Averroes adopted a legal-centric epistemological framework in order to prove #Philosophy as #Islamic. The main focus was to demonstrate to what extent philosophy was Islamic using Averroes’ systematised framework from his legal treatise, Kitāb faṣl al-maqāl as a rebuttal to Muslim jurists who considered philosophy as anti-Islamic. Using Averroes’ legal treatise, Sayyid Wajee showed how Averroes employs the legal methodology and the principles adopted by Muslim jurists against them, highlighting the compatibility between philosophy and Islam. Moreover, Averroes’ grounds his assertions of philosophy as an Islamic endeavour by combining the technical jargon of the jurists with Qurʾānic passages as a way of conclusively affirming the concept of ‘Islamic philosophy’.
The presentation highlighted the negative attitude towards philosophy in the 12th century and this attitude persisting in the 21st century in certain Islamic institutions. Sayyid Wajee emphasised on #Averroes premise that the study of law which is widely accepted by Muslim thinkers as an Islamic enterprise according to the jurists themselves, the same sentiment should be afforded to Muslim philosophers