After an unexpected week off where we thought we'd be without Roadie Ray for an episode, the whole gang was together to finish out the "Lust" songs, this time the creepiest, cringiest, most questionable, beautifully written songs in the KISS Katalog.
And it happens to be our favorite Demon's birthday tomorrow. So, the list is fitting, we think.
Jim From Alabama and Nick Provenzano both call in.
The Kousins gave their "Now Listenings."
What is the creeperest song in the KISS Katalog to you?
Let us know by calling the TLDNetwork (KUZZ Army) hotline and leaving a message for the Kousins at 336-422-NUMB (6862).
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This podcast was recorded in the Omniverus Studios at Liberty Plaza and recorded via Zoom, sponsored by Top Leaf Cigar Lounge.