Car dealers know that being pro-sustainability is good for business, but increasing sustainability efforts in the showroom doesn't have to be just about what powertrain you're selling. Instead of pushing EV sales, some dealers have found success with their sustainable-conscious clientele by promising to offset the carbon emissions offset by the vehicle being sold – no matter what energy source the vehicle uses to move.
"Our partners in automotive do the drive carbon neutral program. So essentially, what we're looking to do is obviously offset carbon emissions, and that's by planting 75 trees per vehicle that they sell, or for enrollment that they get in the program," says Matt Kallstrom, founder and CEO of the Carbon Offset Company. "Why 75 trees? When you take the averages of how far someone drives in a year, how many years someone owns their vehicle, and the average miles per gallon that a vehicle has, that completely offsets the entire ownership of the vehicle. So in a sense, it's like the dealer's cars aren't even hitting the road from an emission standpoint."
On this episode of The Amped EV Podcast, Kallstrom explains how carbon offsetting works, why he believes car dealers are the perfect partners to help plant trees and how his mission connects with EV drivers.
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