We are back from summer break with a new discipline at our studio, ethnobotany! Click play to hear about the work of ethnobotanist Cassandra Quave, a.k.a. The Plant Hunter, in her quest to find new antibiotics, anti-infectives, and biofilm inhibitors in plants used in traditional medicines around the world. We learn with her about the vast chemical world still yet to be studied, and how a horizontal lab works with its collaborators.
In the news section, we bring you two recent research articles looking into the effects of antibiotics in two different ways: how broad-spectrum antibiotics use can influence the growth of carbapenem-resistant enterobacteria, and how the presence of sub-MIC antibiotics changes the structure and diversity of river biofilms. Enjoy!
Check relevant links in the show notes at http://www.uac.uu.se/the-amr-studio/episode51. Follow our updates on Twitter/X at http://www.twitter.com/uac_uu with the #theAMRstudio hashtag! Theme music by Henrik Niss: http://www.tinyurl.com/henriknissspotify.