Hosted by Chris Beckett & Shane Ludtke, two amateur astronomers in Saskatchewan. [email protected]
* July 1st - Today is Canada Day
Mars 4° below Moon this morning
* July 2nd - Uranus 4° below Moon this morning
* July 3rd - Jupiter 5° below Moon this morning
* July 4th - is Independence Day in the USA and the 970th anniversary of the Crab Supernova Explosion
* July 4th is also New Moon
* July 5th - Earth is at Aphelion
* July 6th - Ceres at Opposition Mag. 7.3
* July 7th Mercury 3° below the Moon this evening
Spot Arcturus with the unaided eye this week
* July 13th - first Quarter Moon
* July 14th - Lunar Straight Wall visible this evening
* July 15th - Mars 0.6° below Uranus this morning
* July 16th - Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into Jupiter 30 years ago!
* July 21st - Full Moon
Asteroid 40 Harmonia at Opposition, Mag. 9.4
* July 22nd- Mercury at greatest Elongation this evening at 27° from the Sun
Jupiter appears in the morning sky around 2:30 am PDT with only 1 Satellite Callisto Visible.
* July 27th Last Quarter Moon
* July 29th - Uranus 4° below Moon this morning.
* July 30th - Mars 5° below the Moon this morning
* July 31st - ZHR=25 best seen in predawn hours today and tomorrow.
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The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by the Planetary Science Institute.
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