In episode 207 astrologers Kelly Surtees, Austin Coppock, and Chris Brennan present the astrological forecast for June of 2019.
June features some of the most dynamic and tricky configurations of the year, with Mercury and Mars conjoining in Cancer, and opposing Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.
We spend the first hour of the show recapping our experiences at the Northwest Astrological Conference, which we all just returned from the day before recording this episode.
Check the hashtag #NORWAC2019 for some good posts and coverage from the conference on Twitter.
Eventually we transition into talking about the forecast about 1 hour and 9 minutes into the recording.
Later in the episode we also present two auspicious electional charts for starting different types of ventures and undertakings this month, starting around 1 hour and 50 minutes into the recording.
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This episode is available in both audio and video versions below.
News and Announcements
Just a few pieces of news and announcements this month:
Kelly is launching an Introduction to Traditional Astrology class.
Chris is giving a workshop for the Romanian Astrologers Association on June 8, 2019.
Chris will be speaking at the annual conference of the Astrological Association of Great Britain, which is happening June 13 - 16, 2019 in Wyboston Lakes, Near Cambridge, UK.
The National Council of Geocosmic Research is hosting a major astrology conference in Baltimore, Maryland from August 30 - September 3, 2019.
The three of us are thinking about doing a workshop of some sort in December, and are trying to gauge interest.
The Astrology of June
Here are some of the highlights of June:
New Moon in Gemini June 3
Mercury intro Cancer June 4
Venus in Gemini June 8
Mars conjunct North Node in Cancer June 12
Mars opposite Saturn June 14
Jupiter square Neptune June 16
Full Moon in Sag June 17
Saturn sextile Neptune June 18
Mars opposite Pluto June 19
Neptune stations retrograde June 21
Sun into Cancer June 21
Mercury into Leo June 26
Auspicious Electional Charts for June
The auspicious election this month that was chosen by Leisa Schaim is set for:
June 1 at 4:31 AM with Taurus rising
June 7 at 7:18 PM with Sagittarius rising
There are a four more electional charts that we found for June, which are available in our private subscriber-only podcast on auspicious elections that was released yesterday.
00:00 - 01:09 - The first hour focuses on our recap of NORWAC 2019.
01:09 - 02:23 - The second hour focuses on the forecast for June.
01:50 - 01:55 - Electional charts for June discussed briefly just before two hours in.
Watch the Video Version of Our June Astrology Forecast
Here is the video version of our June astrology forecast episode:
Listen to the Audio Version of Our June Forecast
You can either play this episode of the podcast directly from the website or download it as an MP3 to your computer by using the buttons below: