Nate talks about:
How fatherhood affects creativity
How he prioritizes his time in his life, and in the shed
When he realized Kneebody was becoming “a thing”
Whether the internet is a net positive or net negative for drummers today
What I’ve been calling “radical creativity”, an approach of complete trust of your musical instincts in the moment
…and more…
He also critiques my performance of a Kneebody song called Greenblatt, from their record The Line.
0:25 - how has FOUR changed his drumming
3:50 - how he divides his time
7:20 - where his best ideas come from
9:29 - why some drummers stay sharp as they age and others don't
12:15 - when did he realize Kneebody had "hit"
15:55 - how Nate manages the "self critical" voice when he's practicing and playing
21:55 - the differences between practice and performance (part 2)
24:20 - how to deal with perfectionism when recording
28:00 - what Nate thought of my performance of a Kneebody song
32:20 - has social media been a net positive or negative for drums
33:55 - is it even possible to choose to create your own style?
38:55 - are "hard knocks" still necessary in jazz?