100 avsnitt • Längd: 75 min • Månadsvis
That’s Cool, That’s Trash! is a psychotronic podcast that covers outré, cult, and trash movies that are usually found free online. Host Matt Howell is joined by guests to discuss movies w/ sound clips and Final Judgement: is it cool or is it trash?
The podcast That’s Cool, That’s Trash! is created by That's Cool, That's Trash!. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
We jumped at the chance to participate in the 3rd Hammer-Amicus Blogathon and chose something a little different: Amicus' 1st production from 1962...a musical comedy about the then-popular fad of digging 1920's traditional jazz music. This was legendary director Richard Lester's (A Hard Day's Night, Help!) film debut. Thankfully, he was smart enough to pepper some pop stars in amongst the Dixieland. With guests Devin Bruce (Apocalypse Kow) and Jacob Balcom. Check out the Blogathon HERE.
Matt makes up for only getting one WINGS HAUSER episode out this June by having Joe and Jack (Rogue Riffers) on to talk about 1989's BEDROOM EYES II, a neo-noir erotic crime thriller co-starring Linda Blair and Veronica Hart. With eyes clearly on Hitchcock and DePalma, this hypnotic mess falls far short but definitely entertains.
Rogue Riffers: https://rogueriffers.wordpress.com/author/rogueriffers/
We celebrate Wings Hauser month by watching a TV movie that was a pilot for an action series. A ragtag group of misfit cops are handpicked to form a domestic crime strike-force. Our buddy Wings is the short-fuse hothead who drinks Scotch-and-milks.
Before Mind, Body, and Soul (1992), Wings Hauser & Rick (Hobgoblins) Sloane collaborated on Marked for Murder, a 'thriller' featuring the children of Martin Sheen & Robert Mitchum, where a couple of hapless TV station employees get caught up in a high-stakes game of drugs, videotape, and death.
Matt is joined by Kyle and Jacob to discuss the new film from Joe Badon, Sister Tempest. We reviewed his God Inside My Ear back in Ep67 and were chomping at the bit to get back inside his wild, cinematic mind. We discuss the film w/o spoilers in the beginning and provide a spoiler-break point to stop the show, so you can wait until you see it before hearing the whole shebang.
Matt is joined by Andrew Shaw and Devin Bruce to discuss the newly released horror film Archons, the second film from the director of Black Mountain Side (2016), which Matt became a big fan of after seeing it at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival. Archons is the story of falling-from-grace rock group half a decade after the release of their hit single, as they travel deep into the Canadian wilderness on a spirit journey.
Dear listeners, we're wrapping up the return of the show w/ this extra bonus Wings Hauser Month episode. It was a great comfort to talk to friends old & new during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hopefully, we entertained you a bit, too. but for now, we don't have anything else planned.
Matt was joined by Joe (who dropped out due to technical issues) and Pete (an old friend from the band Ex-Hustlers) to discuss Norman Mailer's film adapted from his hardboiled noir book. It's, uh, something else.
Kyle & Jacob join Matt to talk about this movie written and directed by and starring Wings Hauser along w/ Linda Blair. Wings plays a drunken ex-LAPD cop in self-imposed exile in Mexico who returns to L.A. seeking answers and revenge after his gay son is brutalized by skinheads.
After Leila, his boss's daughter, is kidnapped by psychopathic plague victim Decker, chauffeur Chazz (Jeffrey Combs) teams up with plague-infected mercenary Luger, like the gun, (Wings Hauser) to penetrate the toxic & off-limits Plague Zone and bring her back alive.
Jason Farrell & Andrew Shaw join Matt to discuss this 'movie.' Andrew's Cul-de-Sac: https://www.comixology.com/Culdesac/digital-comic/701881
This Nightmare Kills Fascists: https://awbw.com/product/this-nightmare-kills-fascists/
Jacob Balcom and Seth Garon join Matt to talk about Michael J. Murphy's Atlantis, a movie we'd discussed reviewing since we watched Death Run/Mutant City a couple years ago, Murphy had a sprawling, ambitious vision for his antediluvian saga about the great lost civilization of legend...and a few thousand pounds sterling and a rented psych-hospital outbuilding.
Joe & Ben join Matt to talk about a movie starring one of Matt's favorite '70s genre actors: Jim 'Black Belt Jones' Kelly in DEATH DIMENSION, directed by beloved schlockmeister AL ADAMSON. Also featuring Harold 'Odd Job' Sakata & George 'One-n-Done James Bond' Lazenby. Evil crimelord "The Pig" aims to sell new freeze-bomb technology to the highest bidder, but Lt. Det. J. Ash aims to put stop to it w/ punches, kicks, and nunchuks.
Matt's wife Renee and their friends Sarah & Mike joined the show for a double-date night, pandemic-style: a movie over a shared Zoom screen and a review after words. We watched a screener of the new found-footage true-crime movie Murder Death Koreatown (2020)...not sure if we'll be sent screeners anymore. We talk about all things found footage, the good and the (mostly) bad.
We wanted to participate in the Vincent Price Blogathon this year, so we picked a pulpy sci-fi horror movie from Amicus that was new to us and talked about it with guests Rob Hafferman and Devin Bruce. Vincent is joined by Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, sort of, to tell an odd little tale about body-part farming and composite people in the highest levels of government.
Devin sings! https://apocalypsekow.com/moo/ Rob paints! https://roberthafferman.com/
Friend of the show Andrew picked up Scalps on blu-ray and another buddy, Ben, joined us to discuss this $15k '80s slasher...er...scalper...about archaeology students on a dig who face the angry spirit of Black Claw, the sorcerer of a massacred tribe of Native Americans. Andrew writes comics, like Culdesac.
The revival continues with an '80s action-er custom-made for Kyle and Adam. Another Peter O'Brian (Ep08 - The Stabilizer) joint! O'Brian stars as Alex 'Rambu' Trambuan, an all-around hero who can't seem to catch a break. A mix-up w/ the local drug cartel starts a downward spiral into justice and vengeance that requires lots of fists and bullets. WATCH IT HERE: https://youtu.be/caChFgVEonQ
*For our sanity, we're reviving the show during the pandemic to give us an excuse to talk together and have a much needed laugh.
Matt is joined by Joe Kincher and Jason Farrell to discuss NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR, an infamous anthology film from 1985 that hacks 3 unrelated feature films into a delirious mess. God and Satan ride a train together and determine the fate of the characters from some weird-ass movie made even more weird-ass by hatchet-job editing. Check it out!
Matt is joined by the core TCTT gang: Jacob, Joe, and Kyle to watch & review Neil Breen's 5th film Twisted Pair together for the big 100th episode finale. These 100 episodes have been a blast to create over the last 6.5 years and we want to thank all the wonderful people who gave of their time and sanity to explore the psychotronic world with us. We'll still be kicking around the 'Net and may do something for fun here or there, but for now, it's time to move on. Do us a favor, will ya? Stay trashy.
John Morgan and Ben McClure return to talk about NIGHT KILLER by "Clyde Anderson" (Claudio Fragasso), an erotic psycho-thriller with some Bruno Mattei slasher inserts inserted after the fact. Peter Hooten (Orca & the TV pilot for Dr. Strange) gives a fevered performance that is something to behold, but the whole film is a wild ride!
Matt is joined by regular guest Jacob Balcom and his cousin Seth Garon returns to talk about DEMON COP, the Blood Meridian or The Sound and the Fury of psychotronic auteur films. Demon Cop seems to be the tragic story of a widower who becomes the host of a demon of retribution & changes into a beast with the moon to stalk the members of Denver/Aurora Hills gangs. A virtually impenetrable web of exposition, non-sequitur scenes, and kaleidoscopic plot.
The last Halloween mix of the TCTT podcast series. We hope you enjoy it and share it with your friends. Happy Halloween!!!
Joseph Dufresne, creator of local horror-host extraordinaire Uncle Eerie Lee Shivers, joined us to talk about horror hosts, GuignolFest, Halloween horror movie favorites, and Mark Polonia's HALLOWEENIGHT from 2009.
Matt and his guest Joseph Dufresne (a.k.a. Uncle Eerie Lee Shivers) had a great chat so chock full of content for the Halloween episode, that some had to be cut for time. Here's a short bonus ep wherein the current "horror renaissance" is discussed.
Here's the links to our full movie riffs. Please download and share!
BLOODY PIT OF HORROR: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mZZOA56NAYFySLg1ZDfb54DHriTyHUVr
INVASION OF THE BEE GIRLS: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1q0Hy6SP3qHlsN5rC_OxFAWlYuZlnE_Nz
CURSE OF THE SWAMP CREATURE: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19Kwo27JAO0swl0z7hONnrSWLIa18rKlE WILD GUITAR: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11Uh92KE8XB1ze1kzSvDT_3wMZAN8id8Y
Matt is joined by Matt Mair Lowery, writer of Dark Horse Comics' LIFEFORMED, and Jason Farrell to talk about Matt's 2nd volume of his YA alien invasion opus and all things comics...and Fred Olen Ray's 1980 cinematic train wreck ALIEN DEAD, where a houseboat in a Florida Swamp meets a meteorite that creates flesh-eating zombies...that look like last-minute Halloween costumes. We've said it before and we'll say it again: ED WOOD GOT SCREWED
Adam & Kyle return to review DRAGON HUNT, the canuxploitation sequel to TWIN DRAGON ENCOUNTER, sees the villain Jake return w/ a new metal hand & an armada of mercenaries. He wants the heads of Mick & Marty McNamara for revenge against losing battle (and his hand) to them in the first one. Ninjas, poachers, beast-masters...oh, my!
We had regular guests Joe Kincher & Jacob Balcom and their wives Jolie and Alicia join us for dinner and screening of Howling: New Moon Rising (a.k.a. Howling 7), a film by writer-producer-director-star Clive Turner. After we finished the film, we tried to make sense of it. It takes place in Pioneertown, CA, and takes place in Pappy + Harriet's western saloon. There's footage from other Howling films, and two guys working for the church to stop the lyncathropic curse...we think. This was a mess.
Jason Farrell and Joe Kincher join us to discuss Victor Salva, the director of Clownhouse, who was convicted for raping the child star this film from 1988, and how and why he has continued to have a film-making career over the last 30 years. This was a springboard to a larger discussion about the matter of separating the art from the artist.
European assassin & kung-fu master Linda Allen (Renee Harmon) kicks, punches, and licks her way through LA's underworld, assassins, and the FBI to avenge her sister's death.
Matt tries to make sense of James Bryan & Renee Harmon's glorious grindhouse mess LADY STREET FIGHTER with guests John Morgan (a decorated TCTT veteran of Bryan/Harmon's THE EXECUTIONER, PART II) and first-time guest Ben. We had a blast picking up the pieces of our minds.
In the aftermath of the Central Park Jogger case, two L.A. cops (demi-god Wings Hauser & Joey Travolta) clash with disaffected and detached teens of their city who are on a violent rampage. Jack & Lad from the Rogue Riffers join us to discuss this important message film ripped from yesterday's headlines...and more importantly, Wings Hauser.
Rogue Riffers: https://rogueriffers.wordpress.com/author/rogueriffers/
Our 2nd annual Wings Hauser Month starts with a bang: Jacob Balcom and Joe Kincher are back to discuss STREET ASYLUM: a quasi sci-fi tale about b-modded cops wilding out on the criminal scum of the not-at-all-future L.A. Featuring Nixon Watergate thug G. Gordon Liddy as a fascist ex-police running for mayor.
In Portland? Check out Joe's show at SUM Gallery: http://www.sumgallery.com/current.html
Have ears? Check out Jacob's album: https://jacobbalcom.bandcamp.com/
Matt is joined by Devin Bruce and Andrew Shaw to discuss TALES FROM THE QUADEAD ZONE, a shot-on-video horror anthology from 1987. This flick plays like a Tales from the Dark Side episode that was locked in a hot car during a heatwave: loopy Casio themes, cam-mounted spotlights, and non-professional actors make for a one-of-a-kind viewing experience.
Devin does Scotch and Comics: https://scotchandcomics.wordpress.com/
Andrew writes Cul-de-Sac: https://www.comixology.com/Culdesac/digital-comic/701881?ref=c2VyaWVzL3ZpZXcvZGVza3RvcC9ncmlkTGlzdC9BbnRob2xvZ2llcw
The great screenwriter and director Larry Cohen left this earthly realm on March 23rd of 2019. The Hollywood Theatre in Portland dedicated a showing of Q: The Winged Serpent in his honor. Jacob Balcom and Matt got mic-ed up and attended the screening and then broke down the crazy later on Skype.
Starring: Michael Moriarty, Candy Clark, David Carradine, and Richard Roundtree and NYC
Jason Farrell and Joey Cruz join Matt to celebrate Walpurgisnacht/Hexennacht (or what we just call 'Halloween in April') by watching Hack-o'-Lantern a much sought-after VHS horror flick starring Hy Pyke as the satanic pumpkin-farming grandfather of the Drindle family. It's Halloween Night and Grandpa's been grooming grandson Tommy to dedicate his life to the Dark One (like a Satanic confirmation?). Meanwhile, someone in the coven's robes wearing a mask is dispatching folks, willy-nilly.
TCTT goes to the movies! Joined by JB from The Broken Plane Podcast, we ventured out to Joy Cinema to see A*P*E, a 3-D quickie aimed at beating Dino De Laurentiis' big-budget and much-hyped remake of KING KONG to the screen. Shot in South Korea on a budget of $23,000 in 14 days, this one doesn't quite measure up to the Jeff Bridges one, but does that one have King Kong flipping the camera off? No, I didn't think so. How many 3-D snakes are thrown at and knock over the camera? Zero? Hard pass.
JB & TK: https://thebrokenplanepodcast.blogspot.com/
Matt is joined by Jacob Balcom and his cousin Seth Garon to discuss Michael J. Murphy's DEATH RUN. If Jacob were writing for TV Guide, his description would read "The grown-up kid from H.R. Pufnstuf and his girlfriend wake up in post-apocalyptic England to fight a Nazi and cannibals." Do we need to say more about this super-8 doozy? Check out this and more from the incredible world of MJM on the official (fre) YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLHnjYjZiA6uVzQi0iCpI8A
Matt is joined by Gordie Adams and Rolito Galagate to discuss D'Wild Wild Weng, a western comedy adventure starring the 2' 9" martial arts film star of the Philippines Weng Weng. Mr. Weng and Gordon are sent to the Mexican region of the Philippines to investigate the death of the mayor of Santa Monica, a town that has been taken over by the evil Sebastian and his horde of Mexican stereotypes along with Ku Manchu and his samurai (ninjas).
Matt invited Joe & Jacob over for dinner and a movie. The food was good. The movie...not so much. Joe and Jacob were subjected to AFTER LAST SEASON, a film by Mark Region, that threw us all into an existential crisis. What are we doing? Why are we here? Why are dry wall and wallpaper scraps acceptable set dressing? Why is Cthulhu's toilet running in the background of every scene? Think Dreamscape meets Lawnmower Man meets Inception as directed by someone who hates their job making safety videos for school districts.
Kyle and Adam talk with Matt about this action movie: Canadian militiamen face the twin furies of Canadian kickboxers after kidnapping their girlfriends from Twin Island.
Matt's love affair with the filmography of Renee Harmon continues. Joe and Jacob are back to talk about this 1986 shot-on-video movie that's got mad science, gaslighting, pool parties, a hooded killer, and a ghost. Directed by Felix Girard.
Matt & Joe give the gift that keeps on giving: A Christmas short riffed for your Yuletide pleasure. Thanks to all of our wonderful listeners out there. We thank you for your support. Happy holidays to you and we hope you have a wonderful new year.
The Broken Plane Podcast's JB & TK return for another Thanksgiving slasher special. Filmed in 1983 (but unreleased until 1987), BLOOD RAGE stars Louise Lasser as a mother of twin boys, one of which, when they were children, brutally murdered an amorous teen at a drive-in 10 years earlier and has been locked up ever since. He escapes on Thanksgiving Day and returns home...blood is spilled and horrible truths revealed.
Follow JB & TK's football adventures: @TheBrokenPlane
A troubled Vietnam vet cleans up the streets by blowing scum up...wait, what?!?
Matt is joined by Jesse and John Morgan to discuss this James Bryan (Don't Go Into the Woods Alone) directed, Renee Harmon (Frozen Scream) written bit of vigilante sleaze. - There is no Part I, by the way. - I don't think PTSD-sploitation has been officially coined yet...so "dibs!" - Starring Chris Mitchum, Renee Harmon, and Aldo Ray. Jesse provided a haiku poem:
the grenade slips down use the gun, never bullets transitions are for punks
Our 2nd Halloween mix made special for the greatest podcast listeners in the podosphere: YOU! Featuring: The Giallo Flames, Goblin, Alfred Hitchcock, William Thompson, Dean Gitter, The Poets, Vincent Price, William Conrad, Lenny & Squiggy, and many more.
Guests Jason Farrell and Devin Bruce join the show to discuss a shot-on-video obscurity from 1989. Ginger Lynn Allen takes on Beelzebub himself via his wife/her sister. Ol' Scratch is so worried, he needs his jester to distract him with 2 stories about awesome sinners. Argento & Bava's light palettes are stolen and incompetently aped...voices are demonically incomprehensible...sad clowns kick the bucket...and holy warriors are white ninjas? Hoo-boy. Devin Bruce: http://apocalypsekow.com/moo/ Jason Farrell: https://douglasanddragons.wordpress.com/
The third installment of Ghosts of Hanley House! This is what it's all been building up to. You'll be talking about this one for ages.
We're back at Hanley House with more riff fun. If you missed the first part, go check it out form the feed or on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgDvZ3a8sRQ). The skinny: Dick dares Hank to spend the night in the purportedly haunted Hanley House. Hank ends up w/ Dick, his cousin Sheila, local medium Gabby, and an old dude named Margan (?) for company when strange phenomena start to occur.
It's time for another Neil Breen joint! Sarah and Adam are back to talk about Breen's I AM HERE....NOW ('09), wherein Breen plays a messianic character (gasp) who created Earth and its creatures and He's disappointed with what we've done with the place in His absence. This is another corker from the ego-trippin' Las Vegas architect-cum-auteur Neil Breen.
As a special gift for subscribed listeners, we're A) releasing the first part of movie riff early and B) giving it to you in the form of a keepsake video file to be cherished & watched anywhere!* The other 2 episodes will be coming out in the feed in the coming weeks.You can see a higher-quality version on this ep on YouTube HERE.
PLOT: A young man accepts a bet to stay in a house, with some friends, where several murders occurred. But the house may be haunted, or the original murderer may still be around.
*TCTT riff episodes are not guaranteed to increase in value and should not be purchased for investment purposes.
Joe and Jason joined Matt and his wife Renee for some homemade chili and an endurance challenge: who will be the last to tap out during this SOV POS?
"Russell has two passions: watching television and farting! He also loves Heather. Heather HATES farting. The eternal triangle! One day she warns him, 'if they ever allow farting on television, you'll never leave the house!' One evening he goes to sleep in front of the TV, and 'it' happens. Virtually everything on TV is fart-related, from sitcoms and commercials, to newscasts and dramas."
We decided June should be Wings Hauser month and were joined by several other movie podcasts to do our 2nd podcrawl.
Matt is joined by Joe and Jacob to discuss Rick "Hobgoblins" Sloane's 1992 movie MIND, BODY & SOUL. With a plot that can only be inspired by the Satanic Panic of the late '80s, adult film star Ginger Lynn Allen, plays a girl who's sucked into the omnipresent satanic underworld and fights to escape with her mind, body and soul intact.
Joe and Matt discuss 1977's CHERRY HILL HIGH, the sexy comedy that's not really sexy or funny, about five recent high-school graduates who embark on a bicycle trip with their former teacher and enter into a contest to see which of them can lose her virginity in the most far-out way. Directed by Alan E. Goitein.
Matt is joined by Robert Hafferman and Jason Farrell to try to parse the lunacy of SHAITANI DRACULA, a movie from India made somewhere between 1906 and 2006 with old Halloween masks, rolling chairs, and dime-store fangs. You are not ready.
Matt is joined by Alan White (The Power Principle) and Andrew Shaw (Cul-de-sac) to discuss the new film by Joe Badon: THE GOD INSIDE MY EAR, a film that defies easy categorization, but is part horror, absurd comedy, paranoid conspiracy, and psychedelic trip. Look for it at a festival near you!
Matt, Joe, and Kyle discuss the singular vision of John de Hart: GETEVEN. Drama, romance, narcotics, kung-fu and Satanism combine for a surreal experience from the mind of a first-time filmmaker (now a lawyer). Co-stars Wings Hauser, William Smith, and Pamela Bryant.
A brief review of Ray Dennis "Wolfgang Schmidt" Steckler's 1979 sleazefest that begs the question, is this a movie or ickiness that collected on celluloid while no one was looking. The title says it all: a sicko posing as a shutterbug strangles nudie cutie models in Hollywood while a sullen, greasy bookstore cashier murders winos in alleys.
Matt is joined by a couple of friends from work to discuss his newest cinematic passion: Neil Breen...specifically, the hacker-y, mystical wonder that is FATEFUL FINDINGS. It really defies explanation and you won't regret purchasing or renting it. #makeMineBreen
We tried something new. This episode was recorded live and in person and we talked about a TV show instead of movie. Bizarro World, right?
Matt's joined by Joe and Jacob Balcom to discuss one of the oddest sitcoms of the 1980s: Small Wonder, the story of the Lawson family and their little girl robot Vicki, who must be kept secret from the rest of the world, despite talking like a Commodore 64.
We watched the pilot episode and one from season three (!) where Vicki's evil counterpart Vanessa is introduced. It's a wild ride.
Get a free download of Jacob's album So Long Everybody on Bandcamp!
Matt is joined by Kyle and Matt Mair Lowery, author of the new Dark Horse comic Lifeformed: Cleo Makes Contact. We talk comics a bit and then dive into our Christmas film: ELVES, starring Dan Haggerty. If you like your Christmas movies to have Nazis and upright vermin, this is the film for you.
Matt concludes his tour of Blood Island by visiting 2 Romero/Ashley movies produced after the series proper ended: The Beast of the Yellow Night and The Twilight People.
Matt is joined by Jay & Tim from The Broken Plane Podcast for this Thanksgiving spectacular. The guys watched and review 1981's "Home Sweet Home" a little-known slasher film set on the turkiest of holidays. The movie stars a young Jake "Bodies by Jake" Steinfeld as a PCP-fueled escaped mental patient who's headed for a group of folks who just want to enjoy the game and their bird. Havoc ensues. There's a mime. Directed by Nettie Peña.
The Broken Plane Podcast https://thebrokenplanepodcast.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @TheBrokenPlane FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheBrokenPlane/ Email: [email protected]
Matt sails solo to Blood Island to view and review some primo drive-in fare from the Philippines of the late '60s/early '70s starring American actor John Ashley. In this episode, the true films in the series are reviewed: Brides of Blood, Mad Doctor of Blood Island, and Beast of Blood. Strap in for a psychotronic ride...and remember, it ain't the heat that's get ya, in the jungle...it's the humidity.
Before the BLOOD ISLAND episode, we take a quick look at 2 of the films that came before that are considered "non-canonical": TERROR IS A MAN ('59) and THE BLOOD DRINKERS ('64)
Matt talks w/ John Morgan & Rob Hafferman about this Andy Sidaris 'sexy' action film from '87 that features the "three B's" (Bullets, Bombs, & Babes) in spades.
Matt is joined by Jason Farrell & Joey Cruz to discuss Franco E. Prosperi's cautionary tale of 'Nature Strikes Back After Ingesting PCP' called WILD BEASTS.
Matt is joined by the the Brothers Kincher (Joe & Travis) to talk about this Chicago-shot obscurity. We had some cocktails.
Matt's joined by culture vulture, raconteur, and all-around great guy John Morgan to discuss a tale of body-snatching, cat food, and flesh-crazed kitties from Ted V. Mikels.
This is where The Great Psychotronic #Podcrawl begins! TCTT kicks off the Subspecies crawl. The sequels will be, respectively, covered by Rogue Riffers, Wax On Wax Lyrical, and Bad Movie Night. Check them out!
Special Christmas episode! Is it a Christmas themed snuff film or the Polonia Bros? It's the latter! FEEDERS 2: SLAY BELLS...alien puppets, terrible Casio X-mas music, flashbacks, and Santa!
Matt, Joe, & Justin discuss the one of the Polonia Brothers' movie FEEDERS, something Blockbuster thought you might mistake for Independence Day somehow.
Matt is joined by Joe & Zack Kruse to discuss hopping-vampire-protected heroin trafficking & the resurrected DEA agent-turned-android who stops it...oh, and topless ghosts.
Finally revealed! Here's why TCTT has been on hiatus since X-mas. The experiment that broke Matt's brain: watching a 3 Supermen movie a day...
Matt talks to Jason Farrell & Gordie Adams about the '84 UK Christmas slasher flick DON'T OPEN TILL CHRISTMAS.
Matt talks about Brad F. 'Blood Freak' Grinter's earlier movie & Veronica Lake's attempted comeback before her death. Lake plays a doc whose regeneration-through-maggots research offers an opportunity for a thought-dead world leader.
Director David A. Prior (DEADLY PREY) passed away this August. We chatted about his first film: the SOV SLEDGEHAMMER, starring his brother Ted.
Matt & Scott discuss the shot-on-video anthology horror movie SCARY TALES, a labor of love right out of the basements & backyards of Baltimore, MD.
Matt & Scott celebrate Halloween in April (we're making that a thing) by discussing 1981's THE PIT. Remembering when you were an awkward kid who fed his/her enemies to troglodytic creatures in a hole in the woods? Me neither.
Matt & Scott discuss the 1986 Hong Kong action-comedy LUCKY SEVEN. Think Little Rascals meet Goonies in Hong Kong.
Matt & Scott discuss Wisconsin's rich history of psycho-sexual samurai spirits & deer hunting. Beards, plaid, and mumbling abound...was this the start of Mumblecore?!
We discuss STAR CRASH: An outlaw smuggler & her alien companion are recruited by the Emperor of the galaxy to rescue his son & destroy the secret weapon of the evil Count Zarth Arn. Directed by "Lewis Coates" (Luigi Cozzi) starring Caroline Munro, Marjoe Gortner, David Hasselhoff & Christopher Plummer.
Matt & Scott chat about this gleefully sleazy slab of Danish sexploitation about a dwarf & his boarding house-landlord mother who use toys to lure girls into being entrapped in their white-slavery prostitution ring.
Matt & Scott are joined by genuine Australian Andrew Shaw to discuss Ozploitation film HOUSEBOAT HORROR.
A Filipino-made horror-fantasy movie about a man who is chosen by his dead uncle to battle the forces of evil. He fights a being called "The Prince of Magic," who shoots rays from his hands, makes heads spin around & hypnotizes people. He finally faces Satan himself and engages him in a battle of magic.
Matt & Scott chat about a flick that should have been a '70s TV movie. It stars Tony Curtis & Susan Strasberg and features music by Lalo Schifrin. Directed by William "Abby" Girdler. 'A psychic's girlfriend finds out that a lump on her back is a growing reincarnation of a 400 year-old demonic Native American spirit.'
"A husband whose fanatical desire but inability to father children is driven to force his wife to undergo a dangerous experiment. This results in hatching a non-human life form in his wife's womb, and the birth of a multitude of 'things.'" If you say so! Matt & Scott drag neighbor Justin in to try to come to grips w/ seeing the Canadian THINGS from '89. This terrible film transcends time & space and must be seen.
Matt & Scott talk about this everything-and-the-kitchen-sink direct-to-video sci-fi horror flick from 1988. It stars George Kennedy, Billy Jayne, & Harry from Harry & the Hendersons.
SFX, music, & stories to make yr Halloween spookier.
Exploitation master Lee Frost's 1st film is long on nudity & jokes and short on story, monsters, & funny. Bob Cresse stars (in drag) as Granny Good who runs a girls' school & bootlegging operation. Hilarity does NOT ensue.
Matt, Kyle, & Scott discuss Michael Stanley's "period piece" about a group of survivors from a foundered cruise ship who take refuge on a deserted island...deserted except for adorable carnivorous li'l devils!
Matt & Kyle are joined by Jason Farrell to discuss George Barry's Death Bed, a little '70s movie with dreams of playing art houses.
Matt, Kyle, & Scott discuss this unauthorized, non-canonical, pseudo-sequel to George Romero's 1985 film.
Matt, Kyle, & Scott enter the 3rd dimension to discuss Treasure of the Four Crowns, wherein a group of adventurers are gathered together to retrieve some mystical gems which are in the possession of a deadly cult.
Matt, Kyle, & Scott discuss '82s SOV Boardinghouse. Directed by John Wintergate who stars along w/ Kalassu & Lindsay Freeman.
The boys discuss auteur Ray Dennis Steckler's '71 "Blood Shack/The Chooper." A haunted, ramshackle house has a long of history of intruders being killed off by The Chooper, but who, or what, is The Chooper? No, seriously...
Matt & Scott are joined by raconteur & wit Devin Bruce to discuss this story of a "hard rock" band who are trapped & killed by a macabre family of freaks. Thankfully they rise again to rock & get revenge.
Matt, Kyle, & Scott on Lucio Fulci's 1983 sword & sorcery film CONQUEST: Ilias embarks on a journey to slay the evil Ocron, priestess of the sun, aided by a rogue named Mace. Monsters, smoke, & surreality galore.
Matt, Kyle & Scott discuss Herschell Gordon ("The Godfather of Gore") Lewis' 1972 film 'The Gore Gore Girls', featuring Frank Kress as the effete criminologist Abraham Gentry who investigates grisly stripper murders.
Matt, Kyle, & Scott discuss the leather-vested, exploding crossbow-bolted, boob-filled world of Andy Sidaris' federal agents of ENEMY GOLD.
Kyle, Scott, and Matt are joined by another Scott to discuss this Indonesian rip-off of The Terminator. Body counts soar, breasts are bared.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.