Mushegh Asatryan is Associate Professor of Arabic and Muslim Cultures and Director of the Language Research Centre at the University of Calgary (Canada). His research interests include the history of Islamic sectarianism, interreligious debate in the Abbasid empire, esoteric movements in Shiʿism, and Late Antique trends in Islamic thought. His works include Controversies in Formative Shiʿi Islam, the forthcoming study and critical edition of Manhaj al-ʿIlm wa l-Bayān by the Nuṣayrī author ʿIṣmat al-Dawla (co-authored with David Hollenberg), and the forthcoming article “The Emergence of Sunnism: When did the Sunnis Become a Sect?” He is currently working on a book on the culture of debate (munāẓara) in the ʿAbbāsid empire.