On today’s episode Chris and Rachel discuss a recent visit to the historical monuments in Philadelphia, PA and Gettysburg. In the last segment they talk about the recent discovery of a grind stone in Orkney, Scotland and what it means for our understanding of the Neolithic in that area.
- Archaeological Investigation of the Carriage House, Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Archaeological Investigations at the Tower Stairhall, Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Archaeological Monitoring of A Structural Engineering Study of the Retaining Walls at Independence Square
- Archaeological Report on the Investigation of a Brick Vault Catchment "Cistern Number 2," Beneath the Cement Floor Basement of Old City Hall
- Archaeological Survey Report, Area F, Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Dock Creek Archaeology Archaeological Project 13 Recommendations
- Neolithic grind stone ploughed up in Orkney