Our guests today are Intercept writer and author Natasha Lennard, and Libby and Sam from the Richard Hunsinger Defense Committee provide an update on the arrestees in Atlanta around the Stop Cop City Movement, the history of terrorism charges mobilized against the left since the Green Scare, how Dick beat the terror charges, and security culture in general.
SUPPORT JESSICA REZNICEK http://supportjessicareznicek.com/
Crimethinc: What Is Security Culture? https://crimethinc.com/2004/11/01/what-is-security-culture
Donate to Atlanta Solidarity Fund: https://atlsolidarity.org
Natasha on Cop City arrests: https://theintercept.com/2023/03/08/atlanta-cop-city-protesters/
Natasha on Jessica Reznicek: https://theintercept.com/2022/06/08/dakota-pipeline-protester-jessica-reznicek-terrorism/
Richard Hunsinger Defense Committee's reflections and lessons: https://atlpresscollective.com/2023/03/06/we-got-us-a-case-study-and-reflections-on-supporting-an-arrestee-from-the-2020-uprisings/
Titled scales collective guide on being a defendant: https://tiltedscalescollective.org/wp-content/uploads/atiltedguide-web-1.pdf
Support the Antifada at Patreon.com/TheAntifada
Song: Pop Smoke ft. Young Thug & Gunna - Paranoia