At the core of Shaykh Abdul Hadi Al-Omri's presentation regarding the fundamental articles were the belief in one God (tawḥīd) and prophethood of Muhammad (SAW) (nubuwwa).
This is rooted in a lengthy narration in which the Prophet is asked what islām and īmān are, to which he replies Islam is;
a) belief in one God
b) belief in the prophethood of Muhammad
c) establishing prayers
d) paying the zakat
e) fasting in Ramadhan and
f) carrying out the Hajj
whilst Iman is;
a) belief in Allah
b) his angels
c) his messengers
d) books
e) day of judgement
f) predestination.
Building on this as his framework and considering Islam and Iman as being synonymous, he cited several verses to establish belief in all the above as being fundamental in being considered a Muslim.