** This episode originally aired on KGRA's Youtube channel. Watch episodes live every Friday at KGRA:
https://www.youtube.com/c/KGRAdb **
3pm PT || 6pm ET || 11pm UK
'That UFO Podcast - The OTHER Show makes its debut on KGRA!
Andy & Dan are here this week with:
- Interview with Pulitzer prize winning journalist, Ralph Blumenthal around his book about researcher John Mack & alien abductions
- The guys then break down Ralphs recent article on experiencers that appeared in "The Debrief"
- Finally in the listeners section, they review some famous footage sent over & discuss future humans
- For our next shows please send over your questions, video footage & points you'd like to hear discussed
Get involved by getting in touch with the show
[email protected]
Twitter: @ufouapam
Instagram/Facebook: That UFO Podcast'