Welcome back, CNLohr!
- Started in January 2024 with discussions with mustardtiger / Frank
- Charles had done Wifi long range before
- Also FM from ATTINY85
- Ethernet + AM
- Radio signals without radios
- Harmonics
- LolRa
- Upchirps / downchirps
- 903.825 – 903.975 mhz
- Michael Ossmann talk
- LoRa doesn’t do code matching
- JP Norair talking about LoRaWAN / DASH7
- Tool / emulator for the airwaves
- 3 lines of the repo
- Tool to create tables
- There are two 2 lookup tables (up and downchirps)
- Table is different for differnet spreading factors and base frequencies
- Andreas Spiess LoRa/LoRaWAN distance attempts
- Spreading Factor — can’t past SF10 on this setup for unknown reason
- AirSpy
- Matt Knight
- LoRaWAN — protocol vs network
- The Things Network / Helium
- Activation by personalization
- Nesting dolls of encryption
- New parts CH32V002 (also, -005, -006. -007)
- Charles is excited about the op amp on the CH32V006 that has 64 MHz GBW
- CH32V203 – 144 MHz – $0.24, has usb xcvr
- CH32X035 is self clocking – best low cost option for USB
- All are supported in library now
- Community – CNLohr discord
- Porting examples for the parts using the technical reference manual
- MNIST database – handwriting recognition system
- Announcement post on CNX about the new parts
- It’s possible to hook up parts directly through the 1 pin SWIO, so you can hot-load firmware
- Writing code onto a “scratch pad”
- Want to see more CNLohr experiements online?
- Youtube.com/cnlohr
- discord: cnlohr reach out for invite
- Github