The Kousins welcome Steve from Podder Than Hell Podcast, who also is co-host with Roadie Ray on the I Remember Now - The Queensryche Podcast, to talk about Ray, Kousin Marvin, and Kousin Gary seeing Geoff Tate live in late September. Steve talks Queensryche with the best of them, so it was great to have him with the Kousins. It was fun having Steve on!
All five gave their "Now Listenings," and all, except for Kousin Tim, talked about the show, the setlist, the highlights, things they'd change, and more.
Calls from Eugene B. Sims, Jem From Alabama, and Nick Provenzano.
What are your favorite Queensryche tunes?
Let us know by calling the TLDNetwork (KUZZ Army) hotline and leaving a message for the Kousins at 336-422-NUMB (6862).
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This podcast was recorded in the Omniverus Studios at Liberty Plaza and recorded via Zoom, sponsored by Top Leaf Cigar Lounge.