Welcome Jeff Geerling of the Jeff Geerling YouTube Channel!
- Jeff sounds so calm one his videos because he records after the kids are in bed
- He started working with dad at the radio station when there was a transition in radio to digital / online. Jeff had an early job as a technology explainer while making manuals at the station.
- Jeff still makes videos with his Dad on the Geerling engineering channel
- Ham radio vs broadcast
- 1 Million Watts on the Supertower
- Calling the FCC
- CamOX facility
- Keeping people interested during videos
- Mars 400
- RPi clusters
- It’s a good exercise because it helps those building it understanding the limitation of spreading across computers
- Drupal website on cluster
- “The constraint gives me the story”
- A good starter project? Maybe the project pi cluster
- /r/homelab
- NAS, monitoring, VPN, pidramble
- Home Assistant
- ESPhome
- yaml files: better than xml, JSON is better
- Devices should only be added to the house if they are: Local, additive, private
- X10
- Smart stuff in the house
- Interested in the embedded side
- Jeff became Chris’s de facto Pi5 analyst
- RP1 episode
- PCIexpress
- Jeff discusses RISC V