200 avsnitt • Längd: 50 min • Veckovis: Fredag
The Apologetics Canada Podcast helps churches understand and speak the language of our culture and address questions being asked with intellectual honesty, gentleness and respect.
Hosted by Troy Lydiate
The podcast The AC Podcast is created by Apologetics Canada. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Live from the Apologetics Canada Conference: Theology of Technology, Andy Steiger sits down with Ruslan, a content creator who amplifies expert voices while navigating the tension of not being the expert himself.
They explore the power of humility, collaboration, and trust in building meaningful content that uplifts others and glorifies God. Whether you're a creator, leader, or passionate about sharing truth, this episode will equip you to steward your platform well.
The Apologetics Canada Conference: Theology of Technology was a sold-out success! In this episode of AC Podcast, the Quad—Andy, Steve, Wes, and Troy—sit down to recap the highs, the surprises, and the unforgettable moments from our 13th annual conference. From unpredictable situations to powerful takeaways, we reflect on what made this year’s event so special.
Dr. Frank Turek, founder and president of CrossExamined.org, has faithfully served in apologetics for over 30 years. While speaking across the US and Canada, he has seen a lot and gained a wealth of experiences. On this week’s episode of the AC podcast, Andy and Frank discuss how culture is currently shifting, presenting new obstacles and opportunities.
The AC team got exclusive after-hours access at the Museum of the Bible—standing in front of the Megiddo Mosaic, one of the most groundbreaking archaeological finds since the Dead Sea Scrolls! Why is this discovery so significant? And what does it mean for biblical history? Join Wes, Andy, and our new Maritimes Director Ben Macdonald as they unpack this incredible find in our latest podcast episode!
Allie Beth Stuckey is an American conservative commentator that hosts the Relatable podcast. More than a public figure, Allie is a wife, mother, and follower of Jesus. On this episode of the AC Podcast she joins Andy Steiger and Wes Huff to discuss her journey through an identity crisis to committed follower of Jesus and how it ignited a passion for politics.
"Does the Bible Endorse Slavery?!"
Although Christianity played a pivotal role in the abolition of slavery, we do find slavery in the Bible and examples of theologians who owned slaves. So how do we make sense of this? This is a question the AC team has received for years. Join Troy, Andy, and Wes as they unpack this complex and often misunderstood topic through examining Scripture and the character of God.
Hollywood has long been home to generations of stars who have shaped the entertainment industry—from sitcoms to cult classics, comedy to controversy. But at the heart of it all are individuals in need of Jesus.
This week on the AC Podcast, Wes and Andy sit down with actor, comedian, and online personality Russell Brand. Once captivated by the power of celebrity, Brand now seeks to “switch brands,” sharing his newfound faith in Jesus Christ. He opens up about how the truth of the gospel has dismantled the idols in his life, leading him to a genuine relationship with Christ, his Saviour.
We want a king! We want a king!"—a cry from 1 Samuel that has found a new voice in the modern era. "We want a leader!" shouts the culture, as it seeks to elevate individuals in both Christian and secular spaces, hoping they will lead the way to their proverbial "promised lands." With the pursuit of salvation and success dangling before us, how can believers discern whether they are called to follow or to lead? And is one truly better than the other?
This week, Troy, Andy, and Steve dive into what some are calling "the cult of leadership.
On this week's episode of the AC Podcast, we answer your questions from our recent social media post query. Given the influx of new engagement with our content, the Quad decided it would be fitting to do our best to answer some apologetic related questions. So prepare yourself for rapid fire answers on your most pressing questions.
Have you ever wondered how we ended up in a world where personal feelings could become the authority for reality? Or why so many of us are on a relentless pursuit for happiness yet somehow feel more exhausted and sadder than ever? You're not alone. On this week’s podcast Wes sat down with author, YouTuber, and ex-New Thoughter, Melissa Dougherty, about her upcoming book Happy Lies: How a movement you (probably) never heard of shaped our self-obsessed world.
On December 30th, 2024 the unthinkable happened, Joe Rogan had Wes Huff on his podcast! With much anticipation, the podcast was finally released on Jan 7th. Join Wes, Andy, and Steve on this week's episode of the AC podcast as they discuss the Joe Rogan Experience.
Start the new year differently. Many believers resolve to read the Bible more but find it daunting, especially if they’re not natural readers. This challenge inspired Esteban Shed, co-founder of STREETLIGHTS Bible, to combine a love for Jesus and hip-hop into a groundbreaking audio Bible. What began in a basement with a CD player is now a multilingual project transforming how people engage with God’s Word.
Many people agree that our culture is getting more and more polarized. So much so, in fact, we often don’t even get to the point of disagreeing with someone else. We write one another off and refuse even to hold a conversation. In this kind of cultural climate, what can we do to prevent, or even remedy this stalemate? Steve sat down with Dr. Tim Muehlhoff of the Winsome Convictions project to discuss the latest book he co-wrote with his colleague, Dr. Sean McDowell.
As we prepare for Christmas, the team at AC sat down to discuss the significance of the incarnation. Why is Jesus’ birth so important and worth celebrating? Christian doctrine has always held that Jesus’ birth is of incredible theological importance. Baby Jesus sets the stage for not only his life and death but how we are to understand the very nature of who God is and who we are in light of that. In this week's episode of the AC Podcast, The Quad explores the importance of Jesus' infancy and why the miracle of Immanuel matters for all of humanity—from the cradle (or manger) to the grave.
Back in October AC's very own Wes participated in an online debate with the globally known ancient aliens and New Age proponent, Billy Carson. What could have otherwise been a relatively normal event has turned into somewhat of a fiasco, with Billy attempting to suppress the footage and even going as far as to threaten to sue Wes! On this week's episode the quad: Andy, Troy, Steve, and Wes, sat down to reveal the story behind the story.
On this week's episode of the AC Podcast, Troy sits down with Brian Mosley, President of RightNow Media, a Bible-based, video content platform created for the purpose of discipling people on their faith journey. With the entertainment world driven by visual content. How can the church create high art, great content without compromising the gospel message? What does it look like to create safe spaces for the church to engage in multiple faith-based conversations without straying from core beliefs? Listen to this week's episode as Troy and Brian discuss these questions and more.
We all know that charity is good but it can be done badly. How do we wisely engage the complicated issues of our world in a way that leads to real human flourishing? It's amazing to see what's possible when Jesus inspires both our heart and mind guided by the Holy Spirit. On this episode of the AC Podcast, Andy Steiger sits down with Kim Tan to discuss how a Christian can be both good hearted and smart minded.
This week on the AC Podcast, we recap our final major event of the year—the Apologetics Canada Conference: Can I Trust the Bible? Held at Glad Tidings Church in Burlington, Ontario, the conference brought together the entire AC team and over 300 attendees for a weekend of engaging sessions. As always, the Q&A segments were a highlight, though time didn’t allow us to address every question. In this episode, the team tackles some of the notable questions submitted by attendees.
Is Christian history the deepest explanation of the modern world? Today in the west, many consider the church to be dead or dying. Christianity is seen as outdated, bigoted and responsible for many of society’s problems. This leaves many believers embarrassed about their faith and many outsiders wary of religion. But what if the Christian message is not the enemy of our modern Western values, but the very thing that makes sense of them? In this episode Glen Scrivener engages in a conversation with Wesley Huff live at the AC Conference: "Can I Trust the Bible?" in Burlington Ontario. Glen shares how the story of how the teachings of Jesus not only turned the ancient world upside down, but continue to underpin the way we think of life, worth, and meaning. Far from being a relic from the past, the distinctive ideas of Christianity, such as freedom, kindness, progress and equality, are a crucial part of the air that we breathe.
For as long as the Christian faith has existed, interpretations of biblical doctrine have varied from one church to the next. But there's a significant difference between contextual interpretations of non-salvific issues and the outright teaching of false doctrine or a false gospel. So, what happens when someone’s teachings seem to fall somewhere between orthodoxy and heterodoxy, if that's even possible? This week on the AC Podcast, Troy, Andy, and Wes discuss the complexities of "Calling Out False Teachers" and explore what it means to defend the faith with grace, authority, and, when needed, a touch of nuance.
Humanity has certainly accomplished remarkable feats through science and engineering. But how do these very useful human enterprises work? Do they stand by themselves or do they need something more? Andy, Steve, and Wes are back for a continued discussion on the dialogue between Richard Dawkins and Jordan Peterson as they delve into the “myth” of science in this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
The now-famous Canadian Psychologist Jordan Peterson recently released a discussion he had with prominent atheist Richard Dawkins (moderated by YouTuber Alex O'Connor - aka Cosmic Skeptic). Titled "Memes and Archetypes: Dawkins vs. Peterson," a prominent portion of the discussion focused around whether Peterson actually believes supernatural events like the virgin birth and resurrection actually took place. Andy, Steve, and Wes sat down for this week's podcast to comment on their conversation, specifically addressing the question: does it matter if we actually believe these biblical events happened if their archetypal significance reigns supreme?
One of the most challenging and often overlooked topics in the church is sexual integrity. This week on the AC Podcast, Troy sits down with Bryan and Bonnie Pue, founders of "The Union Movement" and AC Adjunct speakers. From purity culture to today’s views on sexual identity, Bryan and Bonnie share their testimony and their passion for Jesus and His Word as they engage a confused and hurting culture. Ministry is a family affair for them, and in this episode, they offer a glimpse into their journey of faith and ministry.
"Lights, camera, action—cue the egregious blood splatter!" Increasingly, films rely heavily on shockingly, and often grotesque, depictions of violence—ranging from mutilations to various forms of assault. What is equally shocking is how some Hollywood actors and filmmakers, who portray these graphic scenes, can be so hypocritical when they condemn real-world violence. On this week's episode, Troy and Andy are joined by filmmaker Sam McLoughlin, a friend of AC, to discuss the entertainment of violence and what it says about us.
In a recent email we received the question, "Why can’t we add books to the Bible today?” On this week’s podcasts Wes and Andy sat down to talk about what the biblical canon really is, why its authors matter, and why the Bible’s table of contents is in fact a closed case.
Rock star Bon Jovi has received much media attention lately. Seeing a woman standing on the edge of a bridge, he cared enough to talk her out of jumping. She eventually came over the railing and received a big hug from him. Bon Jovi’s kindness was praised and resonated deeply with many. Yet, this heroic act of kindness also inadvertently reveals a culture deeply at odds with itself. Join Andy, Steve, and Troy as they discuss how our culture simultaneously champions those who want to end their life and those who talk people out of it.
You may have heard the gospel many times but can you put the good news of Jesus into your own words? How do you personally explain what salvation is? Some people are intimidated to share the gospel in fear that there's a right or wrong way. Yes, there is wrong doctrine but is there a right way to share the gospel? In the New Testament, the gospel is explained in many different ways. Jesus had a simple yet profound way of teaching what he offered. This week on the AC Podcast, "The Quad" discusses New Testament approaches and their own personal way of sharing the gospel.
Parenting comes with responsibilities. On that much, just about everyone can agree. But how should we hold parents responsible for the crimes of their children? And to what end? Such questions are being raised again in the wake of yet another school shouting in the US, this time in Georgia. Using this incident as a springboard, Andy, Steve, and Troy jump into a discussion about parenting, responsibility, birth rates, the State and other related cultural issues in this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
In some circles, there has been a recent increase in the awareness of the importance of Judaeo-Christian values for the Western civilization. From the abolition of slavery to the rise of modern science, these values have played a foundational role. But what do you do with slavery in the Bible? What do you do with Paul’s teaching against women teaching men? What about the Church’s opposition to Galileo? Andy, Steve, and Wes are back this week as they continue to offer their reactions to the dialogue between Alex O’Connor and Ben Shapiro.
Are you freely choosing to read this? Or did something else cause you to do this very thing at this very moment, whether you liked it or not? Most people would say yes to the first part of this question, thinking that this is self-evident. After all, you could stop reading this if you wanted to. But what if, foundationally, this world is made up of nothing more than colliding particles? What if that sense of choice you have is nothing but a (very convincing) illusion? What does that mean for our lives? What does that mean for you reading this at this very moment? Join Andy, Steve, and Wes as they discuss the everyday consequences of a world made up of mere particles.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a well-known term today, but it comes with complexities, nuances, and the potential for misuse on all sides. The conversation around CRT is revealing that it’s a much larger global issue than many may have realized. In this week's episode of the AC Podcast, Troy and Andy interview South African Pastor and PhD student Johan Erasmus. Tune in to hear how Johan's upbringing and his PhD studies in race and reconciliation provide an essential perspective on this worldwide issue.
Faithful Christian living requires that we treat the Bible seriously. If the Bible really is the word of God as Christians believe it to be, then to take the Bible lightly means to take God lightly. But what does this “serious reading” look like when we actually sit down with a Bible in hand? Should we read it literally or should we read it literarily? What is a metaphor? How does it work and how does it impact the way we read God’s word? Andy, Wes, and Steve are back this week on the AC Podcast to discuss these questions and more.
If you're a Christian, you've likely participated in The Lord's Supper. If you're not, but have visited a church before, maybe you've seen it being done. Despite denominational differences within Christianity, two sacraments (or ordinances, if you prefer) remain at the centre of Christian worship and practice: Communion and baptism. But what is actually accomplished when these ordinances are carried out? What might be the differences in practice and understanding? Do they matter? Andy, Steve, and Wes come together on this week's episode to share their thoughts and experiences on the significance and differences of the sacraments, particularly Communion.
There's nothing quite like an international sports gathering to capture the world's attention. Just a week into the Paris 2024 Olympics and the world is already buzzing about several controversies, most notably the Opening Ceremony. While it was said to be a celebration of diversity and inclusivity, many feel it made a mockery of the Christian faith with its provocative depiction of Da Vinci's Last Supper. This has prompted many to question the Olympic committee's agenda, and sadly, has highlighted a divide among believers regarding whether or not we should be offended or even surprised by paganistic practices.
Our Father, who art in Heaven, are these prayers worth my time? This week on the AC Podcast, we delve into the practice and privilege of communing with God through prayer. This episode is inspired by a listener's email asking: "Do our prayers affect things? Should we pray for specific outcomes? Does praying for someone's healing make a difference? If prayer influences events, what are the qualifiers? If God answers 'small' prayers, shouldn't He also answer the 'big' ones?"
Join Troy, Andy, and Wes as they explore these profound questions and share their thoughts on the power and purpose of prayer.
Ready to step into the spotlight? The stage has always been a place of both glory and danger, where public opinion, fame, fortune, and even risk come into play. It's been said that the stage is the most dangerous place for a human heart. But how do we navigate this challenging arena with grace and wisdom?
This week on our podcast, join Troy, Steve, and special guest Max Chadwick, AC's talented filmmaker, as they delve into the art of navigating opportunity, voice, and platform with the gentleness and timing exemplified by Jesus.
Is there one true God in three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Is Jesus truly God and truly Man? Can God make a mistake?
The answers to these basic questions of the Christian faith seem straightforward enough to many Christians. Yet, there are also many who profess to be Christians who are not sure. What is the current status of theological beliefs among Christians in Canada? Andy had a chance to sit down with his good friend Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett from Cardus to talk about the recent study they completed on this question. Listen in on their conversation as they talk about the findings and the trends we are seeing.
Carl Lentz is the former lead pastor from Hillsong New York. Along with pastoring one of the most notable churches in the world he was also well-known for being the spiritual advisor to celebrities like Justin Bieber. However, in 2020, the leadership at Hillsong let Lentz go on the grounds of a very public and messy moral failing. Recently, Lentz and his wife have come forward in their podcast "Lights On" to discuss things. On this week's podcast, Troy, Andy, and Wes got together to talk about the Lentz conversation and discuss the topic of reconciliation in light of leadership failing and the overall message of the gospel.
We're excited to bring you part two of Wes and Steve's discussion on alleged Bible contradictions. This week, they tackle intriguing questions like: What time was Jesus crucified? Did Luke make an error with the census? And how much did King David pay Araunah the Jebusite for his sacrifice?
The Annual G-7 Summit just took place in Italy, where world delegates discussed many pressing issues. Among them, the response from first-time attendee Pope Francis has sparked renewed conversation about dehumanization. The pope urged fellow leaders to take a firm stand on the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence, warning against the dangers of blurred ethical lines. In this week's episode of the AC podcast, Troy, Andy, and Steve explore the significance of shifting from a "culture of comfort" to a "culture of encounter," in response to Christ's call for community
We've all heard the old proverb about giving a man a fish versus teaching him how to fish and its long-term effects. But we encountered another perspective during our time filming in Malawi. What about the man who learns how to fish and now needs a hook?
In this week's episode of the AC podcast, Troy and Andy delve into the Malawian struggle aptly named, "The Hungry Season." This annual period of drought leads to widespread starvation across the country. Tune in as they share their insights and challenge Western notions of technology, resources, and stewardship.
This is a special week in the life of AC. This week marks the 500th episode of the AC Podcast! From three guys huddled around a single mic, to reaching thousands of people, a lot has happened in the last 10 years of running the show. Join us for this special edition of the AC Podcast as we celebrate this milestone. Not only will you hear from "The Quad," but you will also hear from podcast fans!
It's been 30 years since the Rwandan genocide, and like other tragedies, it continues to impact generations, as documented in films like Hotel Rwanda. Each year, from April 7th to July 4th, marks 100 days of mourning, commemorating the nearly 1 million people who were killed during this short period in 1994. In this week's episode of the AC Podcast, Andy sits down with local pastor Jean Michel for an insightful conversation about the effects of evil and how the person of Jesus leads us to hope and reconciliation.
“The Bible is the word of God.” So say Christians. One implication of this is that the Bible cannot contradict itself. But what do we do with the differences between, say, the four Gospels? Why are Jesus’ genealogies different between Matthew and Luke? What were Jesus’ last words on the cross? Many skeptics quickly cry, “Contradiction!” Is that what we actually have? Wes and Steve sat down to hash out some alleged Bible contradictions in this two-part episode of the AC Podcast.
The Four Horsemen of the New Atheists: Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett, have faded from the cultural spotlight they once attracted. The New Atheists are now the Old Atheists. In fact, only two of the four are still alive. The questions they once raised still linger faintly but cultural conversations have shifted dramatically. Instead of asking, "Does God exist?" there are now an array of books and personalities asking and answering questions of sex, gender, and race, to name but a few. We have new questions and new influencers that now dominate the conversation in the academy and households. Yet, as it turns out, the Old Atheists are not as irrelevant as one might think. On the AC podcast this week Andy, Steve, and Wes discuss how this current cultural moment is, in part, a product of their making and what we can learn from it moving forward.
Is Satan the good guy? Spoiler alert: absolutely not. Yet, there's a rising trend in secular circles casting Satan as a misunderstood cosmic vigilante. From mainstream cartoons to lively round-table debates with Satanists, this narrative is gaining traction. Why is Satan suddenly getting a makeover? And what does this mean for believers and the broader culture?
Join us on this week's AC Podcast as Troy, Steve, and Wes dive deep into the shift in perspective. Discover why this reimagining of Satan is spreading, and learn how it's moving from the shadows of the Church of Satan into mainstream media and pop culture. Whether you're a seasoned believer or simply curious about these cultural changes, this episode will surely challenge your thinking and spark meaningful conversation.
If you've been a part of a church community for any length of time, you've likely experienced moments of hurt, disappointment, or even betrayal. These painful incidents often drive people away from their local congregation, their ministry, or, in the worst cases, the faith itself. But what if there's a way to address these wounds before they push us toward deconstructing our faith? What would it take for us to go from, the Church breaking our hearts, to our hearts breaking for the Church? Join us on this week's episode as we explore the power of empathy, forgiveness, and restoration within the body of Christ. Listen as Troy, Andy and Steve discuss how we can transform our church experiences into a movement of healing and unity for the whole body of Christ.
On this week's episode of the AC Podcast, Troy sits down with TWU students, Rea, Marko, and Jeremy to talk about peace. Recently, this trio of student body leaders were invited to the 3rd Global Peace Summit organized by Humanitarian Affairs Asia. "It is a conference designed to empower the next generation of peacebuilders from diverse corners of the world." In addition to representing TWU at the GP Summit, Rea, Marko, and Jeremy were selected to attend as leaders at the conference. Only 11 people worldwide were accepted for a leadership role from 350 applicants. Listen to this week's episode to hear a story of hope, prayer, and representing Jesus on the global stage.
In the realm of Christian figures, few have stirred as much controversy in recent years as Mark Driscoll. Amid the echoes of the podcast "The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill," the rock-and-roll preacher once again finds himself at the epicenter of Christian discourse. Recently, as a guest speaker at one of the nation's largest Christian men's conferences, Driscoll sparked uproar by beginning his talk with a rebuke for opening the men's conference with a chest baring, male acrobat. This public disagreement led to a remarkable moment as Driscoll was escorted off stage by the event's host pastor, John Lindell. The fallout has left the Christian community divided, with opinions split on whether Driscoll or Pastor Lindell handled this correctly. Join us in this week's episode as Troy, Andy, and Wes delve into their perspectives on the incident.
Once known as the leading figure of the Four Horsemen of New Atheism, Richard Dawkins made a name for himself for his vitriol against religion in general and Christianity in particular. So, then, it surprised many people to hear him self-identify as a cultural Christian. While he rejects the truth claims of Christianity, he still seems to see value in the impact of Christianity, at least in comparison to some other worldviews. Is this new from Dawkins? What should we make of the comment itself? Steve and Wes sat down to discuss them in this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
On this week's episode, Troy sits down for an in-person conversation with Trinity Western student, Rea and AC Adjunct speaker, Isaac Paul. The nature of their conversation revolves around the importance of interfaith dialogue. Listen as Rea unpacks her story of deconverting from Sikhism to Christianity and Isaac's insights as to how we can take a more relational approach to evangelism.
Rest: an event that often eludes the entrepreneur, parents, and ministry leaders, among many others. As we observe the remainder of the Holy Week on Good Friday and Easter, a person should naturally be reflecting on the finished work of the cross. However, the scriptures outline that there is still much work to be done for the sake of the gospel, while also instructing us to find rest in God. So what is the true sabbath, and how should it be observed? Join Troy and Steve on this week's episode of the AC Podcast to hear their thoughts.
Didn’t Jesus say that the Father is greater than he is? Didn’t he call the Father his God? Isn't he called the "firstborn" of God's creation? One of the core teachings of Christianity is the claim that Jesus is God. Yet, some verses seem to contradict this very claim. Andy, Steve, and Wes continue their discussion on the deity of Jesus this week by addressing some verses commonly brought up by those who reject this essential teaching of Christianity.
One thing that sets Christianity apart is our view of Jesus as God. This core teaching is connected to other core teachings of the Church such as the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. So, it’s no surprise that those who reject Christian orthodoxy often come at it by denying the deity of Jesus. How would you back up the claim that Jesus is God? If you're not sure, you’ve come to the right place. Andy, Steve, and Wes sat down to address this important topic in this week’s episode of the AC Podcast.
That's a wrap! The "Can I Trust the Bible" AC Conference in BC has come to another bittersweet end for 2024. From kicking off the weekend with the series premiere to packing out Northview Community Church, there's so much to be thankful for. On this week's episode of the AC Podcast, "The Quad" consisting of Troy, Andy, Steve, and Wes take the time to reflect and express their gratitude to all who made this year's BC Conference week a success.
The popularity of psychedelics in the West, particularly in the pursuit of spiritual experiences, is only becoming more and more popular. For this week’s podcast Wes interviews Will Do, who grew up in a Buddhist household in Toronto and ended up later in his life following several New Age practices – including the partaking of several psychedelic substances. Will’s desire to find truth ultimately led him out of the New Age and hallucinogenic substances and into following the one who is The Truth.
February is a month popularized by celebrating Black History Month. As such, we decided it would be appropriate to have an episode discussing the complexities of racism. From the portrayal of diversity in antiquity to modern jokes based on cultural identifiers, the need for gentleness can't be understated. In this week's episode the podcast team of Troy, Andy Steve and Wes seek to look at the biblical grounding for diversity while sharing their experiences with race.
It’s easy for us to let our immediate church context define what the Church (capital “C”) looks like around the world. This is particularly so for those of us who live in a country where being a Christian is relatively easy. Today, Apologetics Canada brings you an eye-opening interview. Listen in on the conversation Steve had with Rev. Gary Stagg, the Executive Director of Open Doors Canada. They discussed Open Door’s 2024 World Watchlist, an annual list produced by Open Doors to rank the top 50 most dangerous countries to be a Christian. They talk about several notable countries mentioned on the list, and what is going on for the churches in those countries.
Buried, burnt, and bygone. An entire library of ancient scrolls was buried under the ash and lava of Mt. Vesuvius in the city of Herculaneum, a Roman village less than 20km from the famous city of Pompei. But with some amazing new technology, these scrolls are being unrolled (digitally at least) and we can peer through the charred ash and carbon to read them for the first time in nearly 2000 years. Wes, Andy, and Troy get together on this week’s podcast to talk about the Herculaneum papyri and other advances in technology that have an impact on helping us have confidence in the historical evidence of the Bible.
Adulting is hard and at no point does it appear to get easier. Yet, it's human nature to desire a reprieve from what seems like the cyclical woes of growing up. On this week's episode, Troy sits down with AC intern, Lyzandria. They discuss whether or not the young people of our generation have a healthy understanding of struggle and whether or not life's challenges are something we can be better prepared for.
"We're going without, to go within!" On this week's episode of the AC Podcast Andy, Wes, and Troy are talking about a biblical view of fasting. While spoken about widely throughout scripture, why is it often a topic undervalued or even absent in the modern evangelical church? More than a diet or a trend, biblical fasting is a spiritual discipline that profoundly changes us to draw near to God.
Do theists have any good arguments at all? Not according to Richard Dawkins. He was recently interviewed by Alex O’Connor, aka the Cosmic Skeptic. When asked what good arguments he had encountered, Dawkins replied that theists (including Christians) have no good arguments. Zero. Zilch. Zip. If that seems like a pretty bold statement, you are not alone. Andy, Steve, and Wes came together this week to offer their reactions to both O’Connor and Dawkins, and to hash out some of the implications of such an extreme statement.
There will forever be a conversation about how the use of art and creativity can break down barriers and cross boundaries that otherwise may have seemed impossible. Yet, it can often be overlooked in theological circles as a tool for apologetics. On this week's episode, Troy talks with Premier Radio Director and Host, Ruth Jackson, about apologetics in art.
It's the New Year and the AC Podcast is back! We kick the year off introducing our newest addition to the AC team, Max Chadwick. Max join us as our official filmmaker who will be sure to help transform round table ideas into compelling visuals. Listen to this week's episode to learn about Max's journey to filmmaking and faith.
For the last podcast of the year, we figured what better way to end 2023 than to close it out with a podcast reflecting on the miraculous incarnation of Christ! While Christmas may be over, the significance is still worth the conversation and undoubtedly more. Troy and Steve continued their conversation with our friend, Dr. Raphael Samuel, to delve into Part Two of the year-end podcast, "The Miracle of Christ."
Christmas is just around the corner. ’Tis the time of the year when we take the time to reflect on God coming in the flesh. Our thinking often starts with the typical nativity scene, with Baby Jesus already lying in the manger in swaddling clothes. We rarely think about the pregnancy and the actual birthing process. Since we believe that Jesus is truly human as well as truly God, reflecting on the miracle of the human birth will help us appreciate the miracle of the divine birth. Troy and Steve sat down with our friend, Dr. Raphael Samuel, to delve into Part One of a two-part series titled "The Miracle of Birth.
Is the God of the Bible a cosmic Grinch? What do we do with verses in both the New and Old Testaments that describe God "hardening people's hearts?" Wes and Andy sat down to talk about the character of God as it relates to God's goodness and how, why, and when he might harden someone's heart.
With the rise of social media, we are witnessing the rise of a new kind of celebrity: influencers. From testing cosmetics to advocating for political causes, influencers of all kinds impact the lives of thousands, and even millions, of followers. Many Christians, of course, have also joined this phenomenon. From the discipleship perspective, how should Christians approach being an influencer? What does it mean to be an influencer, anyway? And is an influencer distinct from a teacher? What implications does it have in terms of responsibility and accountability? Join Troy and Steve as they share their thoughts in this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
By now you have at least heard about Medical Assistance In Dying, otherwise known as MAiD. What you might not know is that MAiD safeguards have been quickly removed in Canada. Despite the best efforts of those in opposition, it appears we are set for new legislation in March that will expand access to MAiD to those suffering with mental illness. This has many of us concerned for these vulnerable people in our society. On this week's episode Andy sits down with David Guretzki PhD, President of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) to give us an update on MAiD and what we can do about it.
"The stars at night, are big and bright... deep in the heart of... ETS....in Texas!" The Evangelical Theological Society is a professional academic society of biblical and theological scholars, pastors, and students. Sound intense? It is! On this week's episode Andy, Troy and Wes hang out with a few friends while attending this years annual conference in San Antonio, Texas. Why is there such a challenge with the head meeting the heart? Listen as they recount moments of inspiration as well as moments of that called for intellectual humility.
When it comes to spiritual conversations in the church, there are few practices that bring up more discussion than speaking in tongues. What is it? Has the gift of tongues ceased or continued? How should it be practiced? Does speaking in tongues have salvific concern? Listen to Part 2 this week as Andy, Troy and Wes continue the discussion of tongues from their own personal experiences, and dive into some of the historical relevance and understanding of tongues in the ancient world.
When it comes to spiritual conversations in the church, there are few practices that bring up more discussion than speaking in tongues. What is it? Has the gift of tongues ceased or continued? How should it be practiced? Does speaking in tongues have salvific concern? Listen to Part 1 of two this week as Andy, Troy and Wes discuss their own personal experiences, unpack some of the nuance and even begin to address what appears to be the contextual understanding of tongues in the ancient world.
One of Jesus' well known parables is the parable of the sower, the idea that good soil, creates a conducive environment for good seed to grow and flourish. On this week's episode the full team sits down as Troy asks them to recount their time as students. From degrees to PhD's, what does it take to be good ground in order that you might produce good fruit.
If you asked the average Believer if they believe the church is essential to Christian life, most if not all would say yes! They may point you to where scripture reminds us not to forsake the gathering of the saints, but why? Why do we need the church? On this week's episode Andy sits down with new Christians Nathan and Juniper and asks the question, "Why the Church?"
Why can’t we hate men? That was the title of a 2018 Washington Post opinion piece written by Suzanna Danuta Walters, a sociologist at Northeastern University. Written in the wake of the MeToo movement, this piece offers a scathing criticism of men. The term “toxic masculinity” is familiar to most people by now, and this is increasingly becoming the default view of masculinity. Where does the concept of toxic masculinity come from? Does Christianity make a difference? Steve sat down with Professor Nancy Pearcey to discuss her most recent book, The Toxic War on Masculinity, in this eye-opening episode.
If you've been paying even casual attention to your news feeds you'll have seen a lot of chaos and turmoil going on in the Middle East. The recent attacks in Israel and the response in reply against Hamas could very understandably be leaving you wondering what is going on. On today's episode Wes Huff sat down with Avner Boskey, a Jewish Canadian Christian currently living and ministering in Israel, to give some background and help us understand both what is going on currently as well as how we can respond as Christians. Avner's knowledge, personal experience, and heart for the gospel are clear and evident in this week's episode. We hope Avner's words will both educate and encourage you in navigating through the ongoing upheaval in currently in Israel and Palestine.
On this week's episode of the AC Podcast, Troy pulls in Andy and Wes to answer a series of questions Troy received via a friend. Why does God allow evil? Why hell? While these questions are not new apologetic topics it’s important to revisit them due to how frequently they’re brought up — both by Christians and non Christians alike.Tune into this week's episode to hear the AC team's responses.
In today's society, the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment often hinges on crafting our sexual identity. But what happens when this promise falls short? Join us as we delve into Kyla's transformative journey, challenging the contemporary narrative. Moving from a transgender identity to finding profound transformation through the gospel, her story illuminates the power of anchoring one's identity in Jesus and His church.
Many people struggle to understand who God is, and this struggle often leads them to resent Him and His church. When we wear the label of Christian, we represent the God we serve, and we are responsible for representing Him well. In this week's episode, Troy sits down with Melanie Beerda, one of AC's newest adjunct speakers, for a conversation about the rekindling of faith and how we must fight to not let circumstance snuff out a true passion for Christ.
The Apostle Paul's ministry is widely recognized for its attention and call to the organization and unity of the church. Notably we see Paul wrote his Epistle to the Colossians because of a report that they were falling into serious error. Specifically in Colossians 3:15, we are reminded that we are one "Body" which we are still welcomed into thousands of years later. On this week's episode Andy, Steve and Troy take a direct look at the passage of Colossians 3:15 and what it means to be apart of the family of Christ.
North America has entered the grips of a culture war that has intensified beyond what anyone could have imagined. The culture wars have challenged many to question Christianity and ultimately deconstruct their foundational beliefs in God and themselves. With significant numbers of people leaving the church, we all have stories of the casualties. How do we stay hopeful and compassionately help the spiritually wounded to re-construct a solid foundation of faith? Join Andy Steiger and special guest John Marriott as they discuss deconstruction on this episode of the AC podcast.
Troy, Wes, and Steve delve deep into the themes of grief, guilt, and regret, drawing parallels between the responses of Judas and Peter to their denials of Jesus. Exploring the nuanced emotions and consequences faced by these two figures they shed light on the contrasting paths they took. How do we deal with our mistakes? By examining these biblical examples of human frailty that provide a roadmap for moving beyond the shadows of our own regrets.
Join host Andy Steiger in a conversation with ER doctor Quentin Genuis as they explore maintaining unshakable faith amidst the chaos of the "emergency room of life." How do we keep our faith when tragedy strikes? Through personal stories, they delve into the challenges of upholding faith during medical crises and discuss the ethical depths of viewing patients as multifaceted individuals. Genuis' first-hand experiences of suffering reveal how spirituality can bolster resilience, providing a unique perspective on faith, hope, and compassion as we care for those in need.
Depending on where you live, if you asked people what their religious affiliation is, you will likely hear something like, “I’m spiritual but not religious.” There is a lot to unpack in this simple statement. Why is this stance becoming more popular? What is religion, anyway? Is “spiritual but not religious” ultimately a cult of self-worship? Or is there something else going on? Andy, Steve, and Troy discuss these questions and more on this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
Storytelling has the great power to shape the minds and consciences of people. That’s what makes Hollywood such an important player among our cultural institutions. Against the backdrop of an increasingly shrill culture war, Hollywood, in general, seems to be shaping people’s imaginations in a particular direction. On the other hand, there are films like "Sound of Freedom" that are going in a different direction. What are we to make of this? Join Andy, Steve, Troy, and Wes (“the Quad”) as they sit down together to share their thoughts on the way movies are consumed.
As we countdown to our upcoming ACLE "In AI We Trust," Andy Steiger sits down with computer programming friend, Ryan Vandendyck. Founder and CEO of Eden Industries and City Lead for Faith Tech Vancouver Ryan offers insight and perspective as to the perils and positives of artificial intelligence.
Every Christian knows (or, at least, should know) that evangelism is part of a Christian way of life. Yet, the very idea of evangelism induces panic in many Christians. What’s going on here? Is there a better way forward? Andy Bannister, the director of Solas Centre for Public Christianity, has written a book with a title that many Christians can resonate with "How to Talk About Jesus Without Looking Like an Idiot." Tune in this week as Steve has a conversation with Andy on how Christians might share the gospel in a low-pressure way.
On this week's episode AC Host Troy Lydiate has the honour of welcoming our newest member to the AC team, Jill Roias. Jill joins Apologetics Canada with over 10 years of university ministry experience that will serve well in her role of overseeing Community Engagement.
Why is it easier to believe biblical stories are true than to believe they are made up? Especially when it takes more faith to believe the latter than the former? On this week's episode, Wes sits down with Author and Apologist Mike D'Virgilio to discuss these questions raised in his latest book, "Uninvented: Why the Bible Could Not Be Made Up."
Take a backseat as Andy and Wes drive the autobahn in Germany. On this edition of the AC Podcast, they discuss their filming in Berlin, Germany and Auschwitz, Poland. Listen in as they share what we can learn from these historical sites and how to make sure this dark history is never repeated.
In this episode, Troy, Andy, and Wes delve into the complex topic of Christian patriotism. Exploring briefly the dangers of Christian Nationalism, the trio examines the intersection of faith and patriotism, considering whether these two concepts can harmoniously coexist or if conflicts arise.
Wes and Andy were just out in Egypt working on an exciting upcoming AC project. While there a number of things stood out to them regarding the culture of Ancient Egypt that give context to many details we read about in our Bible. Did the Israelites steal circumcision from the Egyptians? Or, is that just one example of many regarding touchpoints that God used within that historical time and place to communicate a specific truth in an understandable way for the original audience? On this week's episode of the AC Podcast, Wes and Andy sit down (in a mud brick lodge in the Egyptian desert no less) to discuss these fascinating examples!
Into The light is a Teaching Documentary on freedom from pornography that walks through the fundamentals of change from bondage in sin to freedom in Christ. This documentary is a hope-filled, Gospel-centered resource for individuals and churches. On this week's episode Steve and Troy sit down with Into the Light's creators, Jacob Valk and John-Michael Bout to hear their personal testimonies, their heart for the church and the origins of this powerful resource.
On this episode, join Troy, Steve and Wes continue in part 2 as they delve into the topic of developing a healthy biblical hermeneutic. On this week's episode they get into some of the more practical ways we can grow and develop in our studying of the scripture.
On this episode, join Troy, Steve and Wes as they delve into the topic of developing a healthy biblical hermeneutic. Unraveling the art of interpretation, we explore the some of the fundamental elements for interpreting the bible, but also how to navigate some of the hang ups.
On this episode of the AC podcast, Andy Steiger sat down with friend David Drysdale to discuss David's journey out of Oneness Pentecostalism. Given that David was pastoring a Oneness church, this was not an easy decision to make. There's a lot to learn from David's encounter with the fruit of truth and what fidelity to the truth can cost you.
ChatGPT is bringing AI into the spotlight of cultural dialogue again. Some are excited about its potential, as it gives us a sandbox where we can create whatever our imaginations tell us. Others are less enthused, invoking images from dystopian sci-fi movies like The Terminator. Further, as technology develops at break-neck speed, our laws are playing catch-up. Andy, Steve, and Troy met virtually this week to discuss some of the pitfalls of AI that we should be mindful of.
It's the Mother's Day takeover Part 2! For the second time, the AC Podcast will be hosted by special guests, Jasmine Lydiate, Melissa Huff and AC's very own Nancy Steiger. Tune into this week's episode as they ladies discuss keeping the fervor of faith in motherhood!
"My humanity is not up for debate." This statement, often made by activists, comes in recognition of the serious nature of dehumanization. When we fail to see the humanity of others, we can do horrible things to one another. At the same time, this statement has many layers of ideas behind it. What is human? What is dehumanization? What is the relationship between our actions and our identity? Andy, Steve, and Wes sat down together to unpack these ideas in this week's episode of the AC Podcast.
Why did God create humans knowing they would sin and be condemned to hell?" The AC Podcast is no stranger to the tough questions, we always appreciate the emails and comments from people offering challenging podcast episode ideas. Join Andy, Steve and Troy on this week's episode as they discuss one of the questions they received surrounding God, Sin and Suffering.
Sin and evil are not the sort of things we can be indifferent about. When we experience evil in our lives, we immediately recognize that something has to be done about it. With the sin and evil we see in our world and in ourselves, we are right to raise the question, "What has God done about it?" Andy, Steve, and Wes sit down together to hash out the implications of sin in this week's episode of the AC Podcast.
Sin is something of a dirty word in our culture. In the minds of many, it perhaps conjures up images of Bible-thumping Christians harassing young people for holding hands. But what exactly is sin? There is richness to this biblical concept that comes in many layers. In this two-part series on sin, Andy, Steve, and Wes sat down to discuss the layers and how they connect to other biblical concepts.
The Holy Week leading up to Easter naturally has Christians reflecting on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. There will be many o' sermon, conversations and messages directing believers and non-believers alike to magnify what the Lord has done and is still doing for us, while we were yet sinners. On this week's episode Andy, Troy and Wes wanted to dive deeper in to the conversation about what the Resurrection teaches us about Heaven. From all of us at AC, Happy Easter!
Homelessness is unfortunately all too common. We, however, may not see just how prevalent it is around us, especially among the youth. Their homelessness is sometimes hidden behind their dirty clothes that we too easily chuck up to laziness. One man who comes from a broken home saw the need and responded. Listen to Andy's interview with Les Talvio, the founder and Executive Director of Cyrus Centre, to hear about how his own upbringing in a broken home opened his eyes to the needs of the homeless youth, and the kind of impact the Cyrus Centre is making.
We thank Northview Community Church for helping us film this interview.
We've talked about Artificial Intelligence before on the AC Podcast, highlighting it's growing influence on our culture. In many of those conversations however there was some form of parameters that would limit the average person from ever using it, be it opportunity or finance. But as of November 2022 a new search engine platform CHAT GPT has been unveiled and taken the AI world to new heights... or perhaps depths. From social media marketing plans to the ability to write an entire scholastic paper, the possibility are.. seemingly endless. Tune into the AC Podcast as Troy and Wes share their thoughts on essentially the new Ask Jeeves on steroids.
The Apologetics Canada Conference in BC has officially come to completion for 2023. It was an incredible experience after back to back cancellations due to Covid. This years theme, Branded: Rethinking Identity brought in some culturally hot button topics. From CRT, to Medical Assistance in Dying, there was lots to discuss. Listen to this week's episode as Andy, Steve, Troy and Wes reflect on this years conference in part 2 of a two part episode.
The Apologetics Canada Conference in BC has officially come to completion for 2023. It was an incredible experience after back to back cancellations due to Covid. This years theme, Branded: Rethinking Identity brought in some culturally hot button topics. From CRT, to Medical Assistance in Dying, there was lots to discuss. Listen to this week's episode as Andy, Steve, Troy and Wes reflect on this years conference in part 1 of a two part episode.
Since the Supreme Court of Canada first opened the door to so-called MAiD (medical assistance in dying), the door has opened ever wider. It’s coming to the point where Canada is becoming extreme in her eagerness to offer death as an option to those who are suffering, tempered only by—at least, in theory—respect for the patient’s autonomy. In this week’s edition of the AC Podcast, Steve sat down with Mike Schouten, the Director of Advocacy for ARPA Canada, to put a human face to what can often be talked about in abstraction. Join us this week to hear from Mike how his family navigated the last days of a loved one and how this impacted their view on doctor-assisted death.
The books of the bible that highlight the journey through the wilderness for the Israelites and Jesus have enough drama in them to make a movie. If we're willing to, it's also fairly easy to see ourselves in their shoes and how our own seasons of wilderness can relate back to the same mistakes made by God's people. On this week's episode Steve chats with AC's own Troy aka Scribe Music about his new album, Scribe & the Wildlings and how the contrast of Jesus and the Israelites time in the wilderness directly influenced his new project.
Coming off the back of an incredible weekend at the Saskatchewan AC Conference, the guys Andy, Steve and Troy can help but discuss the joys of ministry. This moment of reflection comes with the testimonies of some incredible people they got to meet, including one man who introduced himself as carrying the "gift of encouragement." This inevitably became a topic of discussion as it's not something you hear every day. What does it truly mean to carry a gift of encouragement, and why does it seem so rare?
For Christians and non-believers alike, there are questions about Christianity that can be difficult to get past. Often leading to roadblocks in the faith causing many to either stop engaging or stop growing altogether. Questioning Christianity is a new initiative that Apologetics Canada has started in partnership with Northview Community Church. Seeking to create a space for people like today's guest Tanner, to grow in their faith in order to see Jesus and the bible in a more practical way. Listen as Andy sits down with Tanner to hear his testimony of transformation, assisted by his attending of an event geared towards fielding some of life and the gospels toughest questions.
Without naming names, the prosperity gospel and the "health and wealth" community have some very clear figure heads at the front of that doctrine. However there is another side of the spectrum that needs to be considered which often goes unnoticed. It's none other than that of the poverty gospel. This argument as to whether Jesus promises to make us rich or if the most devout believer should live in ash and sackcloth, have left a chasm of opinion. Is there a problem with preachers in sneakers or is it a soul issue? Listen to Andy, Steve and Troy as they share their thoughts.
Jesus is coming, look... busy? Stressed? Coming off the back of a large environmental meeting called the World Economic Forum, the symbol of man made catastrophe, the "Doomsday clock has been ticking down the seconds to nuclear apocalypse for three-quarters of a century. It has since been set backward eight times and forward 17 times for a total of 25, the farthest from midnight being 17 minutes in 1991, and the nearest being 90 seconds, set on January 24, 2023. As of 2007, what added to list of criteria for the changing of the clock include environmentalism. Listen as Andy, Steve and Troy discuss the concerning similarities between Christian and Secular worldviews regarding "the end of the days."
The internet can be a vast and wonderful source of information, entertainment, education and... entrapment? Among the variety of societal burdens the pandemic exposed, one of most prevalent is the use of Youtube. Both creators and consumers seem to be leaving the usual sources of entertainment and flocking to the social media site. One category in particular is our kids. Is Youtube equivalent to a park in the middle of an 8 lane highway? Listen as Andy Steiger sits down with former FBI agent, turned Good Tube Kids founder, Chris Gonzales; as they discuss what caused an FBI agent to put down the badge and pick up his staff.
BMW recently unveiled its newest concept car called the BMW I Vision Dee. Among a plethora of incredible features such as it's colour changing ability, augmented reality windows and the fact that.."she" talks. There are definitely some red flags that have driven themselves into view. Buckle up as Andy, Steve and Troy discuss the implications of a vehicle with a Digital Soul, and where this drive towards the Digital Emotional Experience could really be taking us.
Content creation has taken the social media world by storm. At one point we logged into our socials to chat with family and friends, watch fail videos or our dear Aunt’s noodle casserole. However in the last 5 years it has become the go-to place for information, DIY projects and for some... the gospel. The questions that come up however, are how do we know what’s healthy, who are these people, and how do they get so popular? Join Troy as he sits down with viral Christian Content creator, Isaac David as they talk about the importance of going from a mere consumer of content, to a “Daily Disciple” of Jesus.
While no one is surprised by the proverbial year end introspection, recap videos on social media and the like. One tradition in particular tends to be met with excitement, new workout clothes and satirical commentary, New Year's Resolutions. Whether you've made plans to make changes or not, there is an underlying expectation that one makes changes to have a better year than the last. But what happens when we fall short, what happens we don't feel the need for change? Join the team of Andy, Steve and Troy as they discuss whether the new can really come, if the old has never left.
It's hard to imagine a perfect God, sending his son into a jaded world for the sake of relationship, in that we "might" be saved. Perhaps therein lies the true miracle, sign and wonder of his love. The unfathomable grace of Christ saw him become the interruption in our sinful trajectory. Join Andy, Steve, Troy and Wes as they conclude the 3 part series called Miracles, Signs & Wonders as they discuss the "Signs of His Love" during this Christmas season.
When you see a sign, you see an opportunity for a change in direction, a landmark, a rest stop. Throughout the life of Jesus, we see in the gospels numerous miracles and messages all pointing to something greater than the audience could or would ever imagine. Join Andy, Steve, Troy and Wes as they continue in the 3 part series called Miracles, Signs & Wonders as they discuss the "Signs of His Love" during this Christmas season.
What is a miracle and what is it for? Most would probably agree that it's something illogical or seemingly impossible. From a man being a healed paraplegic to the open parking spot right in front of the store. We all have personal qualifications for what we feel warrants being considered miraculous. Join Andy, Steve, Troy and Wes as they kick off a 3-part series called Miracles, Signs & Wonders as they discuss the supernatural power of God and it's purposes.
In a world full of scandals, not only in the news but also in our families, how do we live out the gospel's call to be ministers of reconciliation? This isn't easy, especially when we disagree if a broken situation has been mended. It happened with ministry leaders in the Bible and it still happens today. In this episode of the AC Podcast, join the team as they discuss their year long journey of helping see Abdu Murray reconciled back into ministry and our response to those who disagree with our conclusion.
The modern church design, many would argue pales in comparison to that of the churches of past centuries. From tapestries, stain glass windows and limestone statues the level of detail at least for the aesthetic puts many of today's churches to shame. Yet the question remains, how is it that something with such rich architecture could fall to becoming nothing more a museums? Join the team of Andy, Steve, Troy and Wes as they discuss the pros and cons of the modernization of the church via technology and innovation.
The importance of loving God with our hearts has never really come into question for the believer. Even the Christian who wrestles with an emotional relationship with Jesus will still likely admit that a devotion to Christ is at the foundation of our faith. Yet, when it comes to loving the Lord with our minds, biblical academia has often been seen as far too daunting for the average believer to properly appreciate. Andy, Steve, Wes and Troy, while on location at the Evangelical Theological Society Conference have a conversation about the important of a healthy diet of study and practical relationship with Jesus.
One of the most controversial topics in culture today, is that of gender and sexuality. The church for a long period of time has received backlash for their attempts to uphold believed biblical approaches to the subject. Even the best of times, these conversations, though tense, can not be shied away from if we truly desire to love God and love people. On today's episode Andy sits down with special guest, Samuel Perez, a formerly gay man who in the midst of his career as a nightclub dancer, found Jesus in the midst of his search for identity and belonging. Hear on this week's episode a true story of a prodigal son, coming home.
Humility is one of those virtues that we like to see in others but not in ourselves. It is difficult to live out consistently. What is humility? Why should we—regardless of whether we are Christians or not—strive for humility? Andy, Troy, and Steve put their heads together virtually to discuss this virtue from various angles.
Our taste in media consumption can tell us a lot about where we are as a culture. Lately, we’ve been seeing more and more shows and movies come out in which what was once considered evil is portrayed with sympathy or even outright glorification. Tune into this week’s AC Podcast episode, as the AC team hashes out some of their thoughts on this cultural phenomenon.
Will everyone eventually be saved, or will some be lost forever? Andy, Steve, and Wes continue their conversation on the issue of hell, eternity, and what to make of the view that God will save everyone without exception in the end.
What happens when we die? According to the traditional Christian view, there are those who enter into eternal life and those who are lost forever. But this wasn’t the only view in town. Some Church Fathers held to a view that everyone, without exception, will be reconciled to God in the end. What does the AC team make of this view? Andy, Steve, and Wes sat down for this two-part conversation.
Christians have been called to the ministry of reconciliation. However our differences often give room to division which will always be in conflict with our call to reach the lost for the sake of the gospel. God is truly the author of our faith and as such, there is no restoration story beyond his grasp. On this week's episode Andy invites a special guest named Nicole, whom the AC team met in Kelowna while speaking at an event. Hear Nicole's unique journey to faith from two mom's to one named Jesus and how she uses her testimony to reach a marginalized community.
In discussing morality, one question that often arises is whether the application of said morality is subjective or objective. Also, the foundation of that morality also comes into discussion when comparing a secular worldview with a religious one. Recently, a young Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini, lost her life while in the custody of Iran’s Morality Police after the 22-year-old was arrested for improper dressing of her Hijab. This seems to be the straw that broke the backs of many Iranians, particularly women, who are already dissatisfied with the country’s focus on Sharia Law. Join Andy, Troy and Wes as they discuss the roots of morality and whether the western world has its own morality police.
The UK and the British Commonwealth officially said goodbye to the Queen Elizabeth II this week as her funeral was held. From mourning to outright celebration, the passing of the longest-reigning monarch in the British history is evoking all manner of reactions. Is she to be remembered as a woman of virtue and faith, or is she to be remembered as the figurehead of colonialism? What is the significance of monarchy in a practically democratic country? Andy, Steve, Troy, and Wes came together to debrief their reactions to the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, and to reflect on monarchy in general and the British monarchy in particular.
This week, the AC team continues the conversation on the issue of whether people can lose their salvation once they have received it. As the AC team wades through technical theological terms like “synergism vs monergism,” “preservation of the saints,” “prevenient grace” and more, you will hear where their different perspectives overlap and diverge. How do Andy, Wes, Troy, and Steve answer the question, “Can you lose your salvation?” Tune in to part 2 of this two-part episode to find out.
Apostasy. That’s a relatively unfamiliar word for most people. Yet, the concept is a familiar one to most Christians, particularly Protestants. Once saved, can you lose your salvation? Not only does this question touch on many points of Christian doctrine, it’s also one that is deeply emotional for many Christians. Much theological and philosophical ink has been spilled over this issue and many heated debates have been had. Andy, Wes, Troy, and Steve sat down to hash out their own disagreements in this two-part episode.
Often, what we think is a matter of common sense turns out to be false. All of us probably hold to ideas that we would begin with “Everyone knows…” that are just not true. This week’s edition of the AC Podcast features Wes and Steve talking about some things we might believe about Christianity that are either completely wrong or greatly exaggerated.
The fight for the environment is taking on greater and greater priority for many government agencies. But can we go too far in protecting the environment? Now, farmers are saying it’s led to irrational measures. Join Andy, Steve and Troy as they discuss the implications of extreme environmentalism and what the Christian worldview has to say about the role of humanity in it all.
Inspiration of Scripture — the idea that God breathed out Scripture through human authors — is something Evangelical Christians would be happy to affirm. It speaks both to its source and authority. And yet, our defense of it rarely goes beyond the mere citation of 2 Timothy 3:16. The AC team came together on this week’s edition of the AC Podcast to talk about the inspiration of Scripture more intentionally by taking questions from a young adult.
It used to be that death was not an acceptable outcome of a medical procedure. Well, no more. The legal and social development in Canada in the last several years has opened the door to assisted suicide and euthanasia. When death is an acceptable outcome of a medical procedure, how does it impact both medical professionals and those who are on the receiving end of the needle? Andy and Steve invited Larry Worthen, the Executive Director for the Christian Medical and Dental Association in Canada, to discuss the legal and social aspect of this discussion.
Deception, an aspect of the Fall of Man, receives comparatively little attention, yet it has the potential to exercise one of the most far-reaching influences in our lives from social media posts to adverts on TV to financial investments, even to our relationships, down to what we believe about reality, the world, life, death, and God! Join Andy Steiger as he sits down with Author Lee N. Emerson to discuss his book "Deception!" and hat the Bible has to say about the subject in relation to our culture past and present.
"A house divided against itself, cannot stand." This has become the reality for the LGBTQ+ community as of late. So much so, that even leading activists are hesitant to comment on how dire of a situation they find themselves. It goes without saying that the logical disagreements on gender identity speak to the much deeper issues of our human identity. Join Andy, Troy and Wes as they discuss the logical implications this debate is having on our increasingly polarized world.
Recently, Andy returned from a trip to Romania. From the World Congress, to local churches, and even to a radio station, he had some wonderful opportunities to speak in various settings. Even as he was enjoying the company of an amazing people and appetizing food, Andy came back with many thoughts about the global Church. Join us for this week’s edition of AC Podcast as he shares his thoughts with the rest of the podcast team.
This is a special week for Apologetics Canada. The AC Podcast celebrates its 400th episode! From its humble beginning as “something to try out” to being a major part of AC’s ministry, the podcast has undergone many changes over the years. Join the AC team as they share why they do this podcast and the very human process behind it all.
Do women and children have inherent human dignity? Almost all of us would readily say, “Yes, of course!” In fact, it would seem almost weird in our culture to even raise that question because the answer seems so obvious. Yet, it hasn’t always been this way, and, often human dignity was allotted selectively. Join Wes, Troy, and Steve on this week’s episode of AC Podcast, as they discuss universal human dignity, its justification, and what Roman brothels have to do with it.
“They judge you, they judge Christ, Godspeed to women’s rights.” Coming off the back of the overturning of the Roe V. Wade decision, Recording Artist and Pop Culture mogul Kendrick Lamar recites this polarizing message at the Glastonbury festival in England. If his mantra wasn’t enough, Kendrick, already dawning a crown of thorns, would then drip prop blood imitating Christ. Join Troy, Steve and Wes as they discuss Symbology in the arts and the importance of a gentle response in light of a sacrilegious displays in modern culture.
Conscience is a hot topic these days. Many people — especially certain medical professionals — are feeling the pressure of rapidly changing cultural values. What is conscience? Why is it important to allow room for people to act according to their conscience? Andy, Steve, Troy, and Wes sat down together to discuss these questions and more as Andy prepares for a big trip ahead.
There has often been a tendency to be rather comparative when it comes to sharing testimonies. While Christian culture often lends its attention to the most tragic of stories, it doesn't share it's scars. Apologetics Canada is honored to have many talented speakers join our AC Adjunct Speaker team and on this weeks podcast Troy and Steve sit down with none other than Alanzo Paul. Tune into this week's episode as we introduce Alanzo to the AC Podcast audience. Hear about how God radically changed Alanzo's life and what he's doing with the grace he's been given.
5 weeks, 4 members,17,598 feet,1 epic trip. The Steiger family is officially back from their trip from Nepal. They set out to share a "coming of age" adventure with their children as the hiked to Mount Everest Base Camp, with the hopes of bring back some incredible memories. Listen as Andy and Nancy reflect on some of the aspects of parenting that they couldn't have anticipated learning, but will forever be reflecting on in what is Part 2 of the recap of their families journey to Nepal.
Is America turning more pro-life? The majority opinion draft of the ruling on Roe v Wade shows that SCOTUS is set to overturn this infamous 1973 ruling that legalized abortion across all 50 states. The impact of this upcoming decision can be felt across the border in the Great White North. There was a short but intense period of Canadian media being abuzz with the talk of abortion. Why is this such a big deal? Steve and Wes invited Tabitha Ewert of We Need a Law to chat about the significance of this very sensitive cultural nerve point.
5 weeks, 4 members,17,598 feet,1 epic trip. The Steiger family is officially back from their trip from Nepal. They set out to share a "coming of age" adventure with their children as the hiked to Mount Everest Base Camp, with the hopes of bring back some incredible memories. Well, they did just that. Tested by the elements and conditions, the family of AC's founders would find themselves being bonded together in some tense and unsavoury moments, while simultaneously being put in awe of God's provision. Tune into this week's episode to hear Part 1 of a family trip worthy of documentary.
What are some words you would use to label yourself? An Arminian Japanese engineer? A likeable Sudanese Sufi Muslim? There are a myriad of ways to identify and describe ourselves. Why do we use labels? Are there any pros and cons we should consider? Are there good ways and bad ways to use them? How do we go about the use of labels in a church context? Troy, Wes, and Steve are back this week to discuss these questions and more on this week’s episode of the AC Podcast.
The Bible is a big library of books. Naturally, people take certain memorable passages or verses for easy access. “For I know the plans I have for you…” or “I can do all things through Christ…” Some of these verses may even have a place in your cupboard, etched onto your favourite mug. Have you taken the time to look at these verses more closely for a deeper understanding? Steve, Troy and Wes sat down together to attempt just that on this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
It's the Mother's Day takeover! For the first time AC hosts got the opportunity to hand the reins of the AC Podcast over to the incredible women in their lives. It goes without saying that much of what is done at AC wouldn't be possible without the support, wisdom and insight of these incredible ladies. Tune in and listen to Jasmine (wife of Troy), Shareena (wife of Steve) and Melissa (wife of Wes) as they discuss motherhood, marriage and ministry on this AC Podcast special.
It's no secret that the Christian Music industry has grown to heights and levels that rival the modern industry. Yet, it has to be said that their are potential dangers that come with celebrity culture finding its footing in the church. Troy sits down with CHVN radio host Mike Thom to chat about the modern music industry and the desire to keep worship as a matter of the heart rather than the paycheque.
Most, if not all, deliberate human activity gets filtered through the lens of some worldview. What has metaphysics got to do with medicine? As it turns out, quite a lot. Questions of medical ethics touch on what it means to be human, what the value of human life is, and a host of other issues of deepest significance. Today, Andy sat down with Raphael Samuel, an anesthesiologist and a Christian apologist, who is also one of Apologetics Canada's adjunct speakers, to discuss the beauty and the brokenness of the human body.
Why should I care about the environment?” Asked this question, most people would say, “because we need to save the planet for future generations.” Yet, if life has no meaning or purpose, why bother saving the environment for anyone, let alone future generations? We might as well get what we can while we can. If we ought to protect the environment (and we should), we need a worldview that provides a better answer. And what’s Easter got to do with the environment?
The pandemic has seen many Christian events and programs shut down, causing many to rethink their methods of evangelism. One initiative of Youth For Christ Saskatoon, called California Breakaway, has made it their goal to always be willing to explore creative ways to reach today's youth. They've been doing it since 1974 Join Troy as he chats with YFC Saskatoon Director of Calbreak and Communications, Corwin Thiessen as he shares his heart for the youth and why YFC Saskatoon does what they do.
It's no secret to anyone that cancel culture has dug its fingers into society. The truth is, no one is safe from its impact, and that includes the accuser. We have seen many go on somewhat of a crusade in the hopes of bringing "justice" and "accountability" to a person or an organization who has committed an act deemed inexcusable. But what is that foundation of that judgement, how are we to know when we've gone too far? Join the team of Andy, Steve and Troy as they discuss these questions and more.
We have watched from afar as the Russian military have continued to invade Ukraine for the last month. It can be difficult to know what's actually going on and how to respond. In part 2 of "Invaded" Andy sits down with 3 Ukrainian believers whose families are still caught in the war. A brother, a sister and friend give us an update on Ukraine, their families and how the church can get involved.
Crossings: A Journey to Easter is an all-outdoor art exhibition featuring 16 art pieces depicting the scriptural stations of the cross. Set at sites throughout downtown and midtown Toronto, Crossings draws upon the centuries-old Christian spiritual practice of walking and praying the path that Jesus took on his way to the cross. In this exhibit, the Stations are captured through sacred art pieces expressing the dramatic moments of Jesus’ final hours. Wes and Troy sit down with John Franklin the exhibits organizer and Toronto founder from Imago arts to hear his heart behind the event during this Easter season.
Are we headed towards a totalitarian dystopia? George Orwell’s work, 1984, has been gaining more attention in recent days. Some think we are getting dangerously close to Orwell’s dystopia. Others think this is an overreaction. In preparation for the upcoming AC Literary Expedition, Steve and Wes invited Dr. Scott Masson on this week’s edition of the AC Podcast to discuss how Orwell’s insights apply to us today.
How do we love well, when we disagree? Can we honour people while maintaining difference of opinion? Join Troy and Miss MacKenzie in the classroom of Regent Christian Academy to hear from some bright Grade 3 students explore these questions and more.
We have watched from afar as the Russian military invaded Ukraine. It can be difficult to know what's actually going on and how to respond. On this episode of the AC podcast we invited two Ukrainian friends, with family caught in the fighting, to provide a much needed Christian perspective.
I’m sure you’ve heard of deconstruction but what about decolonization? Regardless of your opinion, these concepts are becoming more prevalent within the Christian context. So, let’s talk about it. Join Troy as he interviews Clare Williams of Get Real (UK) as they take a brief look at decolonization and how the church can respond.
In recent years, organizations, businesses and churches have sought to better diversify their teams and leadership. While the thought behind it has been genuine for some, others have fallen to the level of cultural exploitation through the act of Tokenism. This leads many to think that this “diversification" is really nothing more than a PR stunt. As part of AC's recognition of Black History Month, join Troy as he sits down with Grace Rose of Love Quest International for a conversation on how the church can skillfully celebrate and inspire genuine diversity.
The table turned. Stephen Colbert voluntarily sat in the hot seat as he got his guest, Dua Lipa, to interview him instead. She asked a profound question: “How does your faith overlap with your comedy?” The response given by Colbert, a professed Catholic, drew mixed responses. That much one can see from the responses to Tim Keller’s tweet endorsing the manner in which Colbert gave his response. What can we make of Colbert’s response and Keller’s endorsement? Steve and Wes sat down to put in their two cents on this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
It's often said that perception is everything; but what happens when the "powers that be" seemingly misuse their abilities for the sake of hijacking a narrative? Who do we trust? This past month Canada has seen a nationwide convoy of a so-called "fringe minority" lead by many of the nations truckers. Uniting in protest, their actions would see them travel right to the doorstep of Canadian democracy that is the Parliament Building in Ottawa. Join Andy, Wes, Steve and Troy as they share their thoughts on one of the most monumental showings of Canadian solidarity in years.
Intro Music Credits:
"East Bound And Down"
By Dick Feller and Jerry Reed
Sung by Jerry Reed
The last few years have been challenging to everyone. From lockdowns, bills being passed and vaccine mandates. Much of what people thought was freedom of thought and choice have either been outright dismissed or consistently challenged by what appears to be any means necessary. It's gone so far as to even draw a large convoy of truckers to the doorstep of Canadian Parliament. The growing understanding is that a person's Rights of Conscience are being treated as more of a privilege. Join Andy, Wes, Troy and Steve as they sit down and discuss Rights of Conscience.
It's a question asked by many who have either walked away from the Christian faith, or those who have never claimed it. There's no denying that much of what people desire in this life is to live comfortably, have fun and potentially leave a mark after they are gone. When someone claims to be happy, do they mean it? If so, by what scale do they determine as to when they are happy enough? On this episode Andy sits down with new AC Adjunct Speaker, Max Jeganathan of Thinking Faith Asia; as they challenge what people really mean when they say they are happy, and why that's still not enough.
Jesus Buddha? Jesus the Greek-speaking Jew? This week, Wes and Steve seek to put Jesus in his proper historical context. Did Jesus travel to Nepal in his teen years to receive Buddhist teachings, later to bring it back home? Did Jesus speak exclusively in Aramaic? And what do the answers to these questions have to say about God’s character? Find out on this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
It’s well enough known that we live in a hyper-sexualized culture. Sex is taken casually and this has made its way into the church, too. “I’m shocked that so many young Christian men expect sex before marriage,” one listener complains. What’s going on here? Andy, Steve, and Troy sat down this week to kick off year 2022 by reflecting on dating, marriage, and sex.
From across the pond, AC adjunct speaker Andy Bannister (Director at Solas Centre for Public Christianity) joins us digitally from his home in Scotland. Andy and Andy, as they’re known, discuss Bannister’s new book, Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? Are Christianity and Islam the same? Join us for this week's episode of the AC podcast where Bannister brings his British accent and wit to this common question.
This week the AC Podcast heads to the classroom for a Christmas Eve special. With Christmas commonly known for its traditions, one can't ignore the folklore and commercialism that comes with it. But what are the kids saying about it and how much do they know? Join Troy and new AC Adjunct Speaker Rachel Mackenzie, as they chat with her grade 3 class from Regent Christian Academy.
On this week's episode, Andy, Troy, Wes and Steve have a conversation about Christmas. The team looks at how their perspectives on this year may differ from the previous. Hope and Expectation are two common themes that come up. Given the times, there is something to be said about the foreshadowing of the promised son to Abraham, and the prophecy fulfilled by the birth of Jesus that calls us to remain hopeful and expectant. Tune into this week's episode as we discuss the true meaning for Christmas and how it pertains to us as believers throughout the year.
It finally happened. A new iteration of the Conversion Therapy Ban bill has now received Royal Assent and become law. This amends the Criminal Code of Canada to criminalize conversation therapy. Those who are charged and convicted can face up to 5 years of jail time. Steve sat down with André Schutten to discuss the implications of this new law.
Throughout history we have seen a consistent pattern of fear being used as a motivator. From warlords and politicians to the advertisement industry. Regardless of the narrative, a culture driven by fear is contrary to God's ultimate design for us. Through right relationship with him we are able to acknowledge boundaries and parameters that are necessary to our flourishing. This fear that we are called to have is one of reverence and adoration for the God of the universe. When he tells us not to fear, he means it. Join Andy, Troy and Wes as they discuss the current cultural climate that is perpetually projecting fear as a motivator.
Every year leading up to Christmas, protestants and catholics celebrate Advent. Historically it has been met with the lighting of candles with each representing a different theme. Hope, Joy, Peace, Love and Christ. However, few if any truly know of its origins. What's to say that it's not just another "pagan" holiday to be done away with? Join Andy, Troy and Wes as they talk about the history and origins of Advent and its significance in todays culture.
At Facebooks latest launch event, Co-Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveiled Meta. According to their website "The metaverse is the next evolution of social connection." Their company’s vision is to "help bring the metaverse to life," so they are changing their name to reflect their "commitment to the future." This leads to the glaring question, what does that mean for real world implications and consequences of an alternate reality? As people who were designed for bodily community, how does the believer navigate the potential future of social interaction? For the first time, join the entire team of Andy, Steve, Troy and Wes as they discuss the METAverse.
On Friday November 5th, Rapper Travis Scott took the stage at his annual festival Astroworld. The festival was put on by Scotts label, "Cactus Jack" in partnership with renowned Live Entertainment company, Live Nation. Due to what many are calling negligence at the highest level, mixed with Travis' historical incitement of unstructured moshing or "raging", the festival scenes lead to the death of 9 guests and over 100 injured. In addition to lives lost, Travis Scott, Live Nation and others are facing numerous lawsuits and potential criminal charges. This tragedy has lead to many questioning whether or not this was preventable or if it was a ticking time bomb. As well as who does the blame fall to in a multi layered laps in organization. Listen to this weeks episode as our hosts Steve Kim and Troy Lydiate discuss the importance of accountability, leadership and integrity in lieu of these traumatic events.
What does investment banking have to do with Jesus? As odd a question as this might seem, how we answer this question has a close connection to our understanding of vocation and ministry. Does Jesus come to work with you? Does he have anything to say about your profession? Join us on this week’s edition of the AC Podcast as Andy sits down for a conversation with Garth Jestley, an accomplished business leader and author of More than Your Business Card.
Everyone knows that the Medieval era was a time of scientific stagnation brought on by the Church deliberately suppressing any knowledge outside of divine revelation. But is this true? Dr. Seb Falk, a historian of science at the University of Cambridge, has recently written a book entitled The Light Ages to address the gap between what scholars know of this period and what an average person on the street thinks of it. Andy and Steve sat down with him across the pond to hear his thoughts on a period that is too often misunderstood.
Most of us don’t think about death all that much, at least until we experience it near us. And yet, when we examine our behaviour, we will find that almost everything we do is driven by our fear of death at some level. How does the gospel change the framework on this? Andy and Steve invited a friend and teacher, Dr. Clay Jones, to discuss his newest book, Immortal: How the Fear of Death Drives Us and What We Can Do About It.
In 1799, a fascinating discovery was made by one Pierre-François Bouchard. This large and dark chunk of rock, discovered in the Egyptian port city of Rosetta, was the key to reviving a dead language. How might a dead language be revived? And how might that illuminate how to decipher our personhood? Andy, Steve, and Troy came together to discuss the significance of the Rosetta Stone that goes far beyond the deciphering of a dead language in this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
What would happen if all copies of the New Testament were destroyed? Would we still be able to know anything about Jesus of Nazareth from history alone outside what the New Testament tells us? What can a cold-case homicide detective featured in Dateline tell us about such a scenario? In this week’s edition of the AC Podcast, Andy reunites virtually with a good friend, J. Warner Wallace, to discuss his new book, Person of Interest. In it, Jim shares how he employs a unique investigative strategy to solve murder cases that have no body or crime scene, and how we can use the same strategy to discover truths about Jesus.
Last week, we heard from Jennifer what her journey was like being in New Age spirituality. We continue that conversation this week as we hear more about the aftermath of that lifestyle. How did she come to be rescued by Jesus? What happens to a woman who was brainwashed for 20 years? How does one heal from something like that? Are there spiritual doors that Christians may be opening unwittingly? Hear more from Andy and Jennifer’s conversation on this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
There's a shift occurring in our society today away from naturalism and toward supernaturalism. In a secular society starved for a spiritual perspective in their lives, people are increasingly turning to New Age Spirituality. On this episode of the AC podcast, join Andy as he interviews Jennifer about her cautionary tale. In an attempt to find a higher power to help her, Jennifer became trapped in New Age Spirituality for over 20 years. It wasn't until she met Jesus, a higher power who did help her, that she was set free.
Behind the weekly podcast and other more visible work of ministry, Apologetics Canada has been undergoing some big and exciting changes in the background as of late. One such change is the growing ministry family. This week, Andy and Troy sat down with Jane, one of our newest team members, to hear her testimony of how evil has actually led to God, and also to hear her heart for evangelism and prayer.
“Is math racist?” Even the question itself seems absurd, and yet it is being asked. What might be lying behind this question? What is the value of IQ tests, and how does it relate to the value of us as human beings? Andy, Steve, and Wesley came together to ponder these questions on this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
Earlier this month, the nation of Afghanistan saw the resurgence of Taliban extremists walk across the country and ultimately assume full control. This recent overthrow of power comes directly off the back of US President Joe Biden’s decision to remove the American troops. With scenes of desperation sweeping across social media, there was a rare solidarity amongst news outlets declaring this a moment of serious concern. Join Troy and Wes as they chat about the history of the Afghan conflict and how the church can and should respond during such times.
No other book has been more influential globally than the Bible. This all-time bestseller is studied widely and deeply by many scholars. But what about average people outside of the ivory tower? How should we approach and study the Bible? What is its structure? What are the kinds of questions we should raise as we read it? Andy sat down with Kendra Gerbrandt, the Director of Discipleship at Christ City Church (Vancouver, BC), to discuss how to read and study the Bible in part 2 of this episode.
The Norse god of mischief gets a spotlight with the new Disney+ series featuring Loki. This new show gives its viewers - particularly philosophically and theologically inclined ones - plenty to think and talk about. From questions of identity to questions of time and free will, Andy, Steve, and Troy had a field day watching the show. This trio is back on this week’s edition of the AC Podcast to wag their philosophical and theological chins.
This round of the Summer Olympics is kicking off in Tokyo one year late and accompanied by many controversies. The fear of COVID surrounds this global event, particularly as the Delta variant continues to be a concern. Because of this, what was supposed to be a big economic booster is now costing Japan billions of dollars. And this is not all. This year, Japan has to grapple with the complexities that come with allowing transgender athletes. By the way, did you know that Wesley is a track & field buff? Tune in to this week’s edition of the AC Podcast to find out.
Many Progressive Christians, over time, come to abandon views that are distinctively Christian. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence for this, from an atheist Christian minister in Toronto to a former Evangelical pastor who holds to views that look more like panentheism than monotheism. Those in conservative Christian circles have long been warning the church about this “progress” out of Christianity. If there are “progressive” people in Christendom, what about our secular counterparts? Are there secular people who are progressing out of secularism and into Christianity? A number of recent articles have picked up on intellectual atheists who are calling for people to hold on to Christianity, attend church, and have the gospel preached. Andy, Steve, and Troy came together to discuss this fascinating trend.
What comes to mind when you think of the words “angels” and “demons”? Perhaps a beautiful woman in a white robe with feathered wings with a halo over her head? Or a horned red man with a pointy tail? Did a third of the angels follow Satan and rebel against God, only to be cast out of heaven to become demons? While these may be familiar stories and images to you, they are not all that biblical. Today, Steve and Wes are joined by biblical scholar, Dr. Michael Heiser, to get a more biblical picture of the unseen realm.
Who am I? We all seek to answer this question at one point or another. One way we do this is by taking personality tests. From Myers-Briggs to Enneagram, we want to know what makes us tick and why others are the way they are. But can we be reduced down to four letters or a single number? What are the pros and cons of personality tests? Join Andy, Steve, and Troy as they process these questions on this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.
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