In this episode we discuss Jesus’ “illustration” of the shepherd and the gate from John 10:1-18. Jesus speaks these words in response to the negative reaction by the religious leaders to the healing of blind man (9:40). Akin to the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus invokes Israel’s prophetic indictment of self-serving leadership. As the “good shepherd,” Jesus asserts his messianic role as the eschatological Davidic shepherd (Eze 34; Ps Sol 17).
Show notes
- The Gospel of John and the Memra tradition - Genesis 15; Jeremiah 1; Psalm 119; Psalm 33:6; Proverbs 8 (3:53)
- Parables/illustrations in John (14:34)
- The apocalyptic context of John 10:1-18 (18:40)
- Shepherd/sheep in Jewish literature - Jeremiah 50:6-7; Psalms of Solomon 17:21; 39-42; Ezekiel 34:4, 23 (25:00)
- “Thieves and bandits” (28:10)
- “Abundant life” and the resurrection - John 5:28-29; 6:40, 54; 10:28; 11:25; 20:31 (34:09)
- One flock, one shepherd, and the regathering of the lost tribes - Ezekiel 37:15-28; Testament of Joseph 19; 1 Enoch 89:72; 4 Ezra 13:39-50 (37:57)
- Wrapping up (47:30)