Happy World Antimicrobial Awareness Week! For this year's campaign theme “Spread Awareness, Stop Resistance” we thought to tackle the concept of “awareness” from a different angle. We believe that awareness of the work of others within the AMR community is also important, and that sharing the understanding, viewpoints, and perspectives of AMR professionals can have a great impact on the work that we all do. In this first episode of two, we sat down to talk to five researchers at the Uppsala Antibiotic Center that are working on different parts of the science needed to bring new treatments to the market. Stay tuned for the second episode coming later!
Check out the show notes at www.uac.uu.se/the-amr-studio/episodex8/. Follow our updates on twitter on www.twitter.com/uac_uu with #theAMRstudio hashtag! Theme music by Henrik Niss: www.tinyurl.com/henriknissspotify.