therefore be thankful to God—and gratitude changes everything.
Courtney Doctor, Vanessa Hawkins, Melissa Kruger, and Trillia Newbell discuss what discipleship is and why it is important, especially within the local church. The panel defines discipleship as a lifelong growing in the knowledge of the Lord, a growing in his likeness, and a growing in affection for Christ until he returns.
Kruger explains that discipleship isn’t “you becoming like me,” but instead becoming like the Lord together. A practical path to discipleship is outlined during the discussion:
By following these guidelines, discipleship is more attainable for you and your mentor. Kruger describes that discipleship is like tethering a young sapling to an old oak tree. The sun and rain still make the sapling grow, but it is guided in the right direction by the help of standing beside the older, more mature tree. The panel closes with the reason why we should be a part of discipleship—it impacts all of eternity.
Julius Kim closes the Book of James with an explanation of why we should pray, tying together all the teachings from TGCW21. Kim connects all the previous teachings on steadfastness by describing what James meant in his closing statements of the book. Kim explains that what we pray about reveals the priorities of our hearts.
In his letter, James teaches us exactly what we should pray and why, listing four reasons why we should remain steadfast in prayer:
Kim argues that when we pray, it is a grace by which we are strengthened, calling us all to steadfast prayer in the midst of suffering—just like our example, Christ Jesus.
At TGCW21, Nancy Guthrie teaches on James chapters 4 and 5 and paints a picture of two different songs being sung to us—the world’s song of self-indulgence and self-accomplishment, and the song of God’s sovereign plan of patient endurance through suffering. She explains that we must reject the world’s song and instead, sing the song of Scripture, which tells us to wait patiently for the coming of the Lord.
Singing God’s song of Scripture so that it comes out in our dreams, ambitions, and plans is the way to endure suffering. Guthrie encourages steadfast waiting with two reminders:
1. The prophets suffered and were blessed, and so will we be.
2. Consider Job, who refused to give up on God, and be sure that God will work in and through the worst things in our lives to refine us as we wait on him.
Unpacking James chapters 3 and 4 at TGCW21, Paige Benton Brown teaches us how to discern where worldliness has crept into our lives:
As we recognize our worldliness, we can become humble, draw near to God through repentance, and reflect the wisdom God gives. Worldly striving is no longer necessary since Christ already exalted us and seated us with Him in the heavenly places. Brown ends with the glorious news that Jesus rescues us by giving more grace—and there is always more grace.
Courtney Doctor teaches at TGCW21 on James 2:14-26, and carefully examines the true meaning of “faith apart from works is dead.”
Are we justified by faith alone or justified by works along with faith? In her keynote address, Courtney Doctor explains that true and living faith transforms us and changes what we do, creating the good works to which James calls us. We should not muster up these good works to be right with God. Instead, we can follow the four examples of living faith James gives us in his letter:
1. Living faith shows itself in active compassion.
2. Living faith shows itself in a deep love for God.
3. Living faith shows itself in radical obedience to God.
4. Living faith shows itself in full identification with all of God’s people.
If we can simply love and abide in Christ, our good works will be a response from our hearts rather than a striving towards salvation.
At TGC's 2021 Women's Conference, K. A. Ellis presents a message called, “Whose Story Will You Follow?” based off of James 1 and 2.
Ellis explains that the Bible is an ancient and true story that God has created for his people. She also speaks of the false stories and idols that we, as humans, are so quick to follow. Ellis, preaching from the Book of James, lays out what it means to choose to follow God’s story, instead of all the other false stories that lead us astray.
The theme she creates is that our “say” should match our “do.” When our words (our say) match our actions (our do), we show the story of the Kingdom of God, but when they do not match, our idols lead us to destruction and dehumanization. Ellis uses James’ words to encourage us to ask which story we are following—God’s true story, or the idols of our hearts.
“Our conversations will produce more light than heat if we can focus in on one argument at a time. By more carefully isolating our real disagreements, we will be better equipped to talk responsibly, listen respectfully, and find common ground and move in the direction of possible solutions.” – Isaac Adams
Isaac Adams delivers a message at TGC21 addressing the question, “Why is it so hard to talk about race?” He begins with the most basic and foundational of answers from James 4: sin is the reason for the quarrels and fights among brothers and sisters in Christ. Adams identifies 11 reasons he believes sin specifically affects conversations about race. He encourages us listeners to repent, to seek wisdom and listen to one another, and fix our eyes on Jesus.
Though we may not fully agree on questions of race and racism, we can be unified through our conversations if together we are fixated on Christ.
“It's by relying on the Father of every good and every perfect gift that we can remain steadfast under trial.” –– Mary Willson
Mary Willson delivers a message at TGCW21, teaching from James chapter 1, addressing the questions and concerns that have arisen within the Church over the last couple of years around sickness, financial strain, joblessness, loneliness, disorientation, anxiety, and how to faithfully stand firm in the midst of such compounding adversity. She encourages listeners to remember who they are and, ultimately, whose they are, as James describes in verse 1.
Willson also addresses three sets of instructions that follow in James’s teaching in light of our identity in Christ, crescendoing into a glorious remembrance of who God is and the sovereign grace he bestowed on us, that we might be first fruits of his kingdom—reflecting his love in broken creation.
“I want to be content in the presence of God with me, no matter what the circumstances are around me.” – David Platt
David Platt preaches a message at TGC21 based in Hebrews 13:1-21. He begins by reminding us that we have an adversary who wants to destroy our intimacy with Jesus and divert his people from his mission in the world, which is why we have the book of Hebrews.
Platt gives 25 ways that God directs his people through instructions, expectations, declarations, and a benediction in the final chapter of Hebrews. Platt exhorts us to fix our eyes on the Son of God, our reward, our Savior, our Sympathizer, our Intercessor, our Great High Priest who covers over all our sins, and the Great Shepherd who oversees our soul.
Every society has concepts of right and wrong, including overlaps and differences, and those concepts formulate moral ecosystems that pass down values from generation to generation. As described by Tim Keller, moral ecosystems display four distinct characteristics: moral cosmology (who we are and why we are here), moral instruction in some authoritative text, moral imagination (the stories we tell), and cohesive community made up of moral discourse, moral modeling, and moral practices.
In her talk from TGCW21, Betsy Childs Howard addresses each of these characteristics from both historical and practical viewpoints with a particular focus on moral imagination—how the stories we tell shape our children.
Check out the new book, Polly and the Screen Time Overload, written by this episode's speaker, Betsy Childs Howard.
Collin Hansen delivers a message at TGC21 titled “The Duty and Delight of Catechizing Your Children.” He begins with the thesis that someone will catechize your children and follows with the pivotal question, “Will it be you or someone else?”
From Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Hansen addresses the nuts and bolts of catechesis, beginning with its theological foundation and detailing how parents might engage in both formal and informal catechesis, as the Scriptures command.
As parents lay the foundation of catechesis for their children, duty gives way to delight, while Biblical truth begins to shape their families for the glory of God.
Lloyd Kim delivered a message at TGC21 from Hebrews 8:6-13 titled “Christ’s Greater Covenant.” The author of Hebrews makes a case, he taught, that the New Covenant through Jesus is based on better promises of God than the Old. Those promises he described as three-fold:
Sam Allberry, Rebecca McLaughlin, and Jackie Hill Perry participated in a panel discussion during TGCW21 titled “Sexual Identity and Loving Our Neighbor.” Having experienced same-sex attraction and taught extensively on issues of sexuality, each participant in the panel spoke from their own experiences—both being confronted personally by the gospel and engaging in conversations with others around the confrontational and controversial topics of sexuality. They encouraged their listeners to engage honestly, with open ears and a humble posture, recognizing that every image bearer has a story that is worthy of our careful attention.
Bryan Chapell taught a message from Hebrews 12 during TGC21 titled “The Pilgrim’s Purpose in Life.” Amid a global pandemic, he sought to answer the ancient question, “If God is for us, why is all of this happening?” He reminded believers that God is greater than our senses and explanations—and we need him to be.
What God is doing in us, he explained, is disciplining us as sons and daughters, teaching us how dear we are to each other and how dear the Savior is to us. When life hits hard and we find ourselves desperate for solid ground, we should be reminded of the kingdom that cannot be shaken and its glorious King. As recipients of the unshakeable kingdom, we must lift our hands, strengthen our knees, and gratefully worship in reverence and awe.
Don Carson delivered a message during TGC21 titled “Our Empathetic High Priest.” Focusing in on three passages from Hebrews chapters 4-7, he emphasized three major points as it pertains to Christ’s role as our Great High Priest:
— He is able to encourage us to persevere despite our weakness, brokenness, and sin.
— He is able to encourage us by anchoring our hope, in his immutable promise and oath.
— He is able to encourage us by being uniquely qualified to save us completely.
Aimee Joseph led a session during TGCW21 titled “What’s Next? Discerning God’s Will.”
In a sense, she said, life is a huge series of compounding choices. At any given time, we are all in one of three places: on the verge of making a choice, in the midst of a choice, or having just made a choice. From the simple and nearly meaningless to complex and deeply significant, right choices are all around us.
Aimee addressed decision-making from a biblical view using a five-part structure:
—The problem of decisions
—A paradigm for decisions
—The process preparation for decisions
—A posture for decisions
—Praise Him who made us in his image as decision makers
Rebecca McLaughlin led a breakout during TGC21 titled “The Secular Creed” based loosely on her recently released book by the same title. Framing her teaching within current cultural critiques of modern evangelicalism and its history, she encourages Christians to both take the critiques seriously and avoid simply defending our tribe.
She focuses on four points for consideration:
- Jesus demands diversity
- Jesus defines sexuality
- Jesus defends women
- Jesus desires repentance
Mike Horton delivered a message during TGC21 titled “The Necessity of Justification,” taking a look back at Luther’s discovery of the doctrine and the many factors that have affected its understanding, acceptance, or rejection by believers over the years. Correctly understanding and applying the doctrine of justification, Horton argued, is key to another needed reformation, though it does not stand alone. We must recognize the priority of justification, he encouraged his listeners, while also recognizing and rejoicing in the plethora of other gifts we receive in salvation.
TGC hosted a panel discussion at the 2021 Women’s Conference titled “Experiencing God in Your Affliction.” Vaneetha Rendall Risner, Emily Jensen, Jen Oshman, and Kristin Wetherell shared from personal experience regarding pain, suffering, and loss and addressed several questions regarding faith and the strength to endure, including —How has God met you at the end of your rope? —How can we prepare for suffering? —How does the Word of God minister to you in suffering? —Are there particular verses in which you regularly find comfort? —What truths ground you in times of suffering? —How do you avoid being overwhelmed by the idea of future suffering?
Melissa Kruger and Jen Wilkin led a conversation during a session at the 2021 TGC Women’s Conference titled “Gospel Parenting During the Little Years.” Each with older children now, the pair addressed questions regarding parenting their children through the younger years. From understanding accurate metrics for how difficult parenting small children should be to proactively teaching them the Bible in your home to relational vs. authoritarian leadership and choices about education, the women shared from their own experiences, both positive and negative, to encourage mothers facing similar challenges today.
In this episode of TGC’s Behind the Song, Brett McCracken interviews Phoenix-based singer/songwriter LOVKN about his story, his songwriting process, and his desire for a renaissance of artistically beautiful Christ-centered music.
Raised in a creative home, Steven Lufkin was immersed in music and began attending a performing arts school in the sixth grade. From that point on, creativity and excellence were vital in his music, and he sadly found most Christian music uninspiring and inauthentic. Much of his writing explores avant garde approaches to devotional worship and is more akin to music one might hear in a coffee shop than in corporate worship. He now leads a growing worldwide community of artists for creative collaboration and music and worship tours.
In this episode of TGC’s Behind the Song, Brett McCracken interviews Tenielle Neda about her journey to faith and writing music that can influence other people’s faith. From a farm in Australia to Australian Idol to an internship at her brother’s church and a very cool job (teaser), her uncommon story has shaped the trajectory of her life and perspective on writing and performing devotional music to nourish the church. Tenielle discusses her deeply gospel-centered songs and the important role they play simply helping people remember the glorious truths of Scripture that need to be remembered.
In this “Behind the Song” episode of the TGC Podcast, Brett McCracken interviews Poor Bishop Hooper—Jesse and Leah Roberts—about their EveryPsalm project, which releases a new song each week, one for each Psalm. An already ambitious 3-year project became even more so when, only a few months after launch, the world was shaken by a global pandemic. But the sovereign timing of the project unexpectedly worked for good, creating a hymnal of hope and comfort for listeners in a world that seemed to be falling apart. In the interview, the duo addresses the origins of their project and what it takes for a married couple with young children to continually muster the creative energy to create for this ongoing work of art for the church.
Scott Sauls led a session at the 2021 TGC National Conference titled “Rising Above Cancel Culture with the Fruit of Gentleness.” Quoting the inimitable Mr. Rogers, he urged his listeners to move beyond the self-aggrandizing attitudes borne of the craziness of the last year and a half and greet one another, “I like you,” especially within the church. Instead of speaking over one another and canceling people with whom we disagree, he taught, we can—and must—love one another enough to address the issues that concern us while still fully valuing others as those made in the image of God.
John Onwuchekwa led a session at the 2021 TGC National Conference titled “The Christian’s Patience” from Hebrews chapter 11.
Defining hope as “the feeling that the feeling you have right now isn't permanent,” Onwuchekwa reminded listeners of its importance while also encouraging us to guard against the idea that identifying Christ as our source of hope is the end of the journey. Hope inherently assumes waiting, and we’re not great at that practice; practice doesn’t make us better at it. Onwuchekwa focuses on one truth to empower and equip his listeners—God’s people will constantly be waiting, but we must not worry while we do.
Betsy Childs Howard led a discussion with Suzanne Bates, Courtney Reissig, and Kristin Wetherell in a breakout session at the TGC 2021 Women’s Conference titled “Steadfast Hope in an Anxious World.”
They addressed different types of anxiety, the notion that anxiety is sin, scriptural vs. sinful responses to anxiety, anxiety as spiritual warfare, and medical treatments for anxiety, among other topics. They offered specific and practical hope for women struggling with anxiety, encouraging them to remember that they are not alone in the fight.
Speaking primarily from his own traumatic experiences and pastoring others through their own, Matthew Spandler-Davidson led a workshop for pastors at the 2021 TGC National Conference titled “How the Cross Offers Healing for Victims of Abuse.”
Having both experienced and seen abuse as a child—from beatings to rape to being smothered with a pillow—he was left shy, insecure, bitter, angry, and self-centered. It was through the care of a rugged fisherman with a thick Scottish accent, a glass eye, and a long beard that he was introduced to the Bible and the gospel broke into his stubborn, dead, and cold heart. Hope was stirred as Christ and his church became a refuge for his weary soul, and he worked to create the same for other victims when he became a pastor. Spandler-Davidson enumerated three ways churches can become a hope-giving refuge for victims of abuse and several ways to ensure that your church can be a place of safety for the vulnerable and healing for the hurting.
“We serve a God who is not only powerful—not only does he have utter control of everything that's going on in our lives—but we serve one who has tasted death on our behalf.” – Alasdair Groves
Alasdair Groves taught a breakout session at TGC’s 2021 National Conference titled, “Nothing Outside His Control” as a response to the anxiety that is common to our human experience and amplified through current events.
Defining anxiety as “the reality that, in the fallen world, there will be suffering in our future,” Groves turned to Hebrews 2:7-9 to flesh out how we should address it. The passage of Scripture, he taught, clearly states that God is in full control of all things, but we do not yet see everything in subjection to him. Embracing those two truths and holding them in tension is key to rightly responding to anxiety in our lives.
TGC hosted a panel discussion during the 2021 Women’s Conference titled “Motherhood and the Hope of the Gospel” with Christine Hoover, Trillia Newbell, Irene Sun, and Laura Wifler.
Against the backdrop of such a difficult last year for mothers everywhere dealing with the reality of pandemic-driven changes, the panel offered words of hope for those who are tired and weary.
Mental health, emotional health, relational strain, and all sorts of suffering and struggle common to motherhood were addressed as each participant in the panel offered biblical and experiential wisdom to encourage mothers and point them continually to Christ and his Word.
John Piper preached a message at TGC’s 2021 National Conference on “The Essential Achievement of Christ” from Hebrews 9:1-10:18. Through this text, Piper expounded upon six manifestations of Christ’s greatness, magnifying the central achievement—the removal of guilt—and the averting of the wrath of God from those who are in Christ Jesus.
He preached:
Jackie Hill Perry taught a message at TGC’s 2021 Women’s Conference titled “Steadfast Speech: A Mighty Little Tongue.” James chapter 3 formed the backdrop for her admonition to carefully control the tongue by the power of the Spirit. Perry taught that the tongue is accountable, the tongue is powerful, and the tongue is inconsistent.
Creating a better world through our words, she suggested, comes by addressing those realities in three ways. She called her listeners to be honest, to behold, and to be filled.
Speaking at TGC’s 2021 National Conference, Dane Ortlund delivered a message titled “Gentle Savior, Gentle Shepherd.” He addressed a common insufficiency many believers—and church leaders, specifically—possess when it comes to really knowing Christ.
Through four Old Testament passages, Ortlund outlined the gracious, merciful, compassionate character of God that “rolled out the red carpet and constructed a perfectly fitted throne” for the King who would appear in the New Testament to inhabit it.
Understanding the character of God throughout the Scriptures sets the stage for knowing how Christ approaches us, Ortlund taught, and how church leaders should then approach those under their care.
Vaneetha Rendall Risner delivered a message titled “Forgiveness: The Hardest and Most Life-Changing Thing We Can Do” at TGC’s 2021 Women’s Conference. Speaking from her own difficult experience learning to forgive someone who had hurt her deeply, she encouraged those listening to explore and understand what forgiveness really is—allowing God to heal them through the process.
Risner clarified what forgiveness is and, just as importantly, what it is not, as she outlined what it means to forgive in a healthy, biblical manner.
Jen Wilkin delivered a message at TGC’s 2021 National Conference called “Female Bravery and the Mission of God.” Walking through Scripture, Wilkin relayed stories of women who feared God rather than men and stood against the Serpent, risking their very lives. The imagery revealed in the stories, she taught, is the metaphor necessary for the modern church to understand in order to also be shrewd as a serpent and innocent as a dove—overcoming the enemy that wages war against our very souls.
Phillip Holmes moderated a panel with Carl Ellis and Walter Strickland at TGC's 2021 National Conference titled “Free at Last: The Gospel and the African American Experience 25 Years Later.” From the framework developed in Carl Ellis’s Free At Last, the panel addressed questions regarding the African American experience over the last 400 years, including history, cultural contexts, and cultural biases and how that has affected African Americans and their faith.
Paige Brown taught a session at TGC's 2021 Women’s Conference titled “Kingdom Matters.” Many believers, she posited, focus their belief mainly on how we are saved (justification), while lessening the theological and practical importance of what we are saved to do. The kingdom, she proclaimed, is not only good for the future but is meant for today and should permeate every part of our world. And it is the role of the church—of every believer—to proclaim the goodness of the kingdom.
Brett McCracken hosted a panel discussion at TGC's 2021 Women’s Conference with Alisa Childers, Preston Perry, and Trevin Wax titled “Before You Lose Your Faith: Deconstructing Doubt in the Church," addressing the topic of healthy deconstruction as discussed in the book by the same name. The panel addressed multiple questions, from what healthy deconstruction looks like to cultural structures that fuel deconstruction processes, to how believers address conversation about deconstruction, and much more. Ultimately, the process of healthy deconstruction should allow for questions while pointing to Jesus—reminding those who question of all that Christ has done.
Mike Kruger delivered a message at TGC’s 2021 Women’s Conference titled “Can I Lose My Faith? Understanding Apostasy.” Susan Pevensie, of The Chronicles of Narnia fame, serves as the jumping off point of the message, having been so central to the beginning of Lewis’s storyline, yet so glaringly absent from its conclusion. As Peter, her brother, explained, she was eventually “no longer a friend of Narnia.” Her story is reminiscent of many believers who seem to be strong in their faith but eventually walk away from Christ and his kingdom. “Apostasy,” as it is known, is a difficult and touchy subject.
In his message, Kruger addresses the topic, first clearly defining what it is (and isn’t), pointing to biblical examples, clarifying truths about apostasy, and finally, denoting how Christians should respond to it.
Christine Hoover delivered a message at TGC's 2021 Women’s Conference titled “Messy Beautiful Friendship: Learning to Love Others in a Christlike Way.” Speaking from her own experiences building friendships—first as a child, then as an adult—Hoover discussed the “wish dream”: the idealized vision of a perfect friendship that too many women embrace. She compared this to the reality of mature, biblical friendship that, despite all its flaws and blemishes, is a priceless gift from God.
She looked at four components of biblical friendships, exemplified by Christ, that women should pursue:
– Focus on giving (serving) and befriending others
– Erase unnecessary restrictions
– Devote yourself to people
– Be vulnerable
Julius Kim delivered a message to the Bay Area Regional Chapter of TGC titled “Weakness & Witness” as part of the series “Testify: Bearing Witness to Christ in the Present Age.” 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 served as the text by which Kim encouraged his listeners to testify to the goodness of God even in the midst of overwhelming weakness.
When we feel intimidated, overwhelmed, hopeless, powerless, paralyzed, and demoralized in the face of a culture that esteems success and shuns godliness, we are empowered by the same spirit—the spirit of the resurrected Christ—that enabled Paul to witness with power and confidence to the elite in Athens.
Sam Allberry delivered a message to the Arizona Regional Chapter of TGC titled “Is God Anti-Gay?” Springboarding from his own personal struggle with homosexuality, Allberry addressed the question of sexuality and its association with sin according to Jesus’s own words. He refuted the idea that Jesus was silent on the issue of sexual ethics; in fact, he intensified the already stringent sexual ethic of the Old Testament. Jesus’s expectation for his people in marriage and sexuality—just as in all of life—is high. It requires the denial of one’s own sinful, selfish desires in order to become who we were meant to be and receive life. It is a costly proposition. And it is always worth it.
Andy Davis delivered a message to the Carolinas Regional Chapter of TGC titled “How the Scriptures Equip” as a part of the series “Equipped for Every Good.” Teaching from 2 Timothy 3:14-17, he argued that scripture alone is perfectly sufficient to equip believers for our journey of salvation—from unbelief to faithful, growing followers of Jesus. He then applied that truth to the responsibility pastors steward as they preach and lead their churches. Summarizing Spurgeon, he challenged them, “There should be real teaching in your sermon. The doctrine should be solid and substantial. There should be a system of truth building up in your hearers if they hear you over a length of time.” And scripture—in concert with the direct ministry of the Holy Spirit—provides all you need to wisely lead each person under your care in godliness.
Jason Cook delivered a message at TGC’s 2018 Carolinas Regional Conference titled “I Am Your Neighbor” as a part of their series “Equipped for Every Good.” Teaching from Luke 10, Cook addressed the nature of discipleship, particularly as it pertains to engaging culture, to the end that a disciple is one who loves God and his neighbor. Cook added the caveat that what we often consider to be love for neighbor may not actually reflect what it means to love others as ourselves.
Paul Tripp delivered a message during PasCon2018 at Bethlehem College titled “Danger of Familiarity.” Directly addressing the pastors in the room, he directed their attention toward a single danger of life in the ministry—familiarity with the gospel. The overwhelming privilege of spending a life dedicated to understanding, declaring, and ministering the gospel can have the adverse effect of numbing pastors to the splendor of God and the gospel. Knowledge and experiences that once led to worship subtly fade and actually become irritants that produce selfishness and self-worship. The danger is that, in the midst of serving God in a life of ministry, pastors often lose their awe of God—the principal shaper and motivator of pastoral ministry.
The current president of the Southern Baptist Convention is J. D. Greear, pastor at The Summit Church in North Carolina. The Summit Church has sent out more than 1,400 missionaries and planted more than 40 churches. Over the past few years, Greear has watched the SBC wrestle through sex abuse scandals, COVID 19, and the contentious presidential election. He’s got a pretty good handle on where the denomination sits and where he hopes it’s going.
TGC senior writer Sarah Zylstra wrote about Greear in her book with Collin Hansen, Gospelbound: Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious Age. In this episode of TGC Podcast, she sits down with Greear to discuss his experience as SBC president, future hopes for the SBC and the global church, and the importance of keeping the gospel at the center of it all.
"One of the best things you can do to learn to pray is to follow the best models, and they're in Scripture." – Don Carson
Don Carson led a session for TGC’s 2018 Bay Area regional conference titled “New Power” as a part of the series “Being the Church in a Foreign Land.” All new believers, he taught, learn to pray through imitation—by hearing and practicing the prayers of the more mature believers around them. His admonition to his listeners was that believers also imitate the Pauline prayer found in Ephesians 3:14-21, specifically focusing on two petitions and the final doxology found in the prayer.
Russell Moore led a session for TGC’s 2017 Arizona regional conference titled “Discipleship and Temptation” as a part of their series “Help Me Follow Jesus.” In his message, Moore addressed four questions that arise from Genesis 3:1-13 and serve as a warning for all of those who lead others to faith in Christ, disciple them, and teach them the Word of God. The questions posed were:
“If you and I are discipling people,” he said, “leading people to faith in Christ, and leading people in the Word of God, we must understand what it means to wrestle, not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in the heavenly places, which means we have to understand the nature of temptation as it intersects with discipleship.”
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is sponsored by Lifeway, publisher of Jen Wilkin’s newest Bible study, God of Deliverance: A Study of Exodus 1–18. Learn more at lifeway.com/deliverance.
It’s fair to say we’re coming out of a hard year. Everything we’ve done for the past 12 months has taken more effort and resulted in less productivity. Perhaps we would’ve been better prepared if we’d all read a book Alex Harris wrote with his brother Brett a dozen years ago called Do Hard Things. In it, Alex and Brett proposed that doing hard things prepares you to do even harder things. You should get up early, they said. Step out of your comfort zone. Do more than what’s required. Find a cause. Be better than your culture expects.
So how did this teenage message prepare Alex for this last year as an adult carrying weighty responsibilities? In this special bonus episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast, TGC senior writer Sarah Zylstra asked Alex about his experience clerking for two U.S. Supreme Court justices and editing Harvard Law Review, his brother Josh's high-profile deconstruction of his faith, whether evangelicals invest too much import in presidential politics, and much more. You can hear more from Alex in Zylstra's new book, Gospelbound: Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious Age.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is sponsored by Lifeway, publisher of Jen Wilkin’s newest Bible study, God of Deliverance: A Study of Exodus 1–18. Learn more at lifeway.com/deliverance.
Malachi Tresler led a breakout session at TGC’s 2019 Arizona Regional Conference titled, “The Impact of Revivalism on Contemporary Worship.” He taught from the thesis that revivalism has affected modern worship in two ways: pragmatism and emotionalism. Beginning with the Great Awakening in 1734, Tresler walked through a brief history of the birth of revivalism and how it shaped worship over the years, including how worship services are designed, their expected outcomes, and even our expectations for leadership in them. In response, he encouraged his listeners to remember three things in regard to worship:
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is sponsored by Lifeway, publisher of Jen Wilkin’s newest Bible study, God of Deliverance: A Study of Exodus 1–18. Learn more at lifeway.com/deliverance.
Ray Ortlund led a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana titled, “Pastor, You and Your Church Can Get Healthy Again.” Framing the conversation according to Paul’s affirmation of the church in Colossians 2:5, he addressed the issue of church health according to one indicator that combined good order and firmness of faith. When held together in tandem, the combination of those two seemingly dichotomous glories, Ortlund posited, reveals a church that is informed, united, convicted, and steadfast, reflecting the complexity and vitality of Christ. He closed out the session with four encouragements for pastors seeking health:
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is sponsored by Lifeway, publisher of Jen Wilkin’s newest Bible study, God of Deliverance: A Study of Exodus 1–18. Learn more at lifeway.com/deliverance.
The Gospel Coalition hosted a panel discussion at the 2018 Women’s Conference with Colleen McFadden, Jen Wilkin, Courtney Doctor, and Danielle Anderson titled “Shaping Women’s Ministry in the Local Church: A Practical Discussion.” They defined and framed women’s ministry as holistic, in order to address all the needs of each woman—heart, soul, mind, and strength. Throughout the ensuing conversation, they touched on the very practical considerations necessary for building a healthy women’s ministry in the context of the local church. Many of the necessities were not unique to women’s ministry, per se, but certainly unique in their application, including development of a vision, strong support from top-down leadership, avoiding the ministry silo, growth, development of leaders, and telling great stories among many others.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is sponsored by Lifeway, publisher of Christine Hoover's new Bible study, Seek First the Kingdom: God’s Invitation to Life and Joy in the Book of Matthew. Learn more at lifeway.com/seekfirst.
David Platt delivered a message at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana titled “Paralysis and Forgiveness.” Expounding on the story of the paralyzed man brought to Jesus on a mat by his friends in Mark 2:1-12, Platt drew out the central theme of the book and the parable—the primacy and power of Jesus’s Word.
Platt also highlighted the two urgent needs of the paralytic—physical and spiritual—and the attributes of Jesus by which he was able to minister to both. He addressed four characteristics of the paralytic man’s four friends that should be understood and mimicked by all believers. From the parable, Platt then exposited five expectations for believers in evangelism.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is sponsored by Lifeway, publisher of Christine Hoover's new Bible study, Seek First the Kingdom: God’s Invitation to Life and Joy in the Book of Matthew. Learn more at lifeway.com/seekfirst.
“If it costs me my life, to deny you, you possession-loving self, you praise-loving self . . . I'll die gladly to be with Jesus forever.” – John Piper
John Piper delivered a message at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “Unashamed to Be Scorned with Jesus.” Expounding on Mark 8:31-38, Piper clearly laid out the gospel—that Christ suffered, was rejected, killed, and rose again, and the Father planned, prophesied, and performed it. As a response, Piper challenged listeners to five applications in evangelism.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is sponsored by Lifeway, publisher of Christine Hoover's new Bible study, Seek First the Kingdom: God’s Invitation to Life and Joy in the Book of Matthew. Throughout eight weeks, you'll reorient yourself solidly around the kingdom and the King who gives life in abundance. Learn more at lifeway.com/seekfirst
Mindy Belz taught a workshop during the The Gospel Coalition 2018 Women’s Conference titled “The Wilderness Experiences: How God’s Suffering People in Faraway Lands Can Teach Us in the West.” Recounting her own experiences as a journalist and the deep oppression she witnessed toward religious people—Christians, in particular—around the world, she addressed the systems and situations that have led to such oppression and continue to drive it now. She also offered lessons she learned from the persecuted believers that can only be learned through facing down oppression.
The Gospel Coalition hosted a workshop during the 2018 Women’s Conference titled “University and Beyond: Discipling Students for a Lifetime with Christ” with Aimee Joseph, Kori Porter, Danielle Sallade, and Shar Walker.
The panel discussed the importance of intentional discipleship that prepares college students to follow Christ long after their university days are behind them. They addressed key elements of discipleship, teaching versus sharing, content and context of relational discipleship, biblical literacy, glorifying Christ through their studies, apologetics, facing cultural issues with a biblical world view, and a number of other specific topics regarding best practices for leading college students into deep, lasting relationship with Christ.
Kevin DeYoung delivered a message at TGC’s 2019 Southwest Clarus Conference titled “Laodicea,” drawing from Revelation 3:14-22. Closing out a series on Jesus’s words to the seven churches, DeYoung addressed the spiritual apathy of the church in Laodicea as the worst of the seven, and pointed out that the most comfortable and prosperous church of the seven was, in Jesus’s estimation, the one who had gotten things wrong the most—they were a stale, stagnant, smelly church.
To those who said, “We are something,” Christ responded as a gracious warning, “You are far less than you think.” Many in the American church need to recognize that we share the same tendencies as Laodicea, therefore we need to humbly listen for similar words from Christ to our own churches.
Expounding on Mark 10:28-30, and in response to a question he received in regard to how Jesus views homosexuality, Sam Allberry spoke to how the gospel addresses people in committed homosexual relationships. First, he said, Jesus assumes people will leave things to follow him. Second, Jesus assumes the most costly things to leave will be familial and relational. But Jesus also says that however much a person might leave, it will absolutely be worth it.
“The lower the depth of the suffering, the greater the resurrection.”
Paul Miller delivered a message at Bethlehem College & Seminary’s PasCon 2020 titled “J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life.” He introduces the idea of the J-Curve—a very simple idea that the letter “J” traces the path down into Jesus's death and up into his resurrection—from Philippians 3:7-11. Miller emphasized the idea that we share in the suffering of Christ and become like him in death, making two points and asking one question in regard to that truth:
“Hope is borrowing the joy of tomorrow, today.”
Jason Cook delivered a message at The Gospel Coalition Carolinas Regional Conference called “Groaning til Glory.” From Romans 8:18-25, Cook addressed the manner in which Christians must anchor themselves through storms and suffering, building from the thesis, “Suffering exists as a divine tool to wean us off of the lower pleasures of this world and encourages us to persevere because we have hope.”
Danté Upshaw led a workshop with the Bay Area Chapter of The Gospel Coalition called “Race in the New Community.” Speaking of the new community created by God through Christ—his church—and sharing from his own experiences and Scripture, he opened a conversation around the necessity of handling race in a gospel-centered manner. Speaking from Ephesians 3, Upshaw encouraged a grace-filled approach to dealing with our divided history and experiencing the mystery of the gospel together.
“True revival is not preached up. It's prayed down."
From the prayer recorded in Acts 4:23-31, H. B. Charles examined the manner through which the church experiences spiritual breakthrough and revival—when believers pray with confidence in the sovereignty of God. He detailed what moved the church to pray, what the church prayed, and what happened when the church prayed.
"The new birth is the power that God is going to use to regenerate the world." – Tim Keller
At The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis, Tim Keller delivered a message titled “You Must Be Born Again.” From John 3, Keller answers five questions in regard to the new birth Jesus commended unto Nicodemus:
Keller focuses on the main principles of being born again: we must give up ourself to find our true self, lose our life to truly find it, and submit to Christ with every fiber of our being in order to find eternal life.
"One of the things that is most striking about the gospel is that at its heart, it is a gospel of surprises."
Don Carson delivered a message titled “Lazarus” at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis. Walking through Scripture, specifically the story of Lazarus, Carson addressed the surprise of the gospel, laying out four unexpected ways in which Jesus acted for our good and for the glory of God, culminating in the greatest surprise of all—his death and resurrection.
During The Gospel Coalition’s 2018 Women’s Conference, Noël Piper, Latoya McCutcheon, Lauren Hansen, and Megan Hill participated in a panel discussion titled “Co-Laboring in the Gospel: A Conversation for Pastors’ and Elders’ Wives.” Through the conversation, they encouraged and challenged ministry wives, knowing that the role in which they walk is both difficult and a deep, lasting blessing. They discussed the struggles and joys, sacrifices and rewards, and the importance of finding security, strength, and direction in God’s Word.
Trevin Wax gave a message at TGC's 2017 National Conference, encouraging us to pursue faithfulness and remember the gospel, even in the midst of a culturally anxious and troubled age. Though many things have changed since originally delivered, the heart of Wax's message remains the same.
“Yes, we are surrounded, but not by cultural challenges and the gospel’s enemies. We are surrounded by the large cloud of witnesses. We are not alone.” — Trevin Wax
View this episode on TGC's website, originally released on January 4, 2019.
“As long as God is continuing to reconcile men to himself, he's going to be continuing to reconcile men and women to one another.” — Kristie Anyabwile
During The Gospel Coalition’s 2018 Women’s Conference, Kristie Anyabwile, Courtney Doctor, Elicia Horton, Irene Sun, and Shar Walker participated in a panel discussion titled “The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation.” They addressed a number of sensitive, yet incredibly important, topics, from why conversations about racial reconciliation are still necessary to biblical passages that deal with division to how Christians should engage in these ongoing conversations and resources that are helpful for racially-tense discussions.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is brought to you by Operation Christmas Child. You can build a shoebox online and OCC will pack for you based on your selections. These shoeboxes are delivered into hard-to-reach areas in and effort to share the gospel. To start building, visit Samaritanspurse.org/occ.
During The Gospel Coalition’s 2018 Women’s Conference, Elicia Horton, Quina Aragon, and Janette…Ikz delivered separate spoken word pieces in a workshop titled “True and Beautiful Words for Weak and Weary Pilgrims.” The three artists later discussed their stories, how they became involved in poetry, and how the gospel shapes their craft and fuels their mission.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is brought to you by Operation Christmas Child. You can build a shoebox online and OCC will pack for you based on your selections. These shoeboxes are delivered into hard-to-reach areas in and effort to share the gospel. To start building, visit Samaritanspurse.org/occ.
Disclaimer: This breakout session was recorded before the 2019 global pandemic. Please follow your church body's guidelines when gathering in person for church services.
Jared Wilson delivered a message in a breakout at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “The Gospel Driven Church,” sharing principles that can be found in his book by the same name. In the session, Wilson addressed the gospel recovery movement of the last decade or so, expressing delight in the desire of churches and leaders to set aside the attractional model of church in favor of a more biblically sound one.
Wilson warned, however, that even those who have bought into a gospel driven focus must be careful that it not become simply nomenclature attached to the same old practices. He then delved into four practices of gospel driven churches and encouraged leaders to “continually slough off the baggage of doctrinal add-ons and distractions, cutting out the ever-rising innovations, theological and otherwise. Let us keep contending, keep trusting, keep returning to the ancient marker of the cross.”
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is brought to you by Operation Christmas Child. You can build a shoebox online and OCC will pack for you based on your selections. These shoeboxes are delivered into hard-to-reach areas in and effort to share the gospel. To start building, visit Samaritanspurse.org/occ.
David Wells is one of the most influential theologians you’ve never heard of, helping to spark the Reformed resurgence 30 years ago. But if you’d met him as a child—a nonChristian growing up in Africa during the days of British colonialism—you never would’ve guessed the moves God would lead him through.
Send us your feedback on today's episode (and tell us if you'd like to hear more interviews like this one) at [email protected]
Ligon Duncan delivered a message from Mark 7:24-30 at the Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “A Pagan Woman Who Understands Grace.” In his message, Duncan addressed what the passage teaches about Jesus’s mission and what the Syrophoenician woman’s response teaches about his person.
The response of the disciples and even Jesus’s own words in response to the woman pleading with him for mercy are shocking, to say the least. Yet, after further review, the interchange reveals a pagan woman who understood grace in a way that even Jesus’s own followers did not and offers us the opportunity to do the same.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is brought to you by Operation Christmas Child. You can build a shoebox online and OCC will pack for you based on your selections. These shoeboxes are delivered into hard-to-reach areas in and effort to share the gospel. To start building, visit Samaritanspurse.org/occ
Al Mohler delivered a message in a breakout session at TGC’s 2019 National Conference titled “Why Younger Generations Should Invest in Institutions.” Culture in general, he argued, is moving toward an anti-institutional future as generations who do not value institutions grow older. They prefer movements to shape their identity rather than institutions. But institutions are the control centers of societies, culture is produced by institutions, and there is no civilization without institutions. Movements that do not eventually institutionalize fade away, as they lack the lasting stewardship necessary to survive. Christianity is no different. A walk through the scriptures reveals that Israel and the church are defined in institutional terms, and we must embrace those institutional realities in order to preserve and build our great faith.
This episode of TGC Podcast is brought to you by Operation Christmas Child. National Collection Week is November 16th through 23rd. Visit SamaritansPurse.org/occ to learn how gift-filled shoeboxes will result in evangelism and discipleship for millions of children this year.
John Onwuchekwa delivered a message in a breakout session at TGC’s 2019 National Conference titled “How Praying Together Shapes the Church.”
Prayer both teaches and displays dependance on God in the most practical manner possible in the life of a believer. Utilizing the story of Christ’s interaction with his disciples and with the Father through prayer in Gethsemane, Onwuchekwa delineated Jesus’s prayerfulness as a regular practice and his desire to invite the disciples into his weakness—his full dependance on God.
Facing the greatest adversity he would ever encounter, Jesus showed his followers the necessary way of preparation. Onwuchekwa encouraged the church to prioritize the practice of prayer so that we might also be strengthened for the adversity ahead.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition podcast is sponsored by The Good Book Company, publisher of The Christmas We Didn't Expect by David Mathis. 25 daily reflections for Advent will help you to adore Jesus—the one who came to save us and make our futures certain. Learn more at thegoodbook.com.
"What captivates your heart moves you to act."
Glen Scrivener delivered a message in a workshop at the Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “How to Captivate the Imagination in Evangelism.” He discussed the role of the heart—and its imaginations—in shaping the decisive outcome of a person’s life, including the decision to respond to an evangelistic invitation. Scrivener discussed the biblical underpinnings of the idea and offered examples of creative evangelism, such as storytelling, with this idea at its core.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition podcast is sponsored by The Good Book Company, publisher of The Christmas We Didn't Expect by David Mathis. 25 daily reflections for Advent will help you to adore Jesus—the one who came to save us and make our futures certain. Learn more at thegoodbook.com.
Mike Cosper delivered a message during a workshop at the Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “Made in the Image of God for the Good of the World.” During the session, he discussed the image of God and many of the characteristics of our Creator people are meant to reflect. Cosper then detailed three ways that reflecting the image of God is meant to bring about good in the world around us.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is brought to you by Crossway, publisher of 'Weep with Me: How Lament Opens a Door for Racial Reconciliation' by Mark Vroegop. Discover the meaning of Romans 12:15 that calls us to “weep with those who weep” as Mark seeks to bridge the canyon of misunderstanding, insensitivity, and hurt through the biblical practice of lament. Each chapter closes with a prayer of lament from a Christian leader, such as Trillia Newbell, Thabiti Anyabwile, Jarvis Williams, Danny Akin, and more. For 30% off this book and all other books and Bibles at Crossway, sign up for a free Crossway+ account at crossway.org/TGC.
Kristie Anyabwile delivered a message during a workshop at TGC’s 2018 Women’s Conference titled “Living as Titus 2 Women in a Romans 1 World.” Utilizing these two passages of Scripture, Anyabwile presents the problem and offers a solution—that we are living in a state of emergency and we need older and younger women who will actively invest in one another, respectively. The solution, she argues, would not only build the strength of believers to stand against sin, but also serve as a platform for Christian women to participate in the Great Commission, drawing others in need of Christ through the representation and declaration of the gospel.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is brought to you by Crossway, publisher of 'Weep with Me: How Lament Opens a Door for Racial Reconciliation' by Mark Vroegop. Discover the meaning of Romans 12:15 that calls us to “weep with those who weep” as Mark seeks to bridge the canyon of misunderstanding, insensitivity, and hurt through the biblical practice of lament. Each chapter closes with a prayer of lament from a Christian leader, such as Trillia Newbell, Thabiti Anyabwile, Jarvis Williams, Danny Akin, and more. For 30% off this book and all other books and Bibles at Crossway, sign up for a free Crossway+ account at crossway.org/TGC.
In this bonus episode, Collin Hansen and David Platt discuss the upcoming election, and what Christians should consider before voting—trusting in Jesus, no matter the outcome. To listen to the full conversation, check out Gospelbound on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and anywhere you listen to your podcasts.
Show Notes:
Elections have consequences, but not nearly as much as we probably think. That's what Collin Hansen concluded after reading David Platt's new book, Before You Vote: Seven Questions Every Christian Should Ask, published by Radical.
Here's a sober dose of biblical reality from Platt in the book:
"Even if we lose every freedom and protection we have as followers of Jesus in the United States, and even if our government were to become a completely totalitarian regime, we could still live in abundant life as long as we didn't look to political leaders, platforms or policies for our ultimate security and satisfaction."
It's not exactly the way you run fundraising and get out the vote operations in today's American politics, but Platt's book includes lots of counter-cultural advice, saturated with biblical references on humility, freedom, and duty, along with David's characteristic perspective informed by the global church. Platt serves as lead pastor of McLean Bible Church in Northern Virginia, a congregation where employment for many depends on the outcome of the November elections. David joins Collin on Gospelbound to discuss voting, abortion, and President Trump's visit to McLean Bible Church.
Danny Akin delivered a message in The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Pre-Conference titled “Little Global Hearts: How to Give Kids a Vision for the World.” Akin began with the eye-opening truth that, in 2019, still half of the world’s population was unreached with the gospel. Reaching them with the Good News will require believers who are raised up to be passionate about the Great Commission.
Akin addressed a common question for many Christian parents, “How do we embed Great Commission DNA into our children?” by laying out ten practical principles for instilling into them a lifelong passion for Christ and the lost.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is brought to you by Crossway, publisher of 'Weep with Me: How Lament Opens a Door for Racial Reconciliation' by Mark Vroegop. Discover the meaning of Romans 12:15 that calls us to “weep with those who weep” as Mark seeks to bridge the canyon of misunderstanding, insensitivity, and hurt through the biblical practice of lament. Each chapter closes with a prayer of lament from a Christian leader, such as Trillia Newbell, Thabiti Anyabwile, Jarvis Williams, Danny Akin, and more. For 30% off this book and all other books and Bibles at Crossway, sign up for a free Crossway+ account at crossway.org/TGC.
Our team at The Gospel Coalition is excited to welcome As In Heaven into our podcast network. As In Heaven, hosted by Jim Davis and Michael Aitcheson, features conversations on race and justice with more than two-dozen ministry leaders. These discussions aim to help listeners process racial justice in a biblical, historical, and relational way.
We pray that our spheres of influence would be places that look more like God’s kingdom—where love reigns, humanity flourishes, and Christ is glorified.
As in Heaven: A Conversation on Race and Justice is available now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere you listen to your podcasts.
Dan Doriani delivered a message in a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “Only Be Strong and Courageous: Why Every Pastor Needs a Tender Heart and a Tough Hide.” The workshop explored the unique challenges faced by pastors, including five separate types of criticism.
Doriani presented a composite of leaders in Scripture who are both “strong and courageous” and willing to “weep with those who weep,” Christ himself as the greatest example of one who was tough and enduring but also deeply loved those he shepherded. He also offered comfort from Scripture for hurting pastors dealing with these inevitable issues.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition podcast is brought to you by Crossway, publisher of 'Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the Church ' by bestselling author, Paul David Tripp. Drawing from decades of ministry experience, Tripp offers 12 gospel principles to help churches battle the issue lurking behind every pastoral failure—a lack of a strong leadership community. Sign up for a free Crossway+ account by Thursday, October 15, and enjoy 40 percent of this book at crossway.org/PaulTripp.
Parenting is much more than controlling the behavior of your children. Parenting is actually about heart exposure and heart change. We know only Jesus Christ can create the kind of lasting change in the human heart that will transform behavior. In this workshop, Paul Tripp (author of Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family) speaks on how to let the gospel shape what you say and do with the children who have been entrusted to your care.
View this episode on TGC's website, originally released on May 26, 2017.
Find more from TGC on this topic:
This episode of The Gospel Coalition podcast is brought to you by Crossway, publisher of 'Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the Church ' by bestselling author, Paul David Tripp. Drawing from decades of ministry experience, Tripp offers 12 gospel principles to help churches battle the issue lurking behind every pastoral failure—a lack of a strong leadership community. Sign up for a free Crossway+ account by Thursday, October 15, and enjoy 40 percent of this book at crossway.org/PaulTripp.
Rico Tice delivered a message in a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “Honest Evangelism: How to Talk About Jesus Even When It’s Tough.” The workshop explored the issues that make talking about Jesus difficult, such as doing the hard work of pursuing the lost and overcoming the fact that Christians are simply weird in the eyes of those around us. Tice also addressed four common responses Christians share in Britain to tougher settings for sharing the gospel that likely correspond with other Western settings, as well. And he encourages the church to develop soft hearts and tough skin around the simple idea that people without Christ spend eternity separated from God in a very real Hell.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition podcast is brought to you by Crossway, publisher of 'Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the Church ' by bestselling author, Paul David Tripp. Drawing from decades of ministry experience, Tripp offers 12 gospel principles to help churches battle the issue lurking behind every pastoral failure—a lack of a strong leadership community. Sign up for a free Crossway+ account by Thursday, October 15, and enjoy 40 percent of this book at crossway.org/PaulTripp.
Kathleen Nielson delivered a breakout message at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “Judging Deborah: Letting the Narrative and Poetry Speak.” In her message, she laid out six basic questions to ask when studying Old Testament narrative utilizing Judges 4-5 as an example text. Narrative and poetic texts can be easily misunderstood, so Nielson encouraged the audience to relish Deborah’s story and allow her to speak from the text.
Kathleen pointed out that, like all of Scripture, the text is meant to point others to the greatness of the Lord through both Deborah’s story and her song. The six questions offered a framework for understanding a narrative text and mining it for every ounce of God-glorifying truth that may possibly be uncovered.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition podcast is brought to you by Crossway, publisher of 'Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the Church ' by bestselling author, Paul David Tripp. Drawing from decades of ministry experience, Tripp offers 12 gospel principles to help churches battle the issue lurking behind every pastoral failure—a lack of a strong leadership community. Sign up for a free Crossway+ account by Thursday, October 15, and enjoy 40 percent of this book at crossway.org/PaulTripp.
The Gospel Coalition hosted a workshop titled “Embracing the Beauty of Diversity” with Jackie Hill Perry, Jamie Ivey, and Ithohan Omolere at the 2018 Woman’s Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. The panel addressed the necessity and importance of diversity for Christians, beginning with God as the author of diversity and leading into how that should directly affect the lives of believers. They discussed what it means to celebrate diversity on an individual level, within families and friendships, and within the church.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition podcast is sponsored by Austin Stone Worship. Austin Stone Worship's new album, WITHIN, is an honest, worship-filled overflow of broken sinners experiencing the relentless pursuit of a holy and loving God. As you listen, we pray your heart is stirred to love and worship Jesus. Listen to WITHIN on all streaming services, and find album resources at austinstoneworship.com.
The Gospel Coalition hosted a breakout panel titled “The Priority of Scripture in Our Doctrine of God” with John Currie, David Garner, Jonny Gibson, and Scott Oliphint at the 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. The panel described the role of the Bible in our understanding of the Doctrine of God as formative, doxological, and pastoral. Scripture informs us from the very beginning of who God is, drives us to respond to God in unfettered worship, and equips God’s people for the work of ministry.
"God's sovereignty means that my son's death is not meaningless; it's not an accident. God is in control of all things, and that means that his death is meaningful."
From Psalm 130 and his own personal experience of tragedy and loss, Cameron Cole addressed the process of continuing to trust in Jesus through deep, lasting pain and suffering. He emphasized the importance of a rich, biblical theology to prepare believers to suffer with great hope.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition Podcast is brought to you by Rooted Reservoir, an online resource by Rooted Ministry. Rooted Reservoir offers youth ministry curriculum, training videos, teaching illustrations, and an online community, to help youth ministers disciple students toward lifelong faith in Jesus Christ. Sign up by Wednesday, September 30, and save $20 with code TGC at RootedMinistry.com.
Eden Chen spoke at The Gospel Coalition’s first west coast conference in Fullerton, California, October of 2018, on the topic of faith and work. He focused on three practical topics for church leaders seeking to engage their people on the subject—calling, excellence, and evangelism.
Chen addressed the role of the church in developing each of those aspects of engaging faith in the workplace and how Christians can utilize the workspace as an incredible opportunity for both excellence and evangelism.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition podcast is sponsored by The Good Book Company, publisher of 'Wherever You Go, I Want You To Know,' a new beautifully illustrated kids book by Melissa Kruger, where she helps parents say to their children, “whatever you do, wherever you start, I pray you love Jesus, with all of your heart.” Learn more at thegoodbook.com.
"A transition in the heart most often leads to a transition and change in life."
Noël Piper and her daughter, Talitha, teamed up to lead a workshop session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2018 Women’s Conference titled, “God’s Grace in Life’s Transitions.” Life, it often seems, is a constant stream of transitions—changes in our situations that can be major stressors in our lives. From moving to a new city to a job or school change to relationship changes or the death of a loved one, we face consistent change, and we must decide how we will allow ourselves to be shaped by it.
Noël and Talitha encourage us to learn about God and ourselves through each of the transitions he brings about in our lives and to carefully recognize how God works through those pivotal moments.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition podcast is sponsored by The Good Book Company, publisher of 'Wherever You Go, I Want You To Know,' a new beautifully illustrated kids book by Melissa Kruger, where she helps parents say to their children, “whatever you do, wherever you start, I pray you love Jesus, with all of your heart.” Learn more at thegoodbook.com.
The Gospel Coalition hosted a breakout panel titled, “Faithful Endurance: The Joy of Shepherding People for a Lifetime” with H. B. Charles, Dave Harvey, Richard Phillips, Jeff Robinson, and Juan Sanchez at the 2019 National Conference to address the present trend of short stays in pastoral roles within churches.
Knowing that the average length of tenure for an evangelical pastor is slightly less than three years, it is no surprise that instability plagues our churches, which is neither healthy for the congregation nor the pastor. The panel discussed the value of faithful pastors who dedicate their lives to single congregations for decades at a time and the formative process through which faithfulness to a single congregation builds godly character into pastors and their churches.
"What if every anxiety was an opportunity for you to look at the cross and remember that Jesus' sacrifice covered this circumstance? Do not be afraid."
Laura Powell led a workshop during The Gospel Coalition’s 2018 Women’s Conference titled, “Journey with John Flavel Toward Fearlessness.” Fear is a common emotion that drives each one of us in one way or another on a daily basis.
In her message, Powell defined the types of fear people face and referenced the writings of Puritan preacher John Flavel along the way to bring context and clarity. Powell’s message reminded her listeners—and reminds us today—that the fear of the Lord is good, that sin caused our fears to be fallen, and that our fears are redeemed by the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.
During a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference, Josh Byers and Tim Challies teamed up to deliver a message titled, “How Visual Theology Displays the Truth About God.” There may be no time quite like the present in which the world has been so acutely aware of the importance of visual communication.
The power of images to shape culture, communication, and education is undeniable, including within the church. Yet imagery has been troublesome at times in church history. In order to help people within our churches become good theologians, we must teach sound doctrine in words, but we also need to engage them visually in order to undergird and communicate truth in ways we might not otherwise clearly accomplish.
"Awareness of death weakens our attachments to false hopes."
Matthew McCullough delivered a message during a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled, “Remember Death: The Surprising Path to Living Hope” based on his book by the same name. McCullough focuses on the importance of paying careful attention to death, removing the taboo around the subject, allowing it to deepen our spiritual walk, and encourage us with hope.
In a culture that prioritizes pleasures, certainly death seems a morbid and unexpected topic of conversation. Yet McCullough focuses on two benefits in the lives of Christians, not in simply preparing for death, but in knowingly living with death on the horizon—learning to number our days.
Jackie Hill Perry delivered a message during a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was and Who God Has Always Been” based on her book by the same name. In it, she addresses same-sex attraction through her own story couched within the larger story of God. She encourages listeners to trust that that the simplicity of the gospel message—even when it seems to bear no fruit—can and does lead people out of sin and into a life that glorifies God. She calls the church to think holistically and frame the work of loving and serving same-sex attracted people in the fullness of the gospel. Simply love those in need of the gospel and help them understand it in its simplest form—Jesus loves you and died for your sins.
Sam Chan delivered a message during a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “How to Tell Your Friends About Jesus Without Becoming That Guy.” He taught that many of the things that we believe will help to convince others of the truth of the gospel—sovereignty of God aside—such as facts, evidence, and data, are actually the least powerful factors in doing so. Far more powerful are community and experiences, which means that the most effective methodologies for helping others to hear and understand the gospel include experiences that offer a merging of Christian and non-Christian friends and the opportunity to listen and learn from one another. From these things, fueled by prayer, opportunities for gospel conversations will inevitably arise.
"Change is not the absence of temptations but the raw spiritual ability to be holy even in the midst of temptations."
Christopher Yuan delivered a message during a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “Holy Sexuality: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God’s Grand Story.” Yuan taught that sexual identity has become an idol within our culture, and sexual freedom has become the religion of the land as a result of our hearts being set in defiance against God’s perfect design. Though sanctification is critical activity for every believer, he taught, the Christian life constitutes far more than the avoidance of sinful behavior. It begins with answering our ontological questions in terms of the Imago Dei and developing a “theological anthropology”—recognizing that our identity is not defined by our sin, but by Christ.
Karen Swallow Prior spoke at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in a breakout session called, “Why, How, and What to Read.” The relationship between God and his people, she posited, has always focused on the centrality of the Word with a specific emphasis on written words. In fact, it may be said that reading is a supernatural gift from God—one that can be accepted, rejected, or lost. It is therefore incumbent upon all believers to cultivate the ability to read the right things, in the right ways, in order to steward the wonderful gift of reading that both enriches our lives and deepens our relationship with the Word who took on flesh and dwelt among us.
Harold Kim delivered a message in a breakout session titled “Bittersweet Sovereignty in Joseph’s Story and Ours” at The Gospel Coalition’s 2018 West Coast Conference. From Genesis chapters 37 and 50, Kim addressed three repeating themes in the life of Joseph: sins, sovereignty, and salvation. Driven by sinful, generational family dysfunction, Joseph’s life spiraled into chaos, yet God was sovereign over and working through it all. In the same way, we find hope in the promise that God causes all things—even the horrendous, atrocious dysfunction that often befalls us because of our own sin—to work together for our good.
Trip Lee led a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana titled "Incredibly Normal: The Shocking Truth About Who You Really Are." He addressed the identity of believers and what it means to be a Christian on a planet filled with more than seven billion other humans.
The reality is that God made us in his image for his own purposes, knows each of us intimately, and loves us in a way that only he can, making us unique in the world. We are also incredibly normal—unexceptional—when compared to the greatness and glory of God. Therefore, our identity must be rooted in Christ, not in ourselves, lest we fall to either side and either become entitled or feel inferior. Both are distortions and keep us from focusing on who God made us to be.
Todd Goranson and Steve Rooks spoke during a breakout session titled “Evangelism in the Arts” at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. In this message, they addressed the efficacy of arts as a tool for evangelism, arguing that art has its own way of conveying and portraying the beauty and the complexity of God's creation. It also provides a means for reaching communities and individuals who might not be inclined to walk into a church on Sunday morning or actively seek knowledge or relationship with Christ with the message of the gospel. The arts are a vehicle through which the gospel can effectively impact the culture for the sake of Jesus Christ.
Kyle Strobel led a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2018 West Coast Conference in Fullerton, California, titled Jonathan Edwards, Love, and the Formation of the Christian. He discussed Edward’s understanding of love, Christian formation, theology, and spirituality, arguing that we need to develop a robust spiritual theology to help the church navigate lived existence—actual lived life with God in the Spirit.
As did Jonathan Edwards, Strobel worked to inextricably tie theology and praxis and discourage the approach that makes the two disparate disciplines. The practice of contemplation about God, then, becomes the beatific motivator for sharing in the life of God.
“No one can thwart God's good plans for us. No one can ultimately turn God's good plans for us against us.”
Trillia Newbell delivered a message in a breakout session as part of The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, entitled If God Is for Us. From Romans 8:31-39, Newbell encouraged attendees to trust that the verdict has been determined for believers in Christ, and it is in our favor! By reiterating a series of rhetorical questions Paul laid out in Romans 8, Newbell emphasized the rightful conclusion that if God is for us, no one can ever prevail against us, no matter the circumstance.
“More than conquerors” is not a silly slogan to get you through your morning workout; it is a world-changing truth that he who loved us has given us the victory and nothing will ever thwart it! That is news too amazing to ignore or to keep to ourselves.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition podcast is sponsored by The Good Book Company, publisher of Need to Know, a book by Gary Millar. This practical book will give new Christians the essentials—what you really need to know if you’re going to follow Jesus. To learn more, visit thegoodbook.com
Sandra McCracken and Russ Ramsey led a breakout session as part of The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, entitled Reading Scripture with an Engaged Imagination. The songwriter and author, respectively, discussed the role the imagination plays in reading, understanding, and conveying the content of Scripture.
Even for individuals with a high view of Scripture, who believe the Bible is authoritative and reliable, Ramsey and McCracken argue that reading it well requires a fully engaged imagination—not because it is lacking in any way, but because that’s what our humanity demands. They discussed how, in prose and songwriting, they mine the detail of Scripture and use their imaginations to faithfully flesh out its context and significance. In doing so, they encourage others to engage Scripture in the same manner no matter their specific vocations.
This episode of The Gospel Coalition podcast is sponsored by The Good Book Company, publisher of 'Need to Know', a book by Gary Millar. This practical book will give new Christians the essentials—what you really need to know if you’re going to follow Jesus. To learn more, visit thegoodbook.com
As part of The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, Kevin DeYoung led a breakout session entitled Grace Defined and Defended: The Continuing Relevance of the Canons of Dort 400 Years Later. In this session, DeYoung argued for theological precision—the wise measurement of the words used to describe God’s interaction with his people—via a close look at why and how the Canons of Dort came to be. When it comes to the doctrines of our faith, we ought to hunger for the specifics because they matter deeply.
Aimee Joseph leads a workshop session at the 2018 TGC Women’s Conference on the necessity of the grace of Christ in motherhood. Emphasizing the lack of a “magic bullet,” Joseph encourages mothers from Hebrews 12:12 not to grow weary in their work but to allow God to train and strengthen them. It is Christ who keeps you, and in doing so keeps you from falling into the trap of either simply enduring or enthroning your children.
Division has plagued the church around this topic, which stands in stark contrast to Jesus’s prayer for unity in John 17. Though there have lately been helpful conversations around this topic, certainly much remains to be done. Linne offers three biblical directives for engaging in these needed discussions. This message was originally given at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Matt Smethurst interviews Collin Hansen about what happened in 2019
A talk by Jonathan Leeman
A conversation with Collin Hansen and Brett McCracken
Collin Hansen interviews Andy Crouch about putting technology in its proper place
A talk by Kathleen Nielson on Women, God, and Hard Questions
Collin Hansen interviews Ivan Mesa about books
Collin Hansen interviews Kevin DeYoung
A talk by Trevin Wax
Collin Hansen interviews Stephen Um
A conversation on Urban Discipleship with KB and Ameen Hudson
Collin Hansen interviews Tom Nelson
A conversation with Mike Cosper and Alan Noble
Collin Hansen interviews Vermon Pierre
A workshop with Kristen Waggoner of Alliance Defending Freedom
Collin Hansen interviews Erik Raymond
A panel with Jackie Hill Perry, Cameron Cole, Glen Scrivener, and Stephen Um
Collin Hansen interviews Jared Wilson
Becky Pippert on how to lead a seeker study
Collin Hansen interviews Phil Ryken
A panel with Sam Allberry, Craig Ellis, Bethany Jenkins, and Stephen Um
A collaboration with Love Thy Neighborhood
A talk by Mark Vroegop
Paul Tripp on Parenting and Grace
Collin Hansen interviews Darryl Williamson on contextualization
A panel discussion with Don Carson, Collin Hansen, Donnie Griggs, Jeff Robinson, Stephen Witmer
In this podcast, Collin Hansen interviews David Platt about a trip he took to the Himalayas, where physical and spiritual needs collided, and his eyes were opened to the urgency of reaching the unreached.
Danielle Sallade on Biblical Principles for Resolving Conflict
Collin Hansen interviews Julius Kim
A conversation with Collin Hansen and Don Carson
A talk by David Platt
Collin Hansen interviews Benny Hinn’s nephew Costi about growing up believing the prosperity gospel and how he came to see it as incompatible with the Bible.
Al Mohler on Parenting in a Turbulent Time
Brett McCracken, Ryan Lister, and Thomas Terry discuss
A Panel with Elliot Clark, Jason Cook, Jen Pollock Michel, and Russell Moore
Erik Thoennes and Jeremy Treat
Jen Wilkin on Reclaiming Christian Education in the Local Church
Joshua Ryan Butler and Thomas Terry
A talk by Thomas Kidd
A conversation with H. B. Charles and John Piper
A panel discussion with Jason Cook, Kevin DeYoung, Phillip Holmes, and Darryl Williamson
A discussion with Erik Thoennes and Jeremy Treat
A conversation with church planters John Onwuchekwa, Joe Rigney, and Kempton Turner
Jen Wilkin on Forming Future Evangelists
Joshua Ryan Butler and Thomas Terry
A workshop with Don Carson and Ligon Duncan
Collin Hansen interviews Mark Galli
A panel with Betsy Childs Howard, Melissa Kruger, Taylor Turkington, and Quina Aragon
Jon Nielson, Cameron Cole, and Kori Porter
A talk by Tim Keesee
A discussion with Jonathan Leeman, John Onwuchekwa, and Juan Sánchez
A talk by Mika Edmondson
In this podcast, Shona Murray talks about her unexpected experience with severe burnout and depression and offers advice about how to cope with a break down.
A talk by Sam Allberry
John Piper and H. B. Charles
A talk by Rebecca McLaughlin
Jeremy Treat and Erik Thoennes
Collin Hansen interviews Eric Johnston
A discussion with Jen Wilkin, Jackie Hill Perry, Jen Pollock Michel
Rosaria Butterfield, Melissa Kruger, and Trillia Newbell
Mack Stiles on the need for gospel-centered churches at the heart of missions
A discussion on false claims about the Bible
Collin Hansen interviews David Brooks
Paul Tripp on God's Work in Trials
A discussion with Rosaria Butterfield, Tony Merida, and Dennae Pierre
A conversation with Jen Wilkin, Jen Pollock Michel, and Jackie Hill Perry
A talk by Sam Allberry
Collin Hansen interviews Jen Wilkin
A talk by Gloria Furman
A panel with Kris Brosett, Anthony Kidd, and Bobby Scott
Collin Hansen interviews Christopher Yuan
A talk by Justin Buzzard
Collin Hansen interviews Rebecca McLaughlin
A workshop with Erik and Donna Thoennes
A discussion with Don Carson and Mike Kruger
Matt Smethurst, Rebecca McLaughlin, and Don Carson discuss
A talk by Jeremy Treat
Collin Hansen interviews Sam Allberry
A discussion with Russell Moore, Trevin Wax, and Scott Sauls
A talk by Ray Ortlund
A conversation with Michael and Melissa Kruger
A panel with Rosaria Butterfield, Regina Robinson, Dennae Pierre, and Sandra Hardy
A discussion with Sam Allberry, Juan Sánchez, and Afshin Ziafat
A panel with Kevin DeYoung, Ligon Duncan, Bobby Scott, and Stephen Um
Collin Hansen interviews Peter J. Williams
A talk by Brett McCracken
A discussion with Trillia Newbell, Jen Pollock Michel, and Jen Wilkin
A Talk from MLK50
Kevin DeYoung, Danny Akin, and Darryl Williamson discuss
A talk by Ryan Lister and Thomas Terry
A discussion with Gloria Furman, Becky Pippert, and Shar Walker
Trevin Wax on meeting our cultural moment without fear
A Talk on Certainty and Knowledge
Jen Pollock Michel on the gospel story of home
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