76 avsnitt • Längd: 90 min • Oregelbundet
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From the great minds of Shaline, Rick McVick and Vendortron That Fallout Show is a podcast all about Fallout! We will cover lore, news, gameplay, mods and much more in this bi-weekly podcast. So join us, your true Wasteland companion guides as we walk through the Fallout together. See you in the Wasteland!
The podcast That Fallout Show is created by We Just Love Games. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Tim Twigg is on this one.
So many apologies for the delay in posting.
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PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
Go tell Dave you love him. Don't be afraid to make it weird.
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PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
Cross-post of Gamestack, Ep 99. We'll cross-post Ep 100, and that will likely be the last one. Please subscribe to Gamestack if you enjoy our shenanigans!
Email us at [email protected]
Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/wejustlovegames
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PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
Hi friends! As discussed on our last episode before the hiatus, we're going to cross-post a couple episodes of Gamestack onto this feed. If you've enjoyed TFS (thanks for listening, by the way!) we do hope that you will give Gamestack a try. It's good fun, so go subscribe.
We're going to put the show on hiatus for now. Thank you for sharing your time with us, and please subscribe to Gamestack to follow our continued adventures, including Fallout shenanigans!
Get the audio version here: http://thatfalloutshow.libsyn.com/
Watch live on Twitch Fridays at 6:30pm MT/8:30pm ET twitch.tv/wejustlovegames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thatfalloutshow
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Email: [email protected]
PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
Now see, I wasn't on this episode and well, it's the Dames from Dames Who Game on this one! I'm pretty bummed I missed this one but it'll be a surprise to both of us as to what they were on about. I'm sure it had something to do with Fallout 76 but who really knows. However I do think this might be slightly entertaining if they just talked about me in it. After all, I'm everything to this show. IT'S NOTHING WITHOUT ME!
Steel Reign is out, and we want to talk patch notes! (Also, Shaline apologizes for the air conditioner)
Watch live on Twitch Fridays at 6:30pm MT/8:30pm ET https://twitch.tv/wejustlovegames
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PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
It's been a bit but here you go! All the Fallout games are now available on Xbox Gamepass so get playing! Also some Season 5 and Steel Reign updates, and Shaline plays a little 76,
In this episode we chat about the new Fallout 76 update: Locked and Loaded! Shaline and Rick get up close and personal with the new anti-armor mutation in Daily Ops too and boy is it a doozy. In other news there's some patch notes, a cool cosplayer, and some Balistic Bargains!
This episode is sponsored by Oak & Crow Coffee! Head to www.oakandcrow.com to get our signature blend "We Just Love Coffee!" and when you do the proceeds to to Children's Miracle Network!
Yep. We brought back a format you all hated but we love and since this isn't up to a vote EAT IT!
In this episode we chat about the news, Shaline's gameplay and for our lore segment we cover the two factions of the Secret Service.
Tonight we chat about some new mod that finally came out, the latest Ballistic Bargains, and the second to latest inside the vault! (Yes we are a bit late getting this up and a lot has changed). Vendor has a dream, Shaline yells at the boys and Rick show's his purple head. (only on the twitch stream, which is still available btw)
A bit late on this one but it's a goodun. At the time of writing this I don't remember at all what is was about however I can tell you it's a doozy! Oh I believe there's some news about Fallout 76 updates.
Steel Dawn is upon us and tonight is all about the Brotherhood of the traveling power armor. In the news is of course the early drop of Steel Dawn, don't worry, no spoilers. Also the latest bargains in the atomic shop. Then we chat about the OG Bro Ho, the Appalachian faction led by Taggerdy in our lore segment.
It's spoopy time in Appalachia and boy did Bethesda deliver. In the news we have some Inside the Vault, New Vegas turns 10, and some amazing Atom shop buys. In the game Shaline drinks and does drugs (surprise surprise) and Rick, well I don't remember at all at this point (I'm late in posting the show...)
We chat also about one of the scariest things in Fallout: NV Dead Money!
Phew it's been a bit. Hi! In this episode we talk about the latest patches, some new PTS stuffs, Microsoft buying Zenimax, and also the latest stuff you can get in the Atom shop! Also we chat about our Fallout 76 gameplay and our first WJLG community event!
Hoo boy we have a lot to talk about this episode, and that's patch 22! Yes boys and girls patch 22 just landed for Fallout 76 and we've been playing it a fair amount to give you the dirty deets on it. It's pretty good! Then there's some news, gameplay and a few emails!
The TFS crew speculates about the upcoming One Wasteland update, regales you with tales of our gaming prowess (or...not) and dives into the lore of Watoga.
Watch live on Twitch Fridays at 6:30pm MT/8:30pm ET
Twitter: That Fallout Show We Just Love Games Rick Vendortron Shaline Facebook: That Fallout Show page That Fallout Show group We Just Love Games page We Just Love Games group
Email: [email protected]
PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
We talk about fictional liquor, planned updates and Shaline's pet cow.
Watch live on Twitch Fridays at 6:30pm MT/8:30pm ET
Twitter: That Fallout Show We Just Love Games Rick Vendortron Shaline Facebook: That Fallout Show page That Fallout Show group We Just Love Games page We Just Love Games group
Email: [email protected]
PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
We begin to fortify Atlas and snuggle with a Sheepsquatch.
Watch live on Twitch Fridays at 6:30pm MT/8:30pm ET
Twitter: That Fallout Show We Just Love Games Rick Vendortron Shaline Facebook: That Fallout Show page That Fallout Show group We Just Love Games page We Just Love Games group
Email: [email protected]
PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
We're not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.
Watch live on Twitch Fridays at 6:30pm MT/8:30pm ET
Twitter: That Fallout Show We Just Love Games Rick Vendortron Shaline Facebook: That Fallout Show page That Fallout Show group We Just Love Games page We Just Love Games group
Email: [email protected]
PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
Rick and Shaline discuss a former Fallout developer's controversial behavior, we dive into the details of the new "Season" system and read your emails!
Watch live on Twitch Fridays at 6:30pm MT/8:30pm ET
Twitter: That Fallout Show We Just Love Games Rick Vendortron Shaline Facebook: That Fallout Show page That Fallout Show group We Just Love Games page We Just Love Games group
Email: [email protected]
PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
Some news, a bit of IRL and our gameplay!
Watch live on Twitch Fridays at 6:30pm MT/8:30pm ET
Twitter: That Fallout Show We Just Love Games Rick Vendortron Shaline Facebook: That Fallout Show page That Fallout Show group We Just Love Games page We Just Love Games group
Email: [email protected]
PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
Shaline here! Rick usually does this, but today it's me. I had one job, and I accidentally posted this episode to the Gamestack feed instead *facepalm*.
Anyway, here it is, on the correct feed! I hope you enjoy the show!
Tonight we talk in length about the new Fallout 76 roadmap! There's a lot to unpack with this news. Plus some Brotherhood of Steel speculation and can nukes make it rain? Yes, if we nuke London. Also some balistic bargains and a little gameplay sprinkled on top.
The Reds have invaded the Atom shop and the news! Some fum role players in Appalachia have taken to Communism and running? Also we cover the latest inside the vault.
Rick, Vendortron and Shaline are really, reallly excited to talk about Wastelanders.
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Sorry for the delay in posting this but it's been a weeks for us all also THERE ARE AUDIO ISSUES. Nothing I could do about it so I'm sorry. Luckily it's only Rick's mic and its not constantly borked.
In the news though we talk about Bethesda not doing a digital showcase, the latest (at the time) inside the vault and some other post-apocalyptic news.
This is a special episode. This was done on 3/6/2020. A lot has changed since then with COVID-19. Vendor talks a lot about it as viruses are his area of professional expertise. It's not all bad though, we have news and some gameplay! So please, wash your hands, and enjoy today's episode!
Vendor and Rick fly duo's tonight as we talk about some Fallout updates, the latest ballistic bargains and the upcoming Wasteland remaster! Then we chat about the wasteland series in general as it did inspire the very game we know and love.
Oh baby it's love time! Well, it's Valentines Day at least and we actually found an IRL event that happened on this holiest of days. Before that, we get into the news, some ballistic bargains, and gameplay. Out IRL story is about the first nuclear accident that happened on February 14th.
That's right! Rick's not here but that's ok cause Victoria Rosenthal is in the Vault! Victoria is the cook behind all those awesome recipes in the Fallout Cookbook as well as making other video game inspired dishes she posts on her blog! So in this episode we chat about cooking, how she wrote the created the recipes in the Fallout Cookbook and what's next on her palette.
Title has nothing to do with the show. However there's some news, a fair bit, Vendor takes us through some deals and steals from Bethesda, and Shaline has a ton of gameplay. After that we chat about the state of the game and will Rick or Vendortron play Fallout 76 again? Listen to find out!
Rick is gone, but Vendor and I (Shaline, obvs) tried our best!
Also, I posted the audio this time, so if it's all wonky don't complain to Rick. Or do. I mean, I'm honestly ok with either.
Well sorry for the delay, but there are some nuggets in here. The news is old news, the gameplay is old game play but hey we talk about the old times and stuff so its just all old. Nothing new here at all folks! But you should enjoy it just the same.
Ok everyone, this is it. Our big conspiracy episode! First we have some news. There's the big Fallout 76 dust up with subscriptions and bugs, NPC's are delayed, and we do have some fantastic Ballistic Bargains. After that we get into our gameplay, rather Shaline's gameplay. Conspiracy time! Horse Creek Glyphs, listen to find out more.
Let's start off with a recall! The power helmet recall that is. Apparently there's some mold happening in those things. Inside the vault comes back with the latest updates to Fallout 76 and the latest sales in our Ballistic Bargains! In this episode we chat about the origins of Fallout and how that influenced the future of the franchise.
Well we were not prepared to release this sooner, and for that we are sorry BUT we have some outdated news, gameplay that's stale and also our show got dropped from distribution for a hot second because Rick is stupid and forgot to update his billing stuff! However have you ever wondered what you need to be prepared for the future......apocalypse? Well in this episode prepare to find out how to be prepared!
We are Vendorless tonight and there ain't a ton of news so this one is short and sweet. In the news we have the latest updates in Fallout patches, new raids, some zany Kotaku news, and a bunch of bargains! Shaline tries some other post-apocalyptic games, and we chat about H.P. Lovecraft in Fallout 76!
Vendortron was unable to escape the Gun Runner's booth this week, but Rick and Shaline are here with a preview of Patch 12, some really rad booze and a story of involuntary cannibalism. Enjoy!
Watch live on Twitch Fridays at 6:30pm MT/8:30pm ET https://twitch.tv/wejustlovegames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thatfalloutshow https://twitter.com/wejustlovegames https://twitter.com/rickmcvick https://twitter.com/Vendortronn https://twitter.com/shalinel
Facebook: https://facebook.com/thatfalloutshow https://facebook.com/groups/thatfalloutshow https://facebook.com/wejustlovegames https://facebook.com/groups/wejustlovegames
Email: [email protected]
PO Box 396 Corona, NM 88318
In this episode we spam you with meat puns and but is it well packed with info. In the news we have broken updates, meat meat meat, and the latest ballistic bargains. In our gameplay we talk about some non-fallout stuff, the lore is all about getting some strange........meat. Then beating it. With the weapon of the week: The Tenderizor! Yeah...
In this episode Shaline is missing so the boys tackle the most important Fallout news ever, epic amazing gameplay, and just overall the best episode EVER! It's just too bad Shaline missed it. I mean it was super epic. Even Todd Howard stopped by. Do any of you read this? I always wondered. If you do, please tweet Shaline the number 2 with no context. Her twitter is Shalinel. Thanks!
In this episode sans Rick, we cover the latest Fallout 76 patch, Pete Hines chats with Gameindustry.biz about savign Fallout 76, and a IRL segment in which we learn if it is possible to remove Uranium from mouse bones? Well we find out the answer to that age old mousehold question in this episode. Also we chat about our gameplay, issues a new challenge and read a few listener emails.
In this special bonus episode we have special guest: Andrew Leatherbarrow! Andrew is the author of Chernobyl 01:23:40, a book which we wrote after actually touring Pripyat. Not only did he write a comprehensive book with new information, at the time, about the Chernobyl disaster, he even had a hand in helping with the HBO Chernobyl mini series! Join us for this special IRL episode of That Fallout Show!
Shaline is back from E3 and we have a wonderful little debrief about her time at BE3. We also chat about a lot of recent Fallout news including NPC's coming to Appalachia, Fallout 76 Battle Royale, and patch notes. Our gameplay was a little light but that's because we three discuss BE3 at length. Which games we are looking forward to and which ones (mobile) we aren't.
Well on the cusp of BE3 it happens to be a very light news week but never fear, the trash fire three are here. There's still so much to talk about with the Wild Appalachia road map coming to a close. Because of this we chat about the state of 76 as is. Our fears, our joys, etc etc. We also chat a bit about our gameplay in which Shaline and I find the most cryptid of cryptids. The walking man. Who was he? Where was he going? We may never know....
This episode is jam packed with goodness like what happens when you accidentally scrap your pipboy in Fallout 76? Is role playing a cannibal bad? And what is inside the latest patch updates? Let's find out and more in today's show. Also we cover the story of Fallout 2 and chat a bit about the lore too. We have our latest gameplay and challenge recap and our listener emails.
In this episode we chat about the latest Fallout 76 updates, Project Arroyo, & some DLC delays. In our lore we chat about the story of the original Fallout, and some stuff that still persists to this day. We have a lot of gameplay to discuss and a brand new segment!
Hey! In this episode we talk about the latest Fallout 76 patch. Rick is excited for more cryptoid fun, and everyone else just cares about bug patches and wishes for more stash space. There's a recap of Bethesda game days at Pax East since we haven't had a chance to chat about it yet and Bethesda finally opens up about the issues at launch. We had so much fun in Fallout 76 together that we wax at length about it. After that we chat about Ultracite and check out a few listener emails!
First off this episode is long! Secondly we had a few audio issues and we apologize for it sounding a little weird. This episode we have some Fallout news, a TON of Fallout 76 gameplay and Dave from Vault Boys podcast! We talk West Virginia, how he plays Fallout and he treats us to a game of WV Jeopardy! It goes about as well as you'd expect from us.
First off this episode is long! Secondly we had a few audio issues and we apologize for it sounding a little weird. This episode we have some Fallout news, a TON of Fallout 76 gameplay and Dave from Vault Boys podcast! We talk West Virginia, how he plays Fallout and he treats us to a game of WV Jeopardy! It goes about as well as you'd expect from us.
The next update in Fallout 76 is quite the phonetic phenomenon but we are excited about it none-the-less. It's packed with bug fixes, ner content and Fallout 76's first seasonal event. In other news we talk about a possible Fallout 76 secret ending (no spoils), an Atom Shop clearance sale weirdly, and the upcoming tabletop RPG. Also, what in the world was that mysterious Amazon listing? In our gameplay I take on Fallout 76 a bit, and Shaline does the same. We study Cazadors in our lore segment and top it all off with some listener emails.
In this episode the robot's try and take over the world as Robot from Lorecast schemes with Vendor to kill us all. Not really, though they'd like that. He does however help us host this show which is full of news, gameplay and more! Bethesda releases a new road map which has us all quite excited, Shaline says sec'wet (secret) & Robot tells us about a theory who fired first. There's so much in this episode so stop reading! Get listening!
The Lore segment was guest-written by long time listener Gerfuffle! We also run through the fortnight's news and do a deep dive into a discussion about Bethesda as a publisher, Bethesda Game Studios as a studio, and the job they are doing understanding and communicating with the fans.
Watch live on Twitch Fridays at 6:30pm MT/8:30pm ET twitch.tv/wejustlovegames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thatfalloutshow https://twitter.com/wejustlovegames https://twitter.com/rickmcvick https://twitter.com/Vendortronn https://twitter.com/shalinel
Facebook: https://facebook.com/thatfalloutshow https://facebook.com/groups/thatfalloutshow https://facebook.com/wejustlovegames https://facebook.com/groups/wejustlovegames
Email: [email protected]
We're back as the mighty three with all the Fallout news and lore you can handle in one episode. In the news we have more lawsuits with Bethesda, the Fallout 3 in Fallout 4 engine mod is back on & is that new leather jacket from Bethesda any good? Find out in this episode! The Prydwen is featured in this episode's lore segment and we find out all about it's creation. Keeping with the BoS theme is our weapon of the week; what is it? How do you get it? Listen to find out!
We're back and boy howdy aren't we glad to be! Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday so far. In this episode we cover all the latest Fallout news including the good and the bad. We chat about our latest Fallout 76 gameplay and our experiences with the latest set of updates. Our final Fallout Divergence lore segment is all about the tech weapons of the Fallout timeline vs. our IRL timeline. Finally a few listener emails and that's a wrap for 2018!
Have a great new year and enjoy!
Well this episode we dig deep into the murky waters and issues surrounding the rocky release of Fallout 76. We take an honest look at the nylon bag from first hand experience, the bugs inherit in the system, and the silence from Bethesda. There's some other news too but let's be honest, we are all here for Fallout 76 stuffs. Some exciting gameplay stories, listener emails & a challenge recap! Also our friends from ASAPodcasting are hosting their annual Cystic Fibrosis charity drive so stay tuned for details on how you can help!
So this episode is the last one before Fallout 76 releases. We give our review on the Fallout 76 BETA and there's some good, some bad, and some in between. In our news the BETA deletes itself, Bethesda releases some patch notes, and Atoms cost is revealed! We have our gameplay recap and a few listener emails.
We took a break from the norm to focus on all this Fallout 76 news and BETA gameplay experience. Don't worry, no spoilers to be found here, also Rick is missing..... Anyway in the news we got Bethesda teasing factions, TwitchCon, and stress test leakers get their comeuppance. Game play wise Shaline takes us through her time during the Xbox BETA so stay tuned to get her take on Fallout 76.
We took a break from the norm to focus on all this Fallout 76 news and BETA gameplay experience. Don't worry, no spoilers to be found here, also Rick is missing..... Anyway in the news we got Bethesda teasing factions, TwitchCon, and stress test leakers get their comeuppance. Game play wise Shaline takes us through her time during the Xbox BETA so stay tuned to get her take on Fallout 76.
On this episode we talk a lot about some recent Fallout 76 news. The exclusive West Virginia event was pretty cool so we hear and we talk all about the gameplay footage released there. In this episodes lore segment we cover part 3 of our Divergence series talking all about the locations in the Fallout universe. There's a new challenge and some listener emails to top it all off.
On this episode we talk about the Fallout 76 BETA release date and the updated FAQ! Finally Bethesda releases great new just before an episode of TFS. In our lore segment we talk about the politics of the Fallout divergence. We have some gameplay, Rick is still looking for the Keller Tapes and a few listener emails!
So Gameinformer dropped a whole ton of info on some Fallout 76 details in the news this week along with a Metro interview with Pete Hines. Also some news on the Power Armor edition, Todd & the Apple event as well as Bethesda and Nintendo are getting all buddy buddy. This episode marks the first in a lore series on the Fallout Divergence. Part 1: The Setting & Historical differences. We also cover gameplay, last episode's challenge and read a few listener emails.
In this episode we chat all about the Fallout 76 panel that happened at Quakecon. There was a ton of new info about CAMP, PVP and the new perk system. We also chat about the new Bethesda Dallas studio, the new used game that Bethesda didn't want sold, and new Fallout 76 videos! There a new scavenger hunt for a challenge, and a few listener emails!
In this episode more BETA news updates with the Bethesda FAQ update, Fallout 76 and UFC, and what goes perfect with Fallout? Inon Zur of course. We have some gameplay recap & a new challenge. What's with those SatCom Arrays in Fallout 3? Listen to find out. More importantly we have a life or death situation from a fellow Fallout podcast, please listen to the end for the email and how you can help save a fellow Wastelander.
In this episode of That Fallout Show we chat about the October Fallout 76 BETA release date and what this means for the actual launch of Fallout 76. Todd Howard also did a few interviews which we talk about and after that we chat about non-human NPC's and how this quest system might work. There's an expansion for the Fallout boardgame coming too! Rick was the only one to play Fallout, Shaline get's tactical, and Vendortron. Also don't miss the world premiere of a new Mr. Gee & Bit Trash Riot song!
In this exciting episode we talk about some Todd Howard interviews, Bethesda Store Merch, and no cross play for Fallout 76!? There wasn't a ton of new Fallout 76 info but a few little interesting things we chat about like PvP, camp building and more. Also Shaline is still looking for a Fallout 1 or 2 mobile port, Rick is a Minuteman, and Vendortron is here! Listener emails and a challenge recap finish up this packed episode.
On today's episode of That Fallout Show we cover some news, gameplay, and listener emails! Bethesda is suing WB and Behavior Interactive because bugs, and drama in Nukapedia world! We also chat about our gameplay this week, Rick is still looking for those Keller tapes, and a recap of our last challenge.
Welcome to the first episode of That Fallout Show! In this episode there is so much Fallout 76 stuff from E3 to go over. We cover as much current Fallout 76 news as we can, some speculation too. Rick talks about playing Fallout 3 and his never ending quest for those blasted Keller tapes, and Shaline talks about playing Skyrim...on Alexa... Vendor is across the pond! We issue out first ever never done before TFS Challenge AND cover the current lore of Vault 76. A few listener emails and 5 star review shout outs and that is our jam packed first episode. Cannot thank you all enough and we will see you in the Wasteland!
Hello America. Our President John Henry Eden has a quick message for us all. Please stand by.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.