Welcome to Mailbag Monday… Thursday edition. Todays’s question is too good to wait until Monday. It’s a big one: Was anyone really, truly born to be a salesperson? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale explore how to implement ASP training with the non-sales people on your team.
How do you and your team define “sales?
Do you think it’s a dirty word and shy away from using it?
In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan work through how to reframe the definition of the sales role in your company. You’ll learn how to help non-sales people on your team handle rejections and resistance. You’ll pick up a few good tips about how to create a system that works, regardless of your title and place on the team. Whether you’re a sales person or in ops/customer service/marketing/field technician, you can successfully utilize the principles from The Advanced Selling Podcast every day.
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