Episode 3 This show could also be titled: Bill Raves about Battletech! We're going to give the briefest of overviews on how to get into Alpha Strike, the best of the big stompy robot games (IMHO). We'll introduce the lore, why the game is so great and where to get stuff. We'll talk a little on the major factions in the game, even though they are not as restrictive as in some game systems. And we'll provide you some links and tools to get you going into this massive world of intrigue, explosions and awesome game play! Catalyst Game Labs -
https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/collections/battletech Master Unit List -
http://www.masterunitlist.info/ Sarna -
https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Main_Page Reactor Ops -
https://www.reactorops.com/search/ Aries Games and Hobbies -
https://ariesgamesandminis.com/ Iron Wind Metals -
https://www.ironwindmetals.com/index.php Tex Talks Battletech -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bDW5CBnnyo&list=PLR5zhFCFVb9U1miiHC9QQ1v48YAgD0MOu&ab_channel=TheBlackPantsLegion MegaMek HQ -
https://megamek.org/ WolfNet Radio -
https://wolfsdragoons.com/ Contact us! Our Discord -
https://discord.gg/TCuEBrXNmd Patreon Page for the Podcast -
www.patreon.com/rollingbadpodcast Facebook -
https://www.facebook.com/RollingBadPodcast/ Rolling Bad podcast Feed site -
http://rollingbad.libsyn.com/ Twitter - @rolling_bad Our E-Mail -
[email protected] Our Instagram Page: therollingbadpodcast The Hosts and their Social Media Links; Bill Twitter: @billcastello IG: PhantomPhixer42 Facebook: Bill Castello Josh IG: @hereticmodel Twitter: @anoyoe Facebook: Joshua Alt Discord: Guts#4698 Links that we like! Guerilla Miniature Gaming -
https://www.youtube.com/@GuerrillaMiniatureGames Squad Sprayer from Etsy -
https://www.etsy.com/shop/SquadSprayer Para Bellum Website -
https://www.para-bellum.com/ We are the NEON -
wearetheneon.com Tabletop Campaign Repository -
tcrepo.com AoS Coach -
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQMNLM_JuDNLbvGG0ZUA8ow 2+ Tough -
https://www.youtube.com/@2Tough Cubic Shenanigans -
https://cubicshenanigans.net/ Sonic Sledgehammer on YouTube -
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG0ZCl2VfG9PcCJyucWJR3w Bill’s YouTube Channel -